Navigating the Storm: Faith in a World of Change
Joseph presents an American Psychological Association study revealing widespread public stress over US politics, healthcare, violence, and the environment. Rodney Muhammad connects these anxieties to spiritual and societal issues, emphasizing faith in God’s plan amidst challenging times. He discusses the importance of faith, action, and community, particularly within the Nation of Islam. Both speakers cite the teachings of Elijah and Louis Farrakhan, urging listeners to strengthen their faith and actively participate in positive change. The overall message is one of spiritual resilience and community action in a turbulent world.
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Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad discusses several topics, including the distress of people in America, and the importance of prayer…. He notes that insurance companies are not paying out to clients and that people are angry and confused. He also discusses a poll by the American Psychological Association (APA), that found the top stressors for people in the U.S. are:
- U.S. politics (%)
- Health care (%)…
- Violence and crime (%)
- The environment (%)
- Global tension (%)
- Gun laws and regulations (%)
- Housing, mass shootings, and the spread of fake news (% average)
Joseph Muhammad emphasizes that people need to have a plan and strategize before leaving their homes, as there are dangers lurking. He also states that events happen either by Allah’s active or permissive will, and that believers need to constantly pray. He concludes by reading words from the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan about getting rid of fear and guilt.
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad speaks about various topics, including the importance of faith, the state of the world, and the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan…. He states that the weather is not just something that happens, but that God has a hand in it…. He mentions that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught that Allah can use the forces of nature, including insects, to drive man to distraction.
Rodney Muhammad also speaks about the breaking up of families, stating that it is not an accident but by design. He emphasizes that people should not be out of love with themselves, and that social engineering is a factor. He also teaches that faith is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen…. According to Rodney Muhammad, faith is an expectation, and should be supported by actions….
Rodney Muhammad also explains that a new world based on truth, freedom, justice, and equality is coming. This world will be governed by a government of peace headed by God and his Christ…. He also discusses the importance of understanding the time and reading the signs….
Other key topics discussed by Student Minister Rodney Muhammad include:
- The importance of having a proper view of the man of God, which expands one’s range of vision
- The concept of the Great Mahdi, who is self-guided and comes to guide humanity back to the straight path of God…
- The importance of re-educating and retraining all of humanity, and that the real mission starts with Black people…
- That Satan’s final weapon is religion, and his last trick is his woman…
- The necessity of acting on what one believes, because faith without works is dead…
- The importance of understanding that all blessings come from God, not one’s employer or business contracts
- That the Koran is a guide for those who keep their duty
- That the new world will be populated by those who are careful how they think, act, and eat…
- That believers should use a special link to contribute to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan’s work for Saviors’ Day…
Overall, both speakers emphasize the importance of faith, prayer, and following the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan to navigate the challenges of the current times.
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Study Guide: Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
- Current State of Affairs
Question: What is the state of insurance companies according to Joseph Muhammad?
Answer: Insurance companies are not taking on new clients, and they are holding up payments to existing clients.
Question: What is the general emotional state of people due to this situation?
Answer: People are experiencing derision, confusion, and anger.
Question: According to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, what comes from dissatisfaction?
Answer: Change comes from dissatisfaction.
Question: What is happening with the words of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan due to current events?
Answer: The words of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan are becoming more attractive and are entering people’s ears because of what Allah has caused to happen in the country.
- Stressors in America
Question: What organization did Joseph Muhammad mention that deals with stressors?
Answer: The American Psychological Association (APA).
Question: According to the APA poll, what was the number one stressor in the U.S.?
Answer: U.S. politics, with 62% of people polled reporting stress due to the way politics are being run.
Question: What were the second and third highest stressors, according to the poll?
Health care (55%)
Violence and crime (51%)
Question: What other stressors were mentioned in the poll?
The environment (51%)
Global tension (51%)
Gun laws and regulations (49%)
Housing, mass shootings and the spread of fake news (64% average)
Question: When did the poll take place?
Answer: The poll started in November of 2024 and continued into 2025.
III. Daily Life & Beliefs
Question: How do some people, particularly Black people, feel when they leave their homes, according to Joseph Muhammad’s discussion with one of his brothers?
Answer: They feel like they are entering a “bad world” and need to be in “fight mode,” needing a plan before they leave home, as if they are in a “situation room.”
Question: What analogy does Joseph Muhammad use to describe the dangers outside the home?
Answer: He compares it to stepping out of the house into a field with “a claymore or a landmine” waiting to explode.
Question: According to the speaker, what are the two ways things happen in the world? * Answer: Things happen either by Allah’s Active or permissive will.
Question: What does Joseph Muhammad emphasize about prayer in these times?
Answer: Believers need to keep something in their “prayer account” and must learn to pray from moment to moment, not just during the five daily prayers.
Question: What did the Old English Dictionary define stress as? * Answer: A physical or psychological strain or tension caused by difficult life circumstances, or as mental pressure or worry.
- Spiritual Guidance
Question: What does the speaker read from the Holy Koran?
Answer: He reads Sura 105, relating to the story of the elephant and Allah’s intervention.
Question: What does the speaker suggest is meant by the “possessor of the elephant”?
Answer: The meaning will be revealed in the future.
Question: According to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, what fears should be conquered?
Answer: All fears except the fear of God should be conquered.
Question: What should believers do when they discover a “spot or blemish” in themselves?
Answer: They should look at it with joy as though they have found precious gold, as it is a sign that Allah has intervened in their life.
Question: What does the speaker say is one step closer to manifest proof that Allah has intervened in one’s life?
Answer: Every time we find a spot or blemish and apply spot remover.
This study guide is designed to help you review and understand the key points from Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad’s lecture.
Delaware Valley Regional Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Study Guide: Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
- Introduction and Gratitude
Question: To whom does Rodney Muhammad give thanks at the beginning of his lecture?
Answer: He thanks Almighty God, Master Farid Muhammad, and the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan acquaints them with?
Answer: The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan acquaints them with all matters of life and the science of everything in life.
- Weather and Divine Intervention
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about the weather?
Answer: He states that the weather is not just something that happens, but that God has a hand in it.
Question: What examples does he use to support his claim that God has a hand in the weather?
Answer: He mentions scriptures that tell of God intending a storm, Jesus speaking to a storm, and the Quran stating that a strong wind was sent.
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about the planet being on its own?
Answer: He asks, “You telling me the planet is on its own?” implying that it is not.
Question: What does the Honorable Elijah Muhammad say about the forces of nature?
Answer: He said that Allah would use the forces of nature and that he could rise up an army of insects to drive man to distraction.
III. Insects and Education
Question: According to Rodney Muhammad, what happens when insects get an education?
Answer: They fall in love with themselves and know their job.
Question: What does the book of Proverbs say about the ant?
Answer: It says, “Oh, thou sluggard, go unto the ant and consider his ways, and become wise.”
- Social Issues and Design
Question: What other “storm” does Rodney Muhammad see besides the weather?
Answer: The breaking up of families.
Question: What does he say about the high rate of youth incarceration in Philadelphia?
Answer: He says it’s not an accident but by design.
Question: What does he say every creature does when it comes into existence?
Answer: Every creature is made to learn, and in that learning, fall in love with itself.
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about how black people value advice from others?
Answer: They devalue advice from black people while overvaluing advice from white people. He says this is not an accident, but part of social engineering.
Question: According to Rodney Muhammad, who is the father of this world?
Answer: He is a social engineer who sets up conditions for a specific outcome.
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about the cause and effect? * Answer: He says that people are mixed up and look at the effect and call it the cause, but the real cause is often not discussed.
- Faith and Action
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about walking by faith versus sight?
Answer: He says if you walk by sight, you are living in fear, but if you walk by faith, you have been notified of what’s coming.
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about faith in relation to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan?
Answer: He says that if you are in fear today, it is because you have walked away from the notification and the notifier, who is the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.
Question: How does the book of Hebrews define faith?
Answer: Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of a thing not seen.
Question: What story does Rodney Muhammad use to illustrate the nature of faith?
Answer: The story of a town praying for rain, where only a little girl brought an umbrella, showing an expectation.
Question: What does he say about prayer and charity?
Answer: If you don’t give in charity, your prayer is useless.
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about behavior and belief?
Answer: If you don’t believe, your behavior will show that you don’t believe.
Question: What does he say about the worlds being framed by the word of God?
Answer: That things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
Question: Where does Rodney Muhammad say that a new idea comes from?
Answer: He says that it comes from an unseen power that’s working from within.
Question: According to Rodney Muhammad, what is the tragedy of the graveyard?
Answer: It is not the bodies buried there, but the unfulfilled ideas and visions of people who looked at what they were seeing instead of believing in what they could not yet see.
Question: What does he say about pleasing God?
Answer: It is impossible to please God without faith.
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about faith and works?
Answer: He says that faith without works is dead.
Question: What does the Honorable Elijah Muhammad say about belief?
Answer: He said that mere belief accounts for nothing unless it is carried into practice.
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about the work of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan?
Answer: He says that the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan stood up to rebuild the work of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, and that the nation is back and known globally.
- The Coming of a New World
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about the words of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad regarding the nation?
Answer: He says that the words of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad came to pass, that the nation would go down, but would be rebuilt again and would never be destroyed.
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about having a proper view of the man of God?
Answer: It gives you the power of sight and expands your range of vision.
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about the new world?
Answer: He says it will be based on truth, freedom, justice, and equality.
Question: What kind of government will govern this new world?
Answer: A government of peace headed by God himself and his Christ.
VII. Understanding the Time
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about time?
Answer: He says it’s a measurement of intervals.
Question: What three things does he say one learns when they come to the Nation?
Answer: The knowledge of God, the knowledge of self, and the knowledge of the time.
Question: What is happening to the world of evil and mischief?
Answer: It is ending and is not working the way it used to.
Question: What is important about reading signs according to Rodney Muhammad?
Answer: The inability to interpret signs can get somebody killed.
VIII. God’s Justice and the Devil’s Deception
Question: What is happening with evil now?
Answer: The payback for evil is coming faster.
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about the devil?
Answer: The devil promised a promise of truth and failed, having no authority over people except for calling them.
Question: What does the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan say about the unraveling?
Answer: That it’s the unraveling of two great nations, the United States and the Nation of Islam, one of its systems and the other in faith.
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say holds the Nation of Islam together?
Answer: Faith holds the Nation of Islam together.
Question: According to Rodney Muhammad, what is Satan’s final weapon against God and his apostle?
Answer: Religion is his final weapon.
Question: What is Satan’s last trick according to Rodney Muhammad?
Answer: His last trick is his woman.
- The Christ Figure and Truth
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about the Christ figure?
Answer: He says that the Christ figure will be so powerful in his knowledge of the truth that there will be an ending of all divisions.
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about the early followers of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad?
Answer: He says that the early followers had a powerful and compelling truth, and they had to learn the language of Christianity.
Question: Where did the Honorable Elijah Muhammad go to learn about Islam?
Answer: He went to the Library of Congress.
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about the importance of names?
Answer: You can’t make a Negro take a Muslim name without teaching him the value of it.
- Relating to God and the Koran
Question: What formula does Rodney Muhammad say God wants people to use to relate to him, according to the Holy Koran?
“I, Allah, am the best.”
“This book, there is no doubt in it.”
“It is a guide to those who keep their duty.”
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about people trying to find God?
Answer: He says to stop looking in space for God, and to look within yourself.
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about those who keep their duty?
Answer: They believe in the unseen.
Question: According to Rodney Muhammad, what do the 112th sura of the Holy Quran show?
Answer: It shows two Gods, one who begets not and one who is begotten.
Question: What does he say is the equivalent of triple darkness?
Answer: Our current condition.
Question: What does he say about good and evil when in darkness?
Answer: Good and evil look the same.
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about submitting to God?
Answer: He says that everybody is going to submit willingly or unwillingly.
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about praying without ceasing?
Answer: That you should be praying while you walk and think.
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say is one of the things that shows that God is not involved in our lives enough?
Answer: When people only go to God when they get into trouble.
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about God’s nature? * Answer: That God is not confused or double-minded.
Question: What does the Honorable Elijah Muhammad say about God coming himself?
Answer: That God comes himself, walking as a perfect man as a model.
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about spending out of what they have been given?
Answer: He says to understand that your blessings come from God, not from your employer.
Question: What does he say about the afterlife?
Answer: That he will talk about it the following Sunday.
Question: What did the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan say about the citizens of the new world?
Answer: They are going to be careful how they think, how they act, and what they eat.
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about the current descriptions of heaven?
Answer: That the current descriptions of heaven use metallic objects that come from the earth.
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about being lied to about God?
Answer: Once someone lies to you about God, you set up for just about everything.
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about the purification process?
Answer: Failure to go through the purification process means not being able to rid yourself of old habits, and that you can’t put the new wine in old wine skins.
This study guide is designed to help you review and understand the key points from Student Minister Rodney Muhammad’s lecture.