A New World Based on Truth – God’s Intervention
This lecture features three Nation Of Islam Ministers: Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad, Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad, and the keynote speaker Student Regional Minister Rodney Muhammad. Joseph Muhammad emphasizes the importance of staying informed using The Final Call newspaper, as a vital tool to understand world events. He also highlights the mission of the Nation of Islam, which includes informing their people and striving to build a new nation…. He discusses the need for intellectual courage and growth beyond current understandings….
Linda Muhammad focuses on the concept of God’s grace, which is extended through the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan…. She sees the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan as a witness bearer and a messenger…, and encourages viewers to see themselves and their leaders in biblical prophecy.
Rodney Muhammad discusses breaking free from old ways and embracing a new life…. He speaks of God’s intervention in human affairs and the importance of understanding the signs of the times…. He also introduces the idea of a spiritual clinic to destroy the works of Satan. He stresses the importance of believing in the unseen…, and emphasizes that a new world is coming based on truth. He extends an invitation to Islam, speaking of the possibility of transformation within days…. He also highlights that knowledge, wisdom, and understanding are a path to power… and warns about the deceptive nature of false religion. They all suggest that the current times are significant and filled with meaning, while the importance of the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is emphasized. This lecture presents a call to action and transformation for viewers.
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Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Study Guide: Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
I. Introduction and Purpose
Question: What does Joseph Muhammad say the Sunday meeting is like?
Answer: He says it’s a refueling station because they are at war, and it’s a chance to recharge after a difficult week.
Question: How does Joseph Muhammad describe the times they are living in?
Answer: He describes it as a very diverse time, and that they are living through events that were predicted in scripture.
Question: According to Joseph Muhammad, what do they need to have within reach at all times?
Answer: He states that they need to have the Final Call newspaper within their reach.
Question: What does Joseph Muhammad say believers should do with the Final Call?
Answer: He says they should read it, discuss it with family and friends, and keep the information at the forefront of their minds at all times.
II. The Mission
Question: What does Joseph Muhammad say about their mission, and what is its definition?
Answer: He says they have a mission, which is defined as an important official job given to a person or group, especially when they are sent to another country. He says that even though they were born in America, they are not from here.
Question: Whose mission do they share?
Answer: They share the same mission as the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.
Question: According to the book of Ezekiel, what is their mission?
Answer: Their mission, as derived from Ezekiel, is to prophesy against Gog and to inform their people about what’s going on in the world and be aware of the enemy.
Question: According to Joseph Muhammad, how many original Muslims were there when the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was tested?
Answer: There were 17 million original Muslims, and with 2 million Indians, it was 19 million, and now there are approximately 35 to 50 million. He says that this number makes their job vast.
Question: What does Joseph Muhammad say is in the back of the Final Call newspaper?
Answer: He says their mission statement is in the back inside page of the Final Call newspaper, and it outlines what the Muslims want and what they believe.
III. Being a Soldier
Question: What are they being trained to be?
Answer: They are being trained to be a certain kind of soldier, male and female.
Question: What is “the fruit” referring to?
Answer: The fruit, “f.y.i.,” refers to both male and female.
Question: According to Joseph Muhammad, what is the “fruit’s” sole purpose?
Answer: The “fruit’s” sole purpose is to deliver 30 to 40 million or more people to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, through the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.
Question: What qualities should they cultivate to fulfill their mission?
Answer: They should be obedient, militant, humble, tolerant, courteous, honest, and dependable.
Question: What does Joseph Muhammad say militant means?
Answer: He says it means using force or pressure to achieve goals, especially social or political change, and that which is suitable for war.
Question: Does Joseph Muhammad believe that these qualities of obedience, humility and tolerance make them weak?
Answer: No, he uses the book of Habakkuk to show that these qualities do not mean weakness.
IV. Intellectual Development
Question: What does Joseph Muhammad say about intellectual cowardice?
Answer: He says intellectual cowardice is the fear of delving into what has been taught and growing beyond the immature expression of the wisdom of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
Question: What does Joseph Muhammad mean by “baby language”?
Answer: He says it means expressing the wisdom of God in an immature way, or teaching the word in the way it was taught 40 years before.
Question: What does Joseph Muhammad say they should do with allegorical expressions?
Answer: He says they should parse it apart, unpack it, and give it to their people so that they can understand it.
Question: What does Joseph Muhammad say will happen if they express wisdom in a mature way?
Answer: He says if they express themselves in a mature way, they will attract people of wisdom to build a new civilization with them.
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
Study Guide: Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
I. Introduction and Gratitude
Question: To whom does Linda Muhammad express gratitude?
Answer: She expresses gratitude to Master Fard Muhammad, the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.
Question: What greeting does Linda Muhammad use?
Answer: She greets the family with ” As-Salaam-Alaikum,” which she says means “peace be unto you”.
Question: What season is it?
Answer: It is Savior’s Day season.
II. The Importance of Listening
Question: What did the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad say about the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan’s preaching?
Answer: He said to “pay good attention to his preaching,” that it is a “bearing of witness” to him and what God has revealed to him, and to listen to him and stay away from what he advises to stay away from.
Question: What does Linda Muhammad suggest about the relevance of these words today?
Answer: She believes those words are relevant today and that they should still listen to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.
Question: What did the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad say the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan would do?
Answer: He said the Minister would get the nation safely across the river on his shoulders, and when he does he would say “look at what Allah has done”.
Question: What quality does the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad say the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan possesses?
Answer: He said that the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is a “very humble brother”.
Question: What is the significance of humility, according to Linda Muhammad?
Answer: She says that those who walk in boldness and meekness shall inherit the earth. She says that when we have a humble character we are in a better position to be used by God, and that the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is the perfect example.
Question: What does Linda Muhammad emphasize about the Honorable Minister’s heart?
Answer: She emphasizes that the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has a love-filled heart for them and for those who are suffering unjustly.
III. Biblical Interpretation
Question: According to Linda Muhammad, how much of the Bible is recorded history vs prophecy?
Answer: She says that 25% of the Bible is recorded history, and 75% is prophecy, meaning a prediction of the future made under divine inspiration.
Question: How should the scriptures be interpreted, according to Linda Muhammad?
Answer: She says that the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, and themselves, should be seen in the books in present time, rather than just seeing the scriptures as something that happened in the past.
Question: What does Linda Muhammad say about Paul’s role?
Answer: She says that Paul was a disciple and a witness bearer of Jesus, who took Jesus’ message to the world. She asks if there is anyone today who is a chief witness bearer taking the teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad to the world.
Question: What does Linda Muhammad say about God’s grace?
Answer: She says that they should not receive God’s grace in vain. She says the time of God’s favor and the day of salvation is now.
Question: What does Linda Muhammad say about the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan replacing Paul in the book of Ephesians?
Answer: She says that the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is the witness bearer of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad for the sake of the oppressed and downtrodden. She says the grace of God was given to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan for them.
Question: How does Linda Muhammad relate the gift of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan to the Bible?
Answer: She says that the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad prayed for help and that Master Fard Muhammad gifted them with the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and that many have benefited from this gift.
Question: How does Linda Muhammad interpret the idea of reigning in life through Jesus Christ?
Answer: She says that the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad told them to continue to hear his minister, and that the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan’s works should be aligned with verses from the bible to see that they are walking in prophecy.
IV. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan
Question: What does Linda Muhammad say about the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan’s words?
Answer: She says that the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan’s words are a “bearer of witness of him,” and that the people can either take it or leave it alone. She notes that he told them to watch the weather and that they are seeing his words come to pass.
Question: What does Linda Muhammad say about Brother Jabril Muhammad’s description of Farrakhan?
Answer: She says that Brother Jabril wrote that the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan was singled out by Master Fard Muhammad, shown to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, prepared, commissioned, and guided to call forth the black man and woman to the task of nation building.
V. Grace and Time
Question: What are some definitions of “grace” that Linda Muhammad provides?
Answer: She says it is the free and unmerited favor or beneficence of God, an unmerited gift, or a period of time granted beyond the date set for the performance of an act.
Question: How does Linda Muhammad connect the idea of grace to their present time?
Answer: She says that they might be benefiting from a period of time beyond the date set for the performance of an act, that God’s grace and mercy doesn’t last forever and they should be grateful for the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan still being in their midst.
Question: How long did the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad teach that God’s grace would last?
Answer: The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught that after God’s judgment, there would be 60 years of God’s grace, not to exceed 70 years.
This study guide should help in understanding the main points covered by Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad in the lecture. Remember that these points are also expanded upon by other speakers in the lecture.
Delaware Valley Regional Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Study Guide: Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
I. Introduction and Gratitude
Question: To whom does Rodney Muhammad express gratitude?
Answer: He expresses gratitude to Almighty God, the revealer of all truth, and the senders of the prophets, including Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad. He also expresses gratitude for the divine person of Master Fard Muhammad and the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan….
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about truth?
Answer: He states that truth will never double cross itself and that staying with the truth can set people free.
Question: What is the significance of the end times according to Rodney Muhammad?
Answer: He believes that God has intervened in their affairs in these last days and that Master Fard Muhammad is the divine person to whom praise is due forever.
II. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan
Question: What is said about the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s example?
Answer: He is said to have walked his post in a perfect manner, providing a perfect example for his servant, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.
Question: What is the significance of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, according to Rodney Muhammad?
Answer: He is described as the messianic voice today, a student, servant, and apostle. Rodney Muhammad states that his ability to stand before the audience is due to the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan’s stand and faith.
III. The Rejection and the Cornerstone
Question: What is the metaphor of the rejected stone used to describe?
Answer: It is used to describe how something or someone that is rejected by the builders of civilization can become the cornerstone.
Question: According to Rodney Muhammad, what is worse than slavery?
Answer: He says that the only thing worse than slavery is adjusting to it.
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about aligning one’s life?
Answer: He says to line your life up with how you’re seen and with the script that you are supposed to follow.
IV. The Work of Satan and the Need for Transformation
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad suggest about the nature of evil?
Answer: He suggests that evil will not stop, and that it may manifest as fire, ice, or earthquakes, and that it will eventually be revealed and remedied by God….
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad?
Answer: He says that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught that only a handful of people will be changed by the teaching, and the rest will need a chastisement, indicating that change will occur whether people want it or not….
Question: What is the spiritual clinic mentioned by Rodney Muhammad?
Answer: It is described as a place to destroy the works of Satan, which requires application and cannot be done through a correspondence course….
Question: What is meant by “destroying the works of Satan?”
Answer: It means getting rid of the things that Satan could do and get away with in the past, but that cannot be done today, and getting rid of defects….
Question: How does Rodney Muhammad describe the world today and the world to come?
Answer: He says that the current world of evil and mischief is going out, and a new world based completely on truth is coming.
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about the importance of telling the truth?
Answer: He says that the new world will be based on telling the truth regardless of who it is about.
V. Knowledge and the Divine Mind
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about the mind of the Christ figure?
Answer: He says that the mind of the Christ figure holds the power of knowledge of truth and that it ends divisions….
Question: What did the Honorable Elijah Muhammad say about his own mind?
Answer: The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said that no one’s mind is closer to God than his own, and that he is perfect enough.
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad suggest is the formula for how Allah wants people to relate to him?
Answer: He suggests that it is simple but often complicated by people.
Question: What is the significance of the Quran, according to Rodney Muhammad?
Answer: He says it is a guide for those who keep their duty and that it is a book with no doubt in it, and that God is the best knower, the originator.
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about believing in the unseen?
Answer: He states that believing in the unseen is essential, as it relates to God, and that the creator did not want creation to get out of his mind.
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about the knowledge of those who have not been in a classroom?
Answer: He says that knowledge can be written into creation and that people who never went to school can still understand the principles of creation.
VI. The Importance of Faith and the Hereafter
Question: According to Rodney Muhammad, why is faith necessary to please God?
Answer: Because those who have faith in God must believe that he exists and that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him out….
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about the purpose of going to Mecca?
Answer: He says that a person can go there without truly understanding its entire purpose, and that real principles are involved.
Question: What is the relationship between the seen and the unseen, according to Rodney Muhammad?
Answer: He says that the unseen is not unreal and that the laws of the universe work in the unseen realm.
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about the new world?
Answer: He says that in order to see the new world, people cannot wait until the old world is completely broken, but that they must believe in it before it arrives….
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad suggest about the clinic they are attending?
Answer: He says that they are in the clinic trying to get well, so they can qualify for citizenship in a world that has not yet arrived.
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about prayer?
Answer: He says prayer is essential for keeping your mind fed with truth. He mentions the conscious and subconscious minds and the importance of feeding on truth rather than evil, and says that prayer is the lifeline to do God’s work….
VII. Transformation and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about the transformative power of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan?
Answer: He says that if the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is not the agent of God’s transformative power, then Satan is, and that there are only two realities: God and the Devil….
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad suggest about self-sufficiency?
Answer: He says that man’s mind leads him to believe he is self-sufficient, and that people cannot come into God’s work and act like they don’t need God….
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say the disciples asked Jesus?
Answer: He says that the disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray, rather than how to perform miracles….
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about spending in the cause of truth?
Answer: He says it is easy to do because your money is where you are.
VIII. Understanding the Scriptures and the New World
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about the idea of heaven?
Answer: He suggests that descriptions of heaven with gold streets and milk and honey are childish understandings, and that the new world will not be what people imagine it to be….
Question: According to Rodney Muhammad, why are they told to “put away childish things?”
Answer: Because the childish things represent an immature understanding of what the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught.
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about how the Bible should be understood?
Answer: He says that the Bible is right, but that it is seen wrongly because it has traps in it, and that the scriptures must be reinterpreted.
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about the Nation of Islam and the Holy Quran?
Answer: He says that the Nation of Islam is solely responsible for popularizing the reading of the Holy Quran in the United States….
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about the Bible and the Koran?
Answer: He says that they lead people up to the door of the hereafter but don’t go in with them because they are older revelations and that they are books to purify and prepare people for a new teaching.
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about the new Islam?
Answer: He says it will be accepted by all because the old religion split people up with different labels.
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about white Muslims?
Answer: He says that there are some white Muslims in the world who have a spirit unlike any other found in the Muslim world.
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say is the purpose of understanding the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s teachings?
Answer: He states that the more people misunderstand his teachings, the more they misunderstand him and his significance. However, the understanding of the truth can evolve over time without taking away from the original truth.
IX. The Birth of a New Nation
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about the book of Ezekiel and the birth of a new nation?
Answer: He describes how the birth of a new nation is like a baby that is conceived and grows in the womb of a preexisting system….
Question: According to Rodney Muhammad, what should have happened when chattel slavery ended?
Answer: Something new should have begun, but instead there was segregation and the umbilical cord was never cut….
Question: What is the significance of the umbilical cord never being cut?
Answer: He says that when the umbilical cord is not cut, the child can drown in its own blood, and that they are still living in the preexisting system, furthering it.
Question: What is the importance of a writ of divorce?
Answer: Rodney Muhammad says there must be a writ of divorce from the present world, indicating a clean break from the old system, and embracing the new world….
X. The Current Time and the Future
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan’s current disposition?
Answer: He says the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is overjoyed and cannot wait for their planes to start landing in Chicago so they can be together.
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about the weeks of grace?
Answer: He states that the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad said that each week represents a year and that they are currently in the th year, following Savior’s Day , and that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was instructed to be quiet after the th year….
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about the enemies of the Nation of Islam?
Answer: He says that they don’t want to see the Nation of Islam succeed, nor do they want to see Black people succeed without the Nation of Islam, and without Black people succeeding in America, humanity will stay in trouble….
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about the potential threats to their community?
Answer: He says that while some are waiting for outside threats, the greater threat may come from the inside through false prophets and teachers who weaponize religion….
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about the angels?
Answer: He says they will show up to execute judgement, not to teach and counsel, and that they are men, not beings with wings….
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say they should do after being in the temple?
Answer: He says that they should go back to the street on a higher plane and keep looking for the best followers of God.
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about recruiting people?
Answer: He states that the Jews do not recruit for the synagogue but that they should not have an exclusive mindset….
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about the invitation to Islam?
Answer: He says that the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan continues to extend an invitation to Islam and that they believe it is a better way of life.
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about the book?
Answer: He says the book is showing him a lot and that the prophets were not surprised by current events because they predicted it.
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about putting God first?
Answer: He says if God is put first, you will find yourself able to eat all the days of your life, and that God is testing them to prove they love him more than anything else.
Question: What does Rodney Muhammad say about God creating them?
Answer: He says that they wouldn’t even be here if it wasn’t for God, that God has overlooked nothing, and that the one who brought them here will never fail them….