The Teachings @Mosque #12 (12/08/2024)
00:00:00:00 – 00:00:16:17
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
I am not service and I have been greatly unjust in myself, and I confess my faults. So grant me protection against all my faults, for none, grants protection against faults with thee, and guide me into the best of morals. For none can guide to the best of morals but thee. And turn away from me the evil and the indecent morals.
00:00:16:17 – 00:00:40:05
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
For none can turn from me the evil and the morals, but the. And also make Muhammad successful, and make the true followers of Muhammad successful. If thou did make Abraham and the true followers of Abraham successful, for surely thou art praised and magnify, and O Allah, bless Muhammad and bless the true followers of Muhammad as the artist, bless Abraham and the true followers of Abraham.
00:00:40:05 – 00:01:09:18
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
For surely thou art praised and magnified. I mean, may be seated in the name of Allah, the beneficent, the Most Merciful. We give praise and thanks to Allah for coming to us from Mecca, trying to get and raise each one of us to where he wanted us. I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is his messenger, and I bear witness that the Most Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, is their servant.
00:01:09:20 – 00:01:34:01
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Their wonder and their mercy to us and to all of humanity. We are thankful to them for the gift that we have, and we thank them for all of the everything that we’ve gotten thus far that is helping us in this difficult time that we have entered. So, dear family, welcome and thank you for being here and submitting to the check procedure, for it is very necessary.
00:01:34:07 – 00:02:02:24
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
We thank you for have a humbling spirit, because that is the only way that we can have made into the temple or the mosque to be taught today. The life giving teachings of the honorable Elijah Muhammad. Dear family, I’m not going to waste any time. I’m going to wait to go right into what we’d like to say. I’d like to say thank you for being here on time, and thank you for having the heart to want to hear the truth, because that’s what we have here, the truth.
00:02:03:00 – 00:02:25:05
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
And that’s all over the country today. But if you want to get the truth in words, get the final call newspaper. The final call newspaper is nothing but the truth. The unadulterated dodo. To read a truth that which can give us light in a dark time. And we are walking in the valley of the shadow of death, as the Honorable Louis Farrakhan is always reminding us of.
00:02:25:07 – 00:02:56:16
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
And dear family, I just go right to this scripture from the very inception is Suer 103 and a Holy for. It is entitled the time, and it says by the time, surely man is in loss, except those who believe and do good and enjoin one another to truth, and enjoying one another to patience, that is futile in the time that we live in now, especially if we want to live, we got to know the time and what must be done.
00:02:56:18 – 00:03:19:08
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
But let me follow up on that with this, dear family, if we go to the 22nd chapter of the Holy Koran, the pilgrimage, it further goes on to show us what kind of time we’re in. A reason the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful. O people, keep your duty to your Lord. Surely the shock of the hour is a grievous thing.
00:03:19:10 – 00:03:19:28
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
The day.
00:03:19:28 – 00:03:21:19
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
You see it.
00:03:21:21 – 00:03:44:24
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Every woman giving suck will forget her suckling. And every pregnant one will lay down her burden. And you will see people as drunken. Yet they will not be drunken. But the punishment of Allah will be severe. That’s as talking to us family. We have got to pay attention to this. We got to pick up our Koran and read in it, because it’s a guide to get through this difficult time that we’re in.
00:03:45:00 – 00:04:04:20
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
And when we couple that with the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is represented by the Honorable Louis Farrakhan, we can’t do anything. But when y’all are right, all I see is winners in here, right? Praise be to Allah. So with that dear family, I would like to go to the, King James Version of the Bible real quick.
00:04:04:20 – 00:04:15:29
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
You know, you can’t go wrong with the scripture, but, you know, we’ve been told about the book, but let’s let’s listen to this. It says.
00:04:16:01 – 00:04:19:01
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Oh, man of the Roman, y’all. All right.
00:04:19:09 – 00:04:19:20
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
00:04:19:22 – 00:04:41:02
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Give me a second. I got it right here to fool one. It says, take heed. This is the Jesus talking. Sounded like what the Honorable Louis Farrakhan does, right? He tells us this all. Take heed. I mean, pay attention that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ, and shall deceive many.
00:04:41:04 – 00:05:04:07
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
And you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you be not troubled, for all these things must come to pass. But the end is not yet. For a nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, and divers places, and all these things are the beginning of sorrow.
00:05:04:10 – 00:05:30:23
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Wow! This is a time we’ve entered family. The war of Armageddon has begun. We’re in it right now, and the only way for us to survive it is we have to keep our eye on the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. Honorable praise be to Allah. The honorable Elijah Muhammad told us where you see him. Look at him. Where he tells you to go, go, and where he tells you to stay from.
00:05:30:26 – 00:05:58:02
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Stay from right now we ain’t study group. We are. And the will of God. What is God’s will? Well, his will is that we become submissive. Right? But listen, these are some words from the Honorable Louis Farrakhan, from the will of God, part three, if you have. The book is on page 115. He says, all of us know or should know that the will of our Lord God is righteousness, the will of Allah.
00:05:58:02 – 00:06:21:06
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
God is that which which is good. No man or woman can be considered good, except that we are doing the will of Allah. God. Certainly there are acts of kindness, and there are acts of goodness that all of us know are universally recognized as good, but we cannot be considered good people. This cannot be considered a good people.
00:06:21:09 – 00:06:47:22
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
This cannot be considered a good nation. America, nor can we, the Muslims, be considered good unless that the goodness is rooted in our doing the will of Allah. God, that’s an imperative today, family. We got to do his will. Otherwise we may as well be out there in the world with the rest of them, right? Because if we act like them, I mean, we we’re taught that, honor like attracts and likes repel.
00:06:47:24 – 00:06:55:09
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
We can’t attract the people out there. We doing what they doing. Right? So this is a guide for us. Just looking at the minister. He is the guide.
00:06:55:15 – 00:06:56:01
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
He is the.
00:06:56:01 – 00:07:15:16
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Example. And we can’t go wrong if we are patterning ourselves after what he does. Y’all are right. Praise be to Allah. And as I close it out with this, it says the Holy Koran teaches us those who believe and are the doers of good to others. There is no fear for them, nor shall they grieve. Let me stop there for a minute.
00:07:15:22 – 00:07:33:07
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
After the presidential election went down, did you see the the the people’s faces in their hearts and their thoughts? I mean, everybody’s like, oh, what’s going to happen? What are we going to do. Well you need to come on in and listen to the guy. Just hear the guide and the guidance and the guidance for all of us.
00:07:33:09 – 00:07:48:16
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, that’s what we have to do. You don’t have to worry about who the president is. All of them got the same mind. It’s just that he takes it a little bit further than the rest of this. He could do what they wouldn’t do. So no, no, no. Which means that is good for you and me.
00:07:48:21 – 00:08:16:09
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Because as this world falls, we’re going to rise. Y’all all right? Praise be to Allah. Listen to this. Let me finish this one must not only, do good to self, but the doing of good to and for self should lead us to doing of, good to and for others. Can’t go wrong with that. Otherwise by the time surely man is in loss.
00:08:16:11 – 00:08:35:04
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
So, dear family, we, have a dynamic program lined up today. I just want to pull those scriptures up. You go back and read those scriptures through their entirety, because there’s so much wisdom and guidance in it for each of us. If we would just read it for ourselves and I’ll, I will show us what he wants us to see in it.
00:08:35:06 – 00:08:56:26
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
I’ll say this, you know, sometimes when we, look at, we eat an apple or when we eat a pear or, grease the color of that. What we’re actually eating is sunlight, because every fruit is sensitized to take in a certain kind of sunlight, and that what gives it its color. So when we suck in the truth, each one of us is sensitized to take in a different part of that truth.
00:08:57:00 – 00:09:01:14
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
And that’s what gives us our color on a spiritual level. Y’all. All right, so read.
00:09:01:19 – 00:09:01:28
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
00:09:02:02 – 00:09:31:09
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
The books, study them, and where you run into something difficult. We have a wonderful regional ministry that we can come and ask. And if you don’t have the answer to it, we know that there’s a man, west of here in Chicago, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. He has the answer. So, dear family, at this time, I would close out with this and just say to you, continue to hear the life giving seasons of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, and we will have the success.
00:09:31:12 – 00:09:53:06
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
But right now, I would like to bring to you our next presenter. She is a student in the Ministry, a very, very wonderful and spirited system. We all know her. We know who she is. It is our sister, Linda Muhammad. Let’s bring her on with applause. I see nomination.
00:09:53:08 – 00:10:28:05
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
I salaam alaikum. Thank you so much, brother Joseph. Please, let’s give Brother Joseph another warm round of applause. Thank you for that opening, brother Joseph. In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful. I bear witness that there is no God but Allah who appeared to us in the person of Master Fard Muhammad. And I bear witness that the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad is his messenger, the true living and exalted Christ.
00:10:28:07 – 00:11:03:01
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
And I further bear witness. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is Allah’s divine reminder, Warner, grace, mercy, and an extension of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. I like to greet the family this morning in the greeting words of peace I Salaam alaikum. And as we are in our Savior’s day season where all roads will be leading to Chicago, Illinois shortly happy save yours day.
00:11:03:03 – 00:11:39:29
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
All praise belongs to a lie. All praises due to a. I like to thank the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and our student Regional Minister, Brother Rodney Muhammad, for this opportunity to be before you this morning to share briefly on the topic and subject of the moral and spiritual value of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and him being an agent of allies transformative power.
00:11:40:02 – 00:12:06:20
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
And if we don’t think a lie has transformative power. Look at your little sister. I’ll be the first to bear witness. Were it not for Master Farad, Muhammad coming, raising up the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and leaving the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. Our brother Joseph talked about, like, attracting honor, like a repelling. I would be out there. There.
00:12:06:20 – 00:12:54:22
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
But for the grace of God go I, you and I, beloved family. So we thank the Lord for his transformative power. We like to start, with some spiritual references this morning. Before we do that, just want to give us a backdrop. Family, please keep in mind that the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan teach us that 25% of Scripture deals with history, meaning something that occurred or happened in the past, and 75% deals with prophecy, meaning a prediction of the future, something made under divine inspiration.
00:12:54:24 – 00:13:26:23
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
Keep that in mind as we read the Scripture family. Look at our current situations, conditions, the circumstances, the time, and see if what is occurring now, if we’re not walking through and to the pages of Scripture. Let’s not get caught up in looking back in the past because we’ll miss the signs. Signs that are leading us to what prophecy is predicting for you and not right now.
00:13:26:27 – 00:14:11:07
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
Present time. So keep that in mind. Family in, as we look at Scripture, the historical Moses praying for a helper in both the Holy Koran and the Bible. Let’s look at the fourth chapter of Exodus, verses 13 through 16, where we read. But Moses said, pardon your servant, Lord, please send someone else. Then the Lord’s anger burned against Moses, and he said, what about your brother Aaron the Levite?
00:14:11:09 – 00:14:38:16
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
I know he can speak well, and we know the Most Honorable. Elijah Muhammad was an English major in college. Correct? So we know that the minister speaks very well, very clear. All praise is due to a lie. Goes on saying in the book of Exodus, he is already on his way to meet you, and he will be glad to see you.
00:14:38:18 – 00:15:13:05
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
You shall speak to him and put words in his mouth. And the minister has told us that what he’s the mouthpiece of, the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Is that correct? I will help both of you, I mean, and God will help both of you. The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. I will help both of you speak, and we’ll teach you what to do to the people for you.
00:15:13:08 – 00:15:41:15
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
He will speak to the people for you, and it will be as if he were your mouth, and as if you were God to him. Now that’s in the book of Exodus, where Moses is asking for help. The Holy Koran puts it a little differently. Not that Moses one of the lot to send someone else instead of himself to go after the children of Israel.
00:15:41:17 – 00:16:22:02
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
Moses made a request for a helper in Aden. Look at what we’ve read in the 20th chapter, verses 29 through 36, in the Holy Qur’an. Moses’s request Moses said, and give to me an aider from my family, Aaron, my brother, and to my strength by him, and make him share my task. We know the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is an extension of the mission of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
00:16:22:08 – 00:16:55:03
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
Hence, he is sharing in the most at Humble Elijah Muhammad task. Remember what we said about Scripture prophecy, what’s prophesied to come? Look at current times, situations and conditions and see if we’re not walking in that right now so that we may glorify thee much and much. Remember thee. Surely thou art ever seeing us, he said, meaning God.
00:16:55:06 – 00:17:25:29
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
He told Moses, thou art indeed granted thy petition. Oh, Moses, all praise is due to a light that reminds me of where we’re taught, which the minister teaches us. Pray to Allah, God in his name. The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s name, and the honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan’s name. And God will answer us. God answered Moses’s petition for an aider and a helper.
00:17:26:02 – 00:18:05:10
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
And in 1955, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan joined the ranks. Thus, on all praise belongs to a lie. Thus the prophetic Moses, the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. His petition was granted and walked his aide and helper. He was sent by Almighty God, Allah. All praise belongs to a lie. Oh praise belongs to Allah. Now the prophetic Aaron was and is no ordinary man the most.
00:18:05:10 – 00:18:37:00
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, excuse me, was chosen by ally God to aid the most Honorable Elijah Muhammad in his mission. We read in the Holy Koran that a lie chooses whom he pleases. Sometimes we want to make a choice family, and we don’t always exercise the best judgment in our choice. We don’t allow a lie God, to make choices for us.
00:18:37:00 – 00:19:10:08
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
We want to make our own choices a lie. God is the best. No way is that what we read in the Holy Koran? All praise belongs to a lie. Going back to the book of Exodus, that fourth chapter in the 27th verse, the Lord said to Aaron, go into the wilderness to meet Moses, the most Honorable Elijah Muhammad being told, go into the wilderness to meet the most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
00:19:10:11 – 00:19:44:24
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
So he met Moses at the mountain of God and kissed him. Then Moses told Aaron everything the Lord had said to him, and also about all the signs he had commanded him to perform. That’s in the book of Exodus, just walking through Scripture family so we can see the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan in present time, not looking back 2000 4000 years ago.
00:19:44:27 – 00:20:26:01
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
We have to be in present time, beloved family. Also in the Book of Psalms and the 105th chapter, the verse 26 verse, we read, he sent Moses. He meaning God, sent Moses his servant, and Aaron, whom he had chosen. Now we know family. Many are called, but few were chosen. Everything is in for everybody. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, chosen to be an aider and helper to the honorable, the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
00:20:26:04 – 00:21:13:04
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
And we thank the Lord. We can never thank a lot enough for choosing the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. Couldn’t have made a better choice. Beloved family, for you and I. We thank a lot and all praise is due to a lie. All praise is due to a lie, a lie equipped the honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan with the right traits, the qualities, his heart, his spirit, his strength of character to be a great, great helper to the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and all praise belongs to a lie.
00:21:13:06 – 00:21:43:28
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
Now as we move to close, dear family. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has shared with us different accounts of moneys times where moneys were offered to him, which, by the way, he didn’t accept. He didn’t accept. Again, everything is in for everybody. Just because someone offers you something and in the moment you think is good and best for you know we need to pause, pray, call on the God a.
00:21:44:00 – 00:22:10:22
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
Is this what you want for me? So the minister has shared with us where individuals have offered him untold sums of money, which again, he didn’t accept. He also if and the money, excuse me, was offered to him if he didn’t preach Elijah Muhammad. What is it? What is it that they don’t want? The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan to preach.
00:22:10:27 – 00:22:12:22
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
Elijah Muhammad.
00:22:12:24 – 00:22:14:00
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:22:14:02 – 00:22:41:11
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
The minister also shared with us words from Jewish men whom he was in the company of, and they were telling him they need to watch him for a protracted period of time. To monitor how he speaks about Jewish people, as if our beloved minister was seeking or looking for their approval. A man who was sent by God. Who and why?
00:22:41:14 – 00:23:33:19
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
And all praise is due to a lie. What he need for some Jewish people to tell him they’re going to watch him. The nerve of you! The nerve of you! The act. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, beloved family exemplifies moral character, moral care. He exemplifies it to the highest degree of good character. Starts with true. Now, if you and I family have had the benefit of hearing, seeing, being a witness to, or beneficiaries of the love that the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has for the people of God, and I bear witness that I’ve been a beneficiary of it.
00:23:33:22 – 00:24:12:03
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
The love that he has, his unchanging and steadfast faith in his spiritual father, the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the ministers guidance, instruction, warning and wisdom. We know the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan was chosen by ally God, and he is backed by Master Farrakhan. Muhammad and the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Make no mistake about it. Who else do we know who has truth and falsehood?
00:24:12:05 – 00:24:45:16
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
Who, despite being ill spoken of being vilified, being at death’s door after a 40 hour operation? Amongst other trials and tribulations. And he’s still standing by the grace and mercy of Almighty God, Allah. All praise is due to a lie. The minister is still on the battlefield. When you and I may get weary, we want to throw in the towel.
00:24:45:21 – 00:25:26:03
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
Go to the sidelines. We need a replacement. Sit. And the minister is still on the battlefield. Still on the battlefield. Still speaking truth to power. Nobody other than the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. His demonstration and example of obedience to instructions. Beloved family, the Minister has shared with us that he was instructed by the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad to not change the teachings while I’m gone, and the Minister absolutely has not changed the teachings.
00:25:26:05 – 00:26:01:12
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
Still speaking truth to power. The Minister also let us know he was instructed by the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad to be quiet after he delivered this past Saviors Day address. And is the Minister not being obedient to the instructions given to him? We’re taught that obedience is the highest form of sacrifice. Family. So let’s connect Beloved Family to the life saving, life transforming source.
00:26:01:19 – 00:26:27:24
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is connected to that. We may strive to become like him who came to make you and I into a God. May Allah bless and guide us with the light of love and understanding. I like to thank you for allowing me to come before you and I leave you in the greeting words of peace.
00:26:28:01 – 00:26:38:21
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
I Salaam alaikum. Please help me to receive. Back to the rostrum, Brother Joseph Muhammad.
00:26:38:23 – 00:26:59:04
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Oh, keep your applause going, brothers and sisters. Wonderful, wonderful exegesis of the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. As represented by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. Us as a student in the Ministry. Linda Muhammad. Beautifully, beautifully presented. You know that family. She’s missing a whole lot of jewels there. Best thing for us to do is to try to.
00:26:59:09 – 00:27:15:23
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
If you didn’t write it down, you know, try to find a way to get some of this and go home and study it. And she mentioned one thing very, very key. All of it was key. But she’s missing how I’ll. I chose the Honorable Louis Farrakhan to help the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. But in that choose. And he shows us to.
00:27:15:24 – 00:27:41:09
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Yes, sir. We chose. Chosen. Yes. We have a job to do. Yes, sir. There’s no member in here that doesn’t have a position to fill. We need to be real willing to step up. So when you asked, are you fit for duty? Yes, ma’am. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. And come on in and help with this work. Because you’re walking in the footsteps of the historical Aaron and in this dispensation of time, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, that Aaron and I missed the day.
00:27:41:14 – 00:27:50:05
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
But he’s all of the prophets. So, dear family, as we prepare, there’s another one who’s going to come to the rostrum. But women, just real quick, as you see, our sister.
00:27:50:05 – 00:27:51:22
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
00:27:51:24 – 00:28:08:14
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
This. You see this transformation. That’s what the truth does to you. When in your heart is right, you turned into somebody else. All I saw was a cape on her back, and she was about to take off. But all is due to allow. So at this time, dear family, there’s another one who is in the house today.
00:28:08:17 – 00:28:29:22
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
He two was chosen like all of us, but he was chosen by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. He was chosen to be our Delaware Valley student, regional Minister Rodney Muhammad. Let’s bring him on with a rousing round of applause. I, little.
00:28:29:24 – 00:28:52:18
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Salaam alaikum, sir. All praise is due to a law. In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful, the one God to whom praise is due. The Lord of the world. We thank Almighty God, the revealer of all truth. The center of our prophets, whom we have made no distinction. We do thank him for Moses and the Torah.
00:28:52:18 – 00:29:17:24
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
We thank him for Jesus and the gospel, and we thank him for Muhammad and the revelation of the Holy Koran. Peace be upon all the worthy servants of God Almighty. But we are most thankful to Allah in these last days for his own intervention in our affairs and the divine person of Master Father Mohammed, to whom praise is due forever.
00:29:17:26 – 00:29:51:11
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
We thank him in that intervention for finding one worthy whom he literally poured himself into his messenger Messiah, the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. To the two of them, I stand eternally indebted for their student servant and apostle, our leader, teacher and guide. In an hour like this. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and in their names. Please allow me once again to extend to you the Nation of Islam, salutation to peace in the language and tongue of our fathers.
00:29:51:11 – 00:30:26:04
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Salaam alaikum. Family and guests and friends and supporters. We are most thankful to allow for this, rare, golden and historic opportunity to serve in such a very special way. Oh, this house is dedicated, like many of our houses around the country, to the knowledge of God, the knowledge of self, and a knowledge of the time and what must be done.
00:30:26:06 – 00:30:40:15
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Those are the three elements. That we drill an entire body of knowledge down to. Because in truth, we don’t have a lot of time.
00:30:40:18 – 00:30:41:24
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
00:30:41:26 – 00:31:24:09
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Do, I want to thank all those that spoke before me, Brother Joseph, Sister Linda, and the wonderful words that they have shared with us. Timely words, words as I heard both of them talk. Words that had been spoken thousands of years ago, yet so relevant. We have seen fashions come and go, and we have seen styles come and go and cultures have come and gone.
00:31:24:11 – 00:31:40:20
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And with everything that gets old and they call it dated, somehow the effective words of the prophets of God have not worn out their.
00:31:40:20 – 00:31:42:01
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
00:31:42:04 – 00:31:45:06
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
In the ear of the human being.
00:31:45:08 – 00:31:47:27
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
And so,
00:31:47:29 – 00:32:01:29
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
We are thankful to people who dedicate their life to the transmission of what God has revealed.
00:32:02:02 – 00:32:12:02
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Some people think that the end of prophethood, who is the end of revelation?
00:32:12:05 – 00:32:21:12
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
That’s the first mistake that the human being has made in an hour like this. When God is needed the most.
00:32:21:15 – 00:32:22:00
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
00:32:22:02 – 00:32:26:25
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
We’re the most confused about Him and His revelation.
00:32:26:28 – 00:32:29:02
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
00:32:29:04 – 00:32:31:07
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
It causes a great deal.
00:32:31:07 – 00:32:32:00
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
00:32:32:02 – 00:32:53:29
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Controversy. Obviously. And so we have been on the subject matter of revelation or the revealed word of God when Satan offered to Jesus turn stones into loaves of bread.
00:32:54:01 – 00:33:05:10
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Jesus said, man can’t live by bread alone. We’re not talking about a loaf of Wonder bread.
00:33:05:12 – 00:33:06:14
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
You know.
00:33:06:16 – 00:33:09:17
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
On the streets bread is money.
00:33:09:19 – 00:33:10:25
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:33:10:27 – 00:33:13:15
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
He said, but you can’t live by that alone.
00:33:13:18 – 00:33:14:29
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
Yes, that’s right.
00:33:15:02 – 00:34:06:13
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
But by every word that proceeded from the mouth of the living God. So man’s need, his greatest need is revelation, right? Because every word that proceeded from the mouth of God is a word that’s revealed. And so we have been on this subject matter, which, we want to continue because there’s so much in it. And I thought, it may help us to review just a few things that we had been covering to go into, unpacking, some of the other things that we feel it offers.
00:34:06:13 – 00:34:43:16
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
I’m always challenges. I’m trying to get to, I don’t think this moves on the screen. There it goes. Now, this is the passage that we had started working with in the fifth surah of the Holy Koran, in the 19th verse. Notice what it says. All people of the book, indeed, our messenger has come to you, explaining to you after a cessation of the messengers.
00:34:43:19 – 00:35:20:22
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So what you don’t see, it’s saying now the screen went blank. So is it out? I guess it is. Is this right? Okay, good. But when a man comes with an explanation, that’s not scripture, right? Scripture is a part of a writing. It’s not the whole book. In fact, our life, we live in a book.
00:35:20:24 – 00:35:21:05
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
00:35:21:08 – 00:35:41:28
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Called Universe. And Scripture is the ability of highly educated individuals in the Nation of Islam. You have heard us say scientists, but that’s interchangeable with the term angel.
00:35:42:00 – 00:35:42:21
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Right? Right.
00:35:42:28 – 00:36:06:10
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Highly educated individuals are able to read creation. And when you read creation, you can determine outcomes. You can determine, events that will take place, whether it be.
00:36:07:20 – 00:36:46:05
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
The forces of nature, whether it be, people, civilizations. But when you’re able to see ahead, that is called history. But it’s also known as prophecy. Now, prophecy is something that black people in America have never been thoroughly taught in. Evidence by we have had books of God, and we always see other nationalities of people blessed. We don’t see ourselves in those scriptures, right.
00:36:46:08 – 00:36:54:18
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And because we don’t see ourselves in those scriptures, we fight desperately to be included with somebody else.
00:36:54:20 – 00:37:00:20
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Know Jesus.
00:37:00:23 – 00:37:18:15
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Revelation or Scripture has been in the hands of people for thousands of years. And what we started out talking about is we’ve been living off of what’s called, religious exegesis.
00:37:18:18 – 00:37:19:03
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
00:37:19:06 – 00:37:45:08
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Anyone that that’s studying the word of God. It’s called hum. Athletics, the ability to tell a story and hermeneutics, which is, actually from the Greeks being in the Roman Empire. But hermeneutics is interpretation of the word of God.
00:37:45:11 – 00:37:46:16
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
That’s right.
00:37:46:19 – 00:37:54:29
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Mythically speaking Zeus on Mount Olympus. Not a real person, not a real god.
00:37:55:01 – 00:37:55:16
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
00:37:55:18 – 00:38:07:15
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
You mythical. But when Zeus wanted to send messages, notice he sends, from Mount Olympus. Hermes.
00:38:07:18 – 00:38:07:27
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
Come on.
00:38:08:01 – 00:38:44:25
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Hermes goes with the mission, of delivering a message for Zeus. So. And he makes it clear because he’s empowered to unlock forces that are in the earth, to challenge men, to bring men back in line with the gods. So when they started religion, after they took over 2000 years ago, you got to remember now, if Jesus was born in Bethlehem.
00:38:44:28 – 00:38:46:19
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
00:38:46:21 – 00:39:02:14
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And raised in Nazareth, crucified in Jerusalem. Scene after the crucifixion in Galilee, then sends the disciples into all the world.
00:39:03:08 – 00:39:14:17
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
How did Rome end up being the center? Good question. To set up a religion with Jesus Christ said to be at its center.
00:39:14:22 – 00:39:17:28
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Come on, come on, come on.
00:39:18:01 – 00:39:24:29
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
How did you kill somebody? And then you, the representative of the one you want?
00:39:25:01 – 00:39:26:07
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
They didn’t.
00:39:26:10 – 00:39:28:18
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Even. That should have had us thinking.
00:39:28:20 – 00:39:29:04
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
00:39:29:06 – 00:39:58:04
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Right. But this shows you just how deep asleep was, and in many cases, still is in America. But, a messenger has been sent who didn’t come with a book more than. And it doesn’t say a book was revealed to him. But what he does have is an explanation.
00:39:58:06 – 00:39:59:03
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:39:59:05 – 00:40:05:10
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Who is this messenger, since the ones that are being presented to us have a.
00:40:05:10 – 00:40:06:26
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
Book right?
00:40:06:28 – 00:40:39:04
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Then this one comes, as we say, with the essence of its meaning. We ended last Sunday saying that our Lord said, this day I have perfected for you your religion, and have given you Islam as a religion. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan said, does that mean everybody’s gotta leave the church, leave synagogues and their houses of worship to join the mosque?
00:40:39:05 – 00:40:46:21
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
No, it doesn’t mean that when you get the essence of the meaning, you don’t have to leave the house that you are.
00:40:46:21 – 00:40:48:05
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
In, right?
00:40:48:07 – 00:41:26:29
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
You don’t have to leave the book that you have. Even the Koran says those who have, grown out from the gospel, let them use the gospel as a means to judge. How can they do that with the explanation that they have? The minister said the pastor does not have the understanding needed to actually deliver his congregants. He needs more of an understanding of the Bible in order to deliver them.
00:41:27:01 – 00:41:36:12
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
He don’t have to leave the church. He doesn’t have to leave his pulpit. But something else needs to be received by him.
00:41:36:15 – 00:41:37:08
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
00:41:37:11 – 00:41:58:00
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So that he’s empowered. Well, Brother Rodney, all we need is our Bible. But look at the condition you’re in with it. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad took Bible, which is revelation, which is Scripture.
00:41:58:03 – 00:42:02:10
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And with that Bible, he built a muslim community.
00:42:02:12 – 00:42:09:06
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Come on now, come on now. Do the man. Look at the man. That’s.
00:42:09:08 – 00:42:46:00
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So we should think about that. Because if somebody got the same book, you have and they can produce, a community of people that will go into that, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan said, in the better sense of the word, we’re free from the ills that much of the society is suffering. What did Elijah preach out of the book that you didn’t preach out of the book?
00:42:46:02 – 00:42:47:19
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Yes, of course.
00:42:47:22 – 00:43:23:14
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Fire is in the book. Even as, the Scripture says of John, I baptize you with water, but one is coming who will baptize you in the spirit and with fire. So fire is in the book. You know, I was baptized in water in a creek. And when they baptized me in water, just like water cleanses soil from the body, it would be 16 years later that I heard the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.
00:43:23:16 – 00:43:47:22
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And just listening to him, my mind was baptized in the wisdom of God in one night. Why? Because like water washes soil from the body. So wisdom of God begins. You know, the Scripture says, and purify them. How? With the word.
00:43:47:24 – 00:43:48:09
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
00:43:48:12 – 00:44:18:05
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
It begins to wash the mind, because it’s not about the body being immersed in water. It’s about the human mind and heart being immersed in the unequaled wisdom of God which cannot be found by just having Scripture. But when you got a man who’s got a perfect explanation of it, do now with the same words, the same, but you got a different reaction right?
00:44:18:07 – 00:44:21:19
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Because an effective word has been spoken.
00:44:21:21 – 00:44:26:24
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Yes, sir. Right.
00:44:26:27 – 00:44:45:01
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
We have learned. That out of explanation, I think the way the Minister says, if we just discuss, even argue over.
00:44:46:29 – 00:44:48:13
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
00:44:48:15 – 00:44:51:23
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
Elaborate regularly, I.
00:44:51:26 – 00:44:53:19
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Work with it.
00:44:53:22 – 00:44:54:05
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
00:44:54:08 – 00:44:54:19
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
00:44:54:19 – 00:44:56:16
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Coffee. Come on.
00:44:56:18 – 00:45:00:15
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Come up where the time just escapes you.
00:45:00:17 – 00:45:01:14
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
00:45:01:16 – 00:45:11:01
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
You find that the word, after being illuminated and amplified.
00:45:11:03 – 00:45:12:00
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
00:45:12:03 – 00:45:37:03
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Correct understanding of the word, it charges every brain cell. Which are built up out of atoms. Which is the smallest particle in the material universe? It’s the building block of the universe. And our Lord has command over every atom.
00:45:37:09 – 00:45:39:19
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
Yes, you disorder.
00:45:39:22 – 00:46:24:12
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So what happens when brain cells that had been lying dormant are now charged up? You have a wake up message, teachable. Wake up message. I think we were talking about last week how it says in Matthew 2445, Jesus said, if the Bible says Jesus, open up their minds that they might comprehend the Scripture from. In other words, they had it, but they were still confusion.
00:46:24:14 – 00:46:25:02
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:46:25:05 – 00:46:35:09
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
They had Scripture. See, people are arguing about God now. That’s why I showed you the confusion of the human being. You can offend God all day.
00:46:35:09 – 00:46:37:07
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
00:46:37:10 – 00:46:44:28
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And the human being has no reaction. But if you offend their religion, they ready to fight.
00:46:45:00 – 00:46:46:14
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Look at them.
00:46:46:16 – 00:46:50:07
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
Come on, that.
00:46:50:09 – 00:47:05:11
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So he had to open their minds to bring understanding. If this understanding was brought as Sister Linda was showing 2000 years ago, why don’t we have that understanding 2000 years later?
00:47:05:13 – 00:47:08:01
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:47:08:03 – 00:47:30:24
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
The Scripture says of the Messiah when he’s finished, there would only be one God right? When he’s finished, it only be one faith and one baptism. Oh, but we’re in schisms, and people can’t recognize truth and faith when it’s in another form.
00:47:30:26 – 00:47:32:16
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Here we go again.
00:47:32:19 – 00:47:36:17
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
But we have a teacher in the Honorable Louis Farrakhan.
00:47:36:19 – 00:47:39:09
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
Until call.
00:47:39:12 – 00:48:09:11
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Real who doesn’t look at just your house as being different. He says if six plus one equals seven, and where I am, four plus three equals seven, and where someone else is five plus two equals seven, why are you worried about the formula that got him there? Let’s focus on the seven. The seven is where we have commonality.
00:48:09:14 – 00:48:28:29
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
In other words more so than any preacher on the planet right. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is talking unity and not division. We were divided when the word was in our hand and we didn’t understand it, but somebody came with an explanation.
00:48:29:01 – 00:48:34:02
Good morning. That’s right.
00:48:34:04 – 00:49:19:11
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
A review of something the Honorable Elijah Muhammad says. And, Message to the Black Man in America. The revelation. This book of revelation is claimed by the Christians to have been given to Saint John Divine, who was a follower of Jesus. But this is erroneous. Notice he didn’t say this is a mistake. See, a mistake is some honest, what you call even a deviation from what is right or a mistake is something that wasn’t intended.
00:49:19:15 – 00:49:28:00
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Erroneous is different. Error is no departure, no from what is right.
00:49:28:03 – 00:49:30:01
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
According to.
00:49:30:03 – 00:49:35:01
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Them. Don’t think the confusion on the planet is an accident.
00:49:35:03 – 00:49:35:25
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
That’s right.
00:49:35:28 – 00:50:04:17
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
That’s why the minister. When I first used to hear him back in 1979, he was say, is this by accident or by design? There’s a design for the people to be confused, so they apply it to John. But the messenger says, then erroneous and wrong. It is by the father of the white race, Mr. Yaku. In the Bible.
00:50:04:19 – 00:50:06:17
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
He’s called Jacob.
00:50:06:19 – 00:50:07:27
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
00:50:08:00 – 00:50:26:28
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And you know, you will see, this Jacob coming out of the womb of Rebecca. And Rebecca got she’s pregnant with twins that are jostling with each other.
00:50:27:01 – 00:50:28:07
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
Right, right.
00:50:28:09 – 00:51:00:20
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So they. I guess they’re not twins. But the man that got her pregnant, Isaac, she didn’t even go to him to find out what was going on in the Bible. Says she went to the Lord, and the Lord told her, in your womb our two nations. Biologically, that’s an impossibility, because then you’re saying that a woman got pregnant and while she was pregnant, she got pregnant again.
00:51:00:22 – 00:51:04:03
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Come on.
00:51:04:05 – 00:51:05:12
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Go ahead.
00:51:05:14 – 00:51:18:11
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Do you see how silly it is when you don’t have an explanation? It’s not talking about a woman. Because, Rebecca. Because talking about Mecca.
00:51:18:13 – 00:51:19:01
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
00:51:19:03 – 00:51:22:08
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
A holy place where two nations have come.
00:51:22:08 – 00:51:24:23
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Now. Yes, sir. To step to.
00:51:24:26 – 00:51:38:19
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And see when. When two nations come, one is coming from Mr. Jacob, or in Arabic. Y’all cool. It’s a totally different child now.
00:51:38:21 – 00:52:10:07
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad is saying Mr. Yaqoob is the father of this present civilization in fact, where we thought Genesis was the first book of the Bible. Really, the first book is revelation, right? Why? Why did we have to reveal to Mr. Jacob what the end of his children’s world will look like? Because when you got evil on your mind, you lose the ability to see the outcome and the consequences of your evil.
00:52:10:10 – 00:52:37:17
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
If a man could see that his evil is going to lead him to ruin, it could stop him from his evil. But being evil in intent. Yeah, cut you off from being able to see it, to clear. How can he be the wisest of his time? And he wasn’t wise enough to see the cause, that he would set his own children on, and that it would end in total disaster.
00:52:37:22 – 00:52:38:18
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
00:52:38:20 – 00:52:39:01
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Come on.
00:52:39:01 – 00:53:14:26
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
That the messenger goes on. Let us remember that the scholars and scientists have not understood the true interpretation of the Bible and the Holy Koran concerning the last messenger. They should meet and confer over this most important of all scriptures and come to the correct enter petition. See, this is not someone just pointing their finger at you, saying you’re you’re wrong and I’m right.
00:53:14:28 – 00:53:22:19
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
This is someone who’s saying, look, we were all wrong until someone came and taught me.
00:53:22:21 – 00:53:23:17
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
00:53:23:20 – 00:53:26:21
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
How can you send a messenger.
00:53:26:23 – 00:53:27:13
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
Who is.
00:53:27:16 – 00:53:33:09
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Going to come with an explanation unless somebody explain something to him.
00:53:33:11 – 00:53:35:09
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
On now?
00:53:35:11 – 00:53:37:27
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:53:38:00 – 00:53:48:03
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And who could give the best explanation? Who could give the best interpretation of God’s word other than God himself?
00:53:48:05 – 00:53:49:13
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
00:53:49:16 – 00:54:04:19
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Men have had their opportunity to do this over thousands of years, and they have not come to the right interpretation. The Koran gives us the yardstick.
00:54:04:22 – 00:54:05:01
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
00:54:05:01 – 00:54:10:29
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
How to determine the right interpretation. None knows is interpretation.
00:54:10:29 – 00:54:13:03
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Save our law theory.
00:54:13:05 – 00:54:14:28
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And stop putting other people in.
00:54:14:28 – 00:54:18:05
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
That. That’s what it.
00:54:18:07 – 00:54:42:26
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
See. And there should be a period there. And I know there’s a comma in your book. It’s in mine to. And you can’t the instructions of the Koran, you’re not supposed to write in the book. You’re not supposed to mark in it or anything before the believers receive the holy Korans in mass, we got clear instructions on how it should be handled.
00:54:42:29 – 00:55:10:10
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So that’s for another subject. Where to set it in the house room, not to take it in and everything, but there’s a whole set of instructions of how the book should be handled. In message to the Black Man, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad says Moses, his people had not had a prophet come to them from God before the raising of Moses.
00:55:10:12 – 00:55:30:08
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So when, when, when, when Moses goes to the people, remember in the Scripture he says to God, who should I say sent me that he he first said, the people are going to ask me, right? So they didn’t know their God.
00:55:30:10 – 00:55:33:06
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:55:33:08 – 00:55:54:04
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
The people who are claiming to be the seed of Abraham said they knew their God. When Jesus said to them, ye shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free. They said, how could we be made free when we have never been in bondage to any man?
00:55:54:07 – 00:55:56:07
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Okay, okay.
00:55:56:09 – 00:56:01:25
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
They they they absolutely deny that history.
00:56:01:27 – 00:56:02:28
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
00:56:03:00 – 00:56:10:19
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Of being in bondage to anyone. Yet Jesus never brought up Pharaoh.
00:56:10:21 – 00:56:11:25
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
That’s right.
00:56:11:27 – 00:56:35:12
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
When he said that he never brought up Moses. When he said that, but they offered it to let him know. We have never been in bondage to any man. The Moses that Jesus brings up, he says, as Moses lifted up the serpent of the wilderness, this is not Pharaoh.
00:56:35:15 – 00:56:36:04
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
The. No.
00:56:36:07 – 00:56:36:29
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
This is not.
00:56:36:29 – 00:56:38:22
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
Egypt. That’s right.
00:56:38:27 – 00:56:46:02
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
The wilderness is a place the Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches us was once Asia.
00:56:46:08 – 00:56:47:08
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
Come on.
00:56:47:10 – 00:57:01:06
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And when they will run from amongst us, which is all hidden under symbolic pictures, when they will run from amongst us, they went to West Asia. And then we named it Europe.
00:57:01:08 – 00:57:02:17
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
00:57:02:20 – 00:57:18:20
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
That’s the Moses. That’s the only Moses Jesus brings up, other than to say I’m not come to cast the weight of law, right, but yet to fulfill it. All right. So look, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is saying.
00:57:20:25 – 00:57:32:11
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
This they don’t they didn’t have a god. God, they did not know the scripture because Pharaoh had them worshiping in his false religion.
00:57:32:13 – 00:57:33:10
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
00:57:33:13 – 00:57:34:10
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Come on now.
00:57:34:13 – 00:57:43:16
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Therefore, look at this. Moses had to preach a new God.
00:57:43:19 – 00:58:11:23
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
See, if you study us in America and think about what Sister Linda said. If you were only looking at this historically as something that happened, you can’t find a fit, right? You lose congruency and consistency by trying to take this event and put it 4000 years ago. It won’t fit. But if you look and we’ll show that in a minute.
00:58:11:26 – 00:58:23:26
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Moses had to preach this new God and look at this. He had to have a new religion to the Hebrews, and he had to give them a new concept of God and a new concept of his religion.
00:58:23:29 – 00:58:24:28
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
00:58:25:00 – 00:58:52:24
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
See, nowhere has that happened in history. Nowhere has it happened in history that God would give them names, as it says in the book of Isaiah, the people that are claiming to be the seed of Abraham, they already have them names. No one came and gave them names. We need a name change from Pookie and Ray. Ray. Come on, somebody, we need a new religious order.
00:58:52:27 – 00:59:07:03
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
We keep trying to God. That the slave master gave us. And we cannot find him. And like our fathers who searched for the mystery God.
00:59:07:05 – 00:59:08:23
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Right for.
00:59:08:23 – 00:59:14:06
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Trillions of years, Mr. Leakey.
00:59:14:08 – 00:59:15:19
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
Yes, sir.
00:59:15:22 – 00:59:45:04
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Who look way back in history and it’s finding bones and remains of people who live far beyond the 6000 year period period that white folks have given us. He interviewed in Muhammad Speaks newspaper and bared witness that he looked at somebody a million years old. And then when I read his book, there was another one found 2 million years old.
00:59:45:06 – 01:00:00:00
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And whoever they found had a mother and father, the honorable Blue as far cousin said, so we’ve been here a long time, is what I’m trying to tell you,
01:00:00:02 – 01:00:16:19
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And even the adversary of today’s preacher of freedom, justice and equality, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. And if it’s his adversary, is your adversary, it’s. I am the one who’s attacked. We are under attack.
01:00:16:21 – 01:00:17:18
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Yes, sir.
01:00:17:21 – 01:00:30:11
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Don’t look at it like they criticize. The hell they criticize you. You gotta take it personal. When he’s under attack.
01:00:30:14 – 01:00:38:17
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Now, look. Okay. New guard, new religious order.
01:00:38:19 – 01:00:43:13
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
A whole new concept of God.
01:00:43:15 – 01:00:52:20
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
We thought it’s just one God sitting there. Because if he’s a mystery and you can’t find him, then you say it’s the same one.
01:00:52:22 – 01:00:54:10
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Come on.
01:00:54:12 – 01:01:09:10
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
But actually, every 25,000 years, a supreme one sits teaching. Every 25,000 years. They say, well, that sound like many gods. No, they come one at a time.
01:01:09:12 – 01:01:10:05
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
01:01:10:08 – 01:01:43:26
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And because of that, he Allah is one. There’s a lot more to be said from that. But this is this is the wisdom of our planet, and part of why 75% of your Scripture is a history written ahead of time is because it’s our history, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, that is being presented to us through another people and set of events.
01:01:44:03 – 01:02:06:21
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
It’s it’s a picture for us to see ourselves now. The Honorable Louis Farrakhan said this we showed last week, if we overlay biblical, prophetic pictures of Israel in bondage to Pharaoh, overlay it.
01:02:06:24 – 01:02:07:24
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
01:02:07:27 – 01:02:24:15
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Our history and our sojourn in America, you get congruency. Congruency mean it’s in agreement. So what we have to concentrate on is not whether everybody else agrees with it.
01:02:24:18 – 01:02:25:01
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
01:02:25:03 – 01:02:32:13
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
If it’s an explanation that this man is sent with. Does it agree with what is in the scriptures?
01:02:32:15 – 01:02:34:03
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Come on, come on.
01:02:34:05 – 01:02:47:28
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And if the Scripture is in agreement with it, then the people that disagree with you, with that explanation are not in agreement with their own scripture.
01:02:48:00 – 01:02:51:16
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Right? Right. Okay.
01:02:51:19 – 01:03:25:19
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So so the the, the, the, the arguments that are being raised, they’re not being raised out of any clear proof and evidence of what one prophet said as opposed to what this one coming with the explanation is saying. The people that are in dispute with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and in dispute with the Honorable Louis Farrakhan, and in dispute with the Nation of Islam, they are not in agreement with their own books.
01:03:25:22 – 01:03:27:19
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
That’s right. Right. Yes.
01:03:27:21 – 01:04:02:27
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
If a messenger had been sent with a book, then they could say they disagree with the book. Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, had revealed to him the holy Koran. There’s they have millions of people on the planet. It who don’t feel the holy Koran is an authentic revelation. There are millions of people on the planet who don’t feel Prophet Muhammad is, a legitimate prophet of God, right?
01:04:02:29 – 01:04:07:17
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So they write it off.
01:04:07:20 – 01:04:09:29
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
But God’s Word is one.
01:04:10:02 – 01:04:11:02
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
That’s right.
01:04:11:04 – 01:04:46:29
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And just because somebody comes from somewhere else and is not under your control, and just because somebody else’s, order of religion is not, necessarily your order of religion, that doesn’t mean that truth is not there. It doesn’t mean that faith is not there. It doesn’t mean that good people are not there. But see the land we live in, if you’re not in sync with them and they’re not in sync with God.
01:04:47:01 – 01:04:48:26
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
01:04:48:29 – 01:04:58:09
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Then they want to call everyone else’s faith counterfeit.
01:04:58:11 – 01:05:05:09
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
They want us in worship of a God that will go along with any foolishness we engage in.
01:05:05:11 – 01:05:07:29
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
That’s right. One more.
01:05:08:01 – 01:05:20:21
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So. So if if you want to take somebody a concept of God that he don’t approve of things you doing after church is over, they putting you out of their house, right?
01:05:20:23 – 01:05:22:09
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
You. That’s right.
01:05:22:11 – 01:05:36:07
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
You we’re dealing with a concept of God. If it if it collides with the way you live and treat women in Islam, you’re telling us to get out.
01:05:36:09 – 01:05:38:21
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Change came.
01:05:38:24 – 01:05:41:24
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
In. Yeah, I’m going to say it.
01:05:41:26 – 01:05:42:27
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Good morning.
01:05:43:00 – 01:05:52:22
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
The gospel of Jesus Christ. The message of Mohammed, of the resurrection. It ain’t here to keep us on a comfort level.
01:05:52:25 – 01:05:57:00
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
That’s right, that’s right. Yeah.
01:05:57:02 – 01:06:28:21
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Look at this congruency. We can find congruency with a people that have been in bondage for 400 years. We can find congruency that Moses was learn in all of the wisdom of the Egyptians. That’s not one man. That’s the people of Moses. And if you look in this land, black people know how to do everything from mopping the floor to putting a satellite out in space.
01:06:28:24 – 01:06:55:07
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
We cover every thing in this country. God made sure that in a house of bondage we would know everything. Why? Because when we walk off on our own, we won’t have to depend on no one but our God and every skill that we need, we to build civilization will already be with us. We won’t have no excuse for.
01:06:55:09 – 01:07:01:20
That. You said yes.
01:07:01:20 – 01:07:38:12
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So look what the Koran says. Oh, messenger. Deliver that which has been revealed to thee from thy Lord. And if thou do it not, thou hast not delivered his message. And along with protect the from men. Surely, our Lord God’s not the disbelieving people. Look, look, look what it’s saying. God is bringing you a message.
01:07:38:14 – 01:07:40:00
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
On now.
01:07:40:02 – 01:07:52:20
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
That he wants delivered to the people he knows best where to place his message. Unlike us, God don’t have a plan B. Plan A is going to.
01:07:52:20 – 01:07:53:26
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
01:07:53:29 – 01:08:01:12
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Well. What if we don’t do it? He get rid of you and get somebody that will come on. There is no plan B.
01:08:01:14 – 01:08:03:27
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
That’s right.
01:08:03:29 – 01:08:22:06
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And once you given the message. You know, maybe you feel like he’s going to be happy. Times. But look, the fact that he has to say I will protect the from men already shows.
01:08:22:06 – 01:08:23:24
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
01:08:23:26 – 01:08:26:15
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Men not going to be in agreement with this message.
01:08:26:21 – 01:08:27:20
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
01:08:27:22 – 01:08:31:20
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And even if there’s some that, there’s some that won’t.
01:08:31:23 – 01:08:32:10
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
01:08:32:12 – 01:08:33:19
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Real talk.
01:08:33:22 – 01:08:44:07
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Almost immediately. After the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was sent with a message, trouble started.
01:08:44:09 – 01:08:45:10
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
Right? Oh.
01:08:45:10 – 01:08:49:10
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Where? From the FBI, from there. Hell, no. Right in the house.
01:08:49:12 – 01:08:50:02
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Look at that.
01:08:50:05 – 01:09:04:15
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Right among us, sir. Not all black people. Us in the mosque is started there. He didn’t run just from Chicago or Detroit. He had to run from the marsh that was in Detroit and in Chicago.
01:09:04:17 – 01:09:09:29
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
2003. That’s right. That’s not.
01:09:10:01 – 01:09:15:11
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
That man. Maybe that’s why God’s judgment got to start in his own house and say.
01:09:15:13 – 01:09:17:09
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Good Jesus.
01:09:17:12 – 01:09:30:25
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Because you’re in the house. You’re always looking for what’s wrong out there. You better be studying what’s wrong right up in here, Big picture. Why should we be looking at that? Because that’s what he’s looking at.
01:09:30:27 – 01:09:34:21
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Come on, come on.
01:09:34:23 – 01:09:52:17
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So no matter what men do, I expect you to deliver the message. What did they do? They started almost immediately with a plan to kill the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
01:09:52:19 – 01:09:56:14
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
01:09:56:16 – 01:10:00:22
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Saw the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. He had to move out.
01:10:00:25 – 01:10:02:05
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
Yes, sir.
01:10:02:07 – 01:10:29:10
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And he couldn’t stay anywhere long enough to build a mosque. Our study group was up right over there. But you know what he did that teaches us something. He took every opportunity to teach me. I’ve read one account where the woman said, well, he asked me one evening, would you mind if I cook something?
01:10:29:12 – 01:10:30:12
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Go ahead.
01:10:30:15 – 01:10:49:03
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
They said, all right. And he cook, and she said, why did you cook all this food? This is too much for us. And the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, she said, smile and ask her, do you know some of the people? So they went and got the neighbors.
01:10:49:05 – 01:10:50:19
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
That’s right. Yes, sir. Come on.
01:10:50:24 – 01:10:54:09
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And pretty soon they just captured.
01:10:54:11 – 01:10:54:29
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
It right.
01:10:55:01 – 01:10:57:19
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
With a man and I met with God.
01:10:57:21 – 01:10:59:04
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
Oh, there he is.
01:10:59:04 – 01:11:23:02
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Made me his messenger. He sent me to teach you see, and it goes on and on. But it didn’t start in a mosque. He started at a dinner table. That’s what I’m trying to get you to. There’s an opportunity here to teach. And wherever someone is in the darkness. Darkness for us means ignorance.
01:11:23:04 – 01:11:23:23
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
01:11:23:25 – 01:11:55:00
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
People think the white man is our greatest enemy. Ignorance is our greatest enemy. But once you become, a muslim follower of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, you are required to read for you. One of the reasons you’re always have difficulty getting work out of a soldier and the Nation of Islam, because you don’t encourage them to read. The the minister taught.
01:11:55:00 – 01:11:56:25
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
01:11:56:28 – 01:12:10:29
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
You don’t have to force more. When people get an understanding of law, you can’t get an understanding unless you read. Once they’re reading, they understand.
01:12:11:01 – 01:12:12:17
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
Yes, sir.
01:12:12:20 – 01:12:44:15
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
What they’re doing, and better still, they understand why they’re doing it. So the fuel that the believer really runs on, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan taught us, is the word of God and the Word of God is revelation to you. So deliver the message. What are they going to do? The first thing they gotta do because the message is going to cause them discomfort.
01:12:44:15 – 01:12:48:13
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
But come on now.
01:12:48:15 – 01:12:53:14
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And you gotta get it. You gotta get our people right where they are, right?
01:12:53:16 – 01:12:54:04
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
01:12:54:07 – 01:13:08:23
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So if you’re in the grip of somebody that you believe is divine, you’re in the grip of somebody that you believe God has chosen. That’s the first place the messenger got to go to get the shackles off of us. The white man is the devil.
01:13:08:26 – 01:13:10:01
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
01:13:10:03 – 01:13:26:12
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And so then they take what is revelation, even as depressed as the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. And they pressed him on this point about the Caucasian being the devil. He said, the Lord revealed it to me.
01:13:26:14 – 01:13:46:11
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
He didn’t see. He didn’t go back to what he saw in the South. He didn’t go back to what he even saw in the North. He went to revelation and he said, Allah has revealed it to me right? And the Koran said the messenger believes what has been revealed to him from his Lord.
01:13:46:13 – 01:13:46:27
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
01:13:46:29 – 01:13:53:29
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And so do the believers. Right?
01:13:54:01 – 01:14:03:17
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Well, you call somebody devil. You must hate white people. No, we don’t hate white people. That’s just your ID card, right?
01:14:03:18 – 01:14:05:24
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Right, right.
01:14:05:27 – 01:14:06:17
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
01:14:06:19 – 01:14:08:19
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Oh, there.
01:14:08:21 – 01:14:31:22
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
No identifying somebody. And you didn’t make that identification. God came and made it, right. It’s in the in the Scripture talks about a devil. Our people talk about all the evil being done to you can see the evil can’t see the devil. So we must be those that are blind, deaf and dumb. God, we know somebody did us wrong.
01:14:31:25 – 01:14:40:09
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
He’s sitting right in front of us. He’s got an open enemy right? He’s. He’s in the open because we can’t see.
01:14:40:11 – 01:14:41:02
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
He don’t have.
01:14:41:02 – 01:14:41:29
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
To hide what he’s.
01:14:41:29 – 01:14:43:04
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
01:14:43:06 – 01:14:48:07
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Open enemy. Does his enemy, like, work in the open?
01:14:48:10 – 01:14:49:00
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
01:14:49:02 – 01:14:52:25
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
If we could have read, we would be in a better condition.
01:14:52:28 – 01:14:54:00
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
Yes, sir.
01:14:54:02 – 01:15:08:08
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
But he set up a law and made it against the law for us to be able to read and write. And if one of us was found knowing how to read and write, especially if we tried to teach others of us, we could be hung.
01:15:08:11 – 01:15:09:05
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
01:15:09:07 – 01:15:10:18
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
He did that not open.
01:15:10:25 – 01:15:12:18
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
That’s not.
01:15:12:21 – 01:15:13:21
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
That’s evil.
01:15:13:22 – 01:15:15:00
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
Yes, sir.
01:15:15:03 – 01:15:48:02
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
But he did that right in the open. How important is reading? We’re taught in the Holy Koran that the first revelation that came to Muhammad 1400 years ago, what prayer wasn’t fasting, wasn’t charity. This first order and instruction was to read that came before anything. So I could be praying, I could be fasting, I could be giving in charity.
01:15:48:04 – 01:15:58:04
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
But if I sit down here and therefore and stop reading, I’m going to pay a penalty here.
01:15:58:06 – 01:16:02:12
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Don’t ever discourage a black man from reading.
01:16:02:14 – 01:16:03:10
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
01:16:03:12 – 01:16:04:17
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Come on, come on.
01:16:04:20 – 01:16:23:10
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
It should be part of our discipline, right? And when you’re an oppressed people, you should be the most disciplined people in that civilization. Should nobody be more disciplined than us?
01:16:23:13 – 01:16:53:16
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
He has to deliver the message. So it’s bringing them discomfort because he said he he’s messing up everything. The revelation deals with how to eat, to live. Well, now whole industries are going to be affected. Don’t smoke cigarets, all the carcinogens and stuff in it. You can’t be in this and smoke. Cigaret was it got to the point where some people that didn’t want to be in this still gave up cigarets.
01:16:53:19 – 01:16:55:20
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
01:16:55:23 – 01:17:27:05
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Sometimes when you start out it looks almost impossible. That’s why you got to believe that God came in. Because one thing we know ain’t nothing impossible with God. So people were smoking all the time. I like the old movies. Old, black and white, but everybody smoking. How are you doing there? He’s dressed up. She dressed up. Then they messed that up with with the gold case and the cigarets in it.
01:17:27:05 – 01:17:49:09
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
They tapped him one and she’s. He lighting one for her. You got these nice clothes on and all that smoke smell is getting in it. Well, when I smoke cigarets, I couldn’t smell it. But we got our cigarets coming in the nation. I can smell it all the way across the room. I could smell nothing when I was smoking a cigaret.
01:17:49:11 – 01:18:08:00
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And you know you’re unconscious. That is going. I had to get on a hotel and I was there. What, three nights? And they charge you almost $50 a night for parking. But the fact that I smelled all that cigaret smoke in my car when I came back, I don’t know, I went up and complained. So they cut all that cost off.
01:18:08:02 – 01:18:19:19
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
They said, you shouldn’t have gone through that. But see, the people are smoking. They got it and they closed and everything. They drive in your car and everything. And I said, that’ll make folk think I’m smoking, right?
01:18:19:19 – 01:18:20:10
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
All right.
01:18:20:13 – 01:18:42:04
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
I see you down the street in distress. Here, let me drop you off at home. Than the minister was spoken up. Come on, you know. Yeah, yeah, I really sue him. Then. That’s right. No, you have to. You have to do that. But part of what we eat is a brand. And when I first moved here, we put an event on.
01:18:42:04 – 01:18:46:13
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
We had 16,000 people out at the Civic Center before it closed.
01:18:46:15 – 01:18:47:21
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
01:18:47:24 – 01:19:08:21
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And while we were sitting down there, we wanted to be able to have the MGT fix something. We wanted to bring something in. They said no, only our vendors. So I told them those vendors have pork and pork byproducts in them and that’s going to hurt our brand. When I explained it to them, they said we never thought about that.
01:19:08:23 – 01:19:32:00
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So they closed those down. They didn’t let us set up food. But you know, we so we made $8,000 selling pies because we made something from Chicago and brought them back. But, you know, the, the the thing is, you discredit us. That would look bad if the Muslims put on an event and we was frying pork chops.
01:19:32:03 – 01:19:33:15
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
What’s. So think about.
01:19:33:17 – 01:20:01:23
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
That. That would hurt the brand. Are you following people already? No, no, they don’t have no pork around them. And different things. Some of them don’t know. We don’t deal with pork, byproducts either. But they understand that this is not a house that will have pork and celebrate that. But the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was going after so much, and there’s so much in there now that applies to today.
01:20:01:25 – 01:20:03:01
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Let’s absolutely.
01:20:03:03 – 01:20:19:18
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And to show you that they are recalcitrant. They are against revelation. Because when you look at how to eat the live book, one and two, he said, as taught to me by God in person, those are only two books that you have to have that on the.
01:20:19:18 – 01:20:20:23
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
01:20:20:25 – 01:21:02:29
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Because they’re not in the lessons for recitation. So he’s being taught this, but it’s dealing with so many chemicals in the water and in the food and the things that they would plan before this world goes out. That’s why they’re upset with Robert Kennedy, junior being over health. Right. Because and this human service thing, because he’s getting ready to go into the food Drug Administration, who already approved taking a gene and growing it in some laboratory to make a chicken for that.
01:21:03:01 – 01:21:06:27
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So we’re not even talking to egg.
01:21:07:00 – 01:21:07:23
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
01:21:07:25 – 01:21:12:21
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And you chopping away on this? I want some lettuce on mine. You know.
01:21:12:23 – 01:21:14:05
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
To have.
01:21:14:07 – 01:21:17:24
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
These genetically modified foods. He wants to get rid of them.
01:21:17:26 – 01:21:19:03
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
Come on.
01:21:19:06 – 01:21:46:27
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
He he wants he wants to study the medicines that they put now for people. Have you looked at since they’ve been made to tell you the known side effects of everything? There’s not a medication that they asking you to take, and then you just you have to pay attention to all that. And almost all of them say if thoughts of suicide come up, discontinue and call a physician.
01:21:46:29 – 01:21:47:24
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
01:21:47:26 – 01:21:49:15
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
How are you going to do that if you dead?
01:21:49:18 – 01:21:50:08
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Come on.
01:21:50:11 – 01:22:02:08
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Okay. I’m just I’m trying to give you the breath of yes, sir. Of the errors that have taken place after we have had Scripture.
01:22:02:11 – 01:22:03:05
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
01:22:03:08 – 01:22:22:02
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
When this man comes with an explanation, he’s not using other sources that don’t support what’s already in Scripture. Right. And Scripture comes from what the prophets were made to speak.
01:22:22:05 – 01:22:27:13
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So he has to deliver the message. So the first thing they gotta do is dispute the message.
01:22:27:17 – 01:22:29:21
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
Yes, sir.
01:22:29:23 – 01:22:41:01
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And they want you to go back to something. And when they can’t find proofs, they call it a hate teaching.
01:22:41:03 – 01:22:44:05
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
But a man hears the hate teaching so.
01:22:44:05 – 01:22:45:16
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
01:22:45:18 – 01:23:02:26
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And he. He discards the cigarets. A man hears the hate teaching and he stops drinking whiskey every day a man hears the so called hate teaching, and he gets off of bad foods and he’s starting to eat better foods.
01:23:02:29 – 01:23:03:27
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
01:23:03:29 – 01:23:43:07
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And the man who embraced the so called hate teaching is showing a love for himself. And a love for his own time. But the one that’s in dispute of him has shown no trace of love and shown no trace of genuine concern for your and my welfare. Then when they get off cigarets and get off, alcohol and get off the other reckless thing, they make it like they came up with the discovery.
01:23:43:10 – 01:23:45:02
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
01:23:45:04 – 01:24:06:26
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Because they don’t want you to be in agreement with the message. Wants you try to discredit the, the message. Look at this. The next thing you want to do is discredit the messenger.
01:24:06:28 – 01:24:07:29
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
Right? That’s right.
01:24:08:06 – 01:24:48:20
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
You looking for something about him? You looking for something that you can use to scandalize him in order to magnetize him? Why? Because the word has impact and effect. Now, remember, it’s charging the cells of the brain, right? They plant agents in amongst us and with the agents in amongst us. Many of the the reason we know agents have been amongst us because they’ve turned themselves in and they tell us that the government sent them.
01:24:48:22 – 01:25:07:07
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
But what they’re hearing from us doesn’t show us to be an enemy to the Constitution of the United States of America. The one that sent them is an enemy to the Constitution of the United States of America. They don’t even live up to their own doctrine.
01:25:07:10 – 01:25:07:19
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
01:25:07:26 – 01:25:09:09
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
01:25:09:12 – 01:25:19:22
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So the other thing that they want to do, they want to call the warning a threat.
01:25:19:25 – 01:25:40:03
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
If you don’t get your act together, God is going to destroy America. A new world is being set up and they like those who rose up and disputed against the prophets, said, bring on what you threaten us with.
01:25:40:05 – 01:26:02:26
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
You know how it is when you fight an after school. Somebody puts out a threat, then somebody else take that jacket off, will come on with it. They’re so they talking to the man of God and they’re taking a sincere warning as a threat, even though the prophet said, you know, I seek not to be any Lord over you.
01:26:02:29 – 01:26:06:22
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
I’m only bringing you what the Lord has told me to tell you.
01:26:06:24 – 01:26:09:28
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
Right? Right.
01:26:10:01 – 01:26:40:21
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
That there’s no advantage from me, from you. Everything that I’m going to get, I’m seeking from him right? I don’t have no power to destroy you. But he does. And my job is to deliver the message. So the Honorable Elijah Muhammad faced poverty. He he he he suffered separation from his own family. He went to prison.
01:26:40:23 – 01:26:46:00
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And he had to escape real attempts on his life.
01:26:46:03 – 01:26:47:03
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
01:26:47:06 – 01:26:52:23
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And the the the people who wanted to kill him.
01:26:52:26 – 01:27:13:04
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
That never stopped. And they were trying to find ways to kill him, whether it was to poison him. But he lived under that. But he also lived under 100% trust in the God that sent him to deliver the message.
01:27:13:06 – 01:27:16:03
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
01:27:16:05 – 01:27:46:14
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
The message itself, as talked about in Scripture. I think in the book of Genesis, God tells the woman and tells the serpent that it will be the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent that will settle the score. And the Honorable Elijah Muhammad cites the woman and her seed as one coming up in the end time.
01:27:46:17 – 01:28:22:14
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And God says of the woman, you shall bruise his head, and he will bruise your heel. Right, sir? In other words, to the serpent’s poison is in the head. It’s not in the other part of the serpent. All of the poison that the serpent delivers to its prey, it’s in the head. So he says, this means that this one who comes, he defeats the wise argument of the religious scientists of his day.
01:28:22:17 – 01:28:26:28
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad defeated them all.
01:28:27:00 – 01:28:28:25
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Come on.
01:28:28:27 – 01:28:58:00
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Two men, he said of the gospel, had fire, and they were in dispute about the message. He said. But as we sat there, my fire ultimately burnt out their fire. Everybody got fire. But look what he said. My fire burnt theirs out. So they said in conclusion, Elijah, they did not give us that over there.
01:28:58:02 – 01:28:58:20
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
01:28:58:23 – 01:29:27:08
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Where we went to learn religion. He said they did not have that over there to give you see, this has been this has been held up for the time that we are in it. It was so it’s the explanation didn’t come 2000 years ago, 4000 years ago or 1400 years ago. We’re living with the explanation right now. All praise is due to Allah.
01:29:27:10 – 01:29:28:17
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Yes, sir.
01:29:28:19 – 01:30:09:08
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So, The Koran says old people of the book you follow no good till you observe the Torah and the gospel and that which is revealed to you from your Lord. And surely that which has been revealed to thee from thy Lord will make many of them increase in in ordinances, and disbelieve. So stop grieving. For disbelieving people.
01:30:09:10 – 01:30:10:00
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
Look at the.
01:30:10:02 – 01:30:12:29
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
People that have heard the message like you heard.
01:30:12:29 – 01:30:16:06
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
It right here.
01:30:16:09 – 01:30:26:24
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And have decided against it. Delivering the message is not about taking an opinion poll.
01:30:26:26 – 01:30:27:16
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
01:30:27:18 – 01:31:01:08
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And if the opinion sways one way or the other, that’s how you treat the message. If nobody accepts it, that doesn’t mean it’s not true, right? If nobody accepts the messenger, that doesn’t mean that the Lord didn’t make him a messenger. We’re not taking no polls today. This is the truth. And we’re. The opposition has greatly outnumbered the man that had to speak the truth.
01:31:01:10 – 01:31:37:14
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
We have seen what the end was for those who have rejected our messages. So what now? Is God showing the first thing he sees showing here people of the book. All right. You had the Torah, okay? You had the gospel. But until you observe it, you’re going to always have a problem with what’s being revealed. Now, the Torah does not have a problem with Louis Farrakhan.
01:31:37:16 – 01:31:38:24
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Said that the.
01:31:38:24 – 01:32:00:20
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Gospel of Jesus does not have a problem with Louis Farrakhan. You can only have a problem with him because you got a problem with the Torah right? Somebody took the Torah and and, substituted another writing.
01:32:00:23 – 01:32:02:15
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
That’s right.
01:32:02:18 – 01:32:21:27
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So you got the Talmud written in Babylon in captivity, which is your interpretation. Explanation, illumination, if you want to use that term, but actually a deviation.
01:32:21:29 – 01:32:23:25
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
That’s the word. Come on.
01:32:23:27 – 01:32:36:27
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
From the revelation of the Torah. Look at this until you observe the gospel.
01:32:36:29 – 01:33:04:22
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
You’re going to have a problem with someone that’s fulfilling the gospel to see the explanation means that God has saved the essence of the inner meaning. That’s why it’s called a hidden wisdom and a hidden. And it was a time for this to be revealed.
01:33:04:24 – 01:33:46:18
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
We would already have that which is with us. That’s why I keep saying he verifies that which is already with you, so I. I have it, but I can’t see it. If I really understood it, I could have applied it more. Real knowledge makes you and me unfit to be a slave. So if we are still slaves in the 21st century, what kind of knowledge are we working with the public?
01:33:46:20 – 01:34:10:04
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
If someone beat you, raped your woman, hung you, and every other crime you can think of and they’ve done and you still relying and waiting on them to do right by you. And the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, if you are clear, he didn’t treat you right. What makes you think he would teach you? Right?
01:34:10:06 – 01:34:12:05
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Right, right.
01:34:12:07 – 01:34:38:21
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
If you were taught right. If I’m taught right, I won’t let nobody mistreat me. I only stand for mistreatment because I haven’t been taught properly. My own value. When we’re made blind, deaf and dumb, we lose appraisal power.
01:34:38:24 – 01:35:09:20
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
After living with the crime of redlining, where they know black folks live in a certain zip code right? So when they red line you, the the bank officers and the loan department, all they got to do is look at the zip code and know you’re going to be denied the loan. This traps you not only in a decaying neighborhood, but it traps your children in a failing school.
01:35:09:23 – 01:35:11:16
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So there are many traps set up.
01:35:11:16 – 01:35:14:13
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
There, and.
01:35:14:16 – 01:35:46:22
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
I, when they come for your property, when they want to gentrify and come back in, all of a sudden they’ll say the property’s only worth this. You say, but I put flowers out front and I got new sod laid down. In fact, I put a fence up and everything, but they go back comps in the neighborhood. And because everybody can’t do that, your house and mine is subject to comps.
01:35:46:25 – 01:36:09:19
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And so the appraiser has to come in. This is all part of the sale and to purchase of properties. Now. And they the bank sends an appraiser. Appraiser goes over things and then they tell you what the property is worth and this is all you can get for it. And so they come in and get it dirt cheap after they let it decay.
01:36:09:22 – 01:36:17:23
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
All right. Well, when it comes to value in a home, they’re in charge of that. But when it comes to the value of a human being, they’re not the author.
01:36:17:29 – 01:36:21:17
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Right, right, right, right.
01:36:21:20 – 01:36:22:12
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Come on.
01:36:22:15 – 01:36:31:24
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And what we’ve done, we’ve we we’re trying to measure up to them because we’re giving them the yardstick to tell us what’s worth something and what’s worth.
01:36:31:24 – 01:36:33:29
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
01:36:34:02 – 01:37:11:03
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
What has value and what’s value less. Then we start value in what they value, and we start devaluing what they devalue. And included in the devaluation is the devaluation of ourselves. So we don’t treat ourselves with any, sense of importance that we’ll put more expensive clothes on us and take great, greater care doing that than what we put in us.
01:37:11:06 – 01:37:24:13
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
I mean, we are we’re turned upside down. So the interior of your car look better than the interior of the home that you live in. You’re turned upside down.
01:37:24:16 – 01:37:25:04
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
The the minister.
01:37:25:11 – 01:37:39:22
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So you get out. And you. We used to call it glad rags. And you put your glad rags on and you get in these big cars. That’s a half a block loan trying to do the gangsta lean. And,
01:37:39:24 – 01:37:57:18
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And everything in is nice, but God knows, don’t take nobody home. You out there living a jungle life? You know, jungle life is colorful, but it’s deadly. But, God, your home look like a biohazard.
01:37:57:20 – 01:37:58:09
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
01:37:58:11 – 01:38:17:23
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Food left out, sitting out over the air. Crusty thing. Chicken bones laid on the ground, on the floor and stuff. You ain’t cleaned up and you got to climb over stuff to try to get to and climb over. Stuff to get out of bed.
01:38:17:25 – 01:38:19:15
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
01:38:19:18 – 01:38:30:23
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So. If you’re not observing your own books, you could never recognize the man when he comes.
01:38:30:26 – 01:38:32:21
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
That’s right.
01:38:32:23 – 01:38:38:28
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
How could you? Because you were out of sync with those right?
01:38:39:00 – 01:39:08:13
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
The word got power. And a person that’s already in agreement with their Torah in agreement with the gospel, your power would increase whether you came and joined this House or not. Right. There’s a, I’m trying to think of his name. A black preacher. He said, God is a Negro. Now, the church was upset with him, but he stood by it.
01:39:08:14 – 01:39:34:06
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
He got a hold. He had he was trying to start a movement. Now we know the term Negro, but the point is, he stopped accepting a white God, and that brother stood up. He didn’t receive revelation. He wasn’t the one coming with the explanation. But he came up with that. And I mean, he’s an indicator that we’re not happy campers.
01:39:34:08 – 01:40:07:10
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
He’s an indication that we want something we’re yearning for, something greater than what we have. We’re almost close. And look at this. This last man. Look what happened to him. A log gives him a log, gives him the Torah. Then a log gives him the gospel. Then a log gives him the book, which is Kitab, which is the Koran.
01:40:07:12 – 01:40:11:05
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Then, in addition, he gives him the wisdom.
01:40:11:07 – 01:40:13:02
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
That’s right.
01:40:13:04 – 01:40:42:08
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
All of these are given to this man. But see, this man comes knowing the essence of the Torah. That’s why they gave it to him. Other than that, the people that already had it, they don’t understand it could have gave it to him. And guess what? He wouldn’t have understood it. But the fact that the Koran said we gave him the Torah, we gave him the gospel.
01:40:42:10 – 01:40:51:16
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Oh, yeah. Henry McNeal Turner. Thank you. And we gave him the book.
01:40:51:19 – 01:40:54:25
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
The Koran, the book. Already got wisdom.
01:40:54:28 – 01:40:56:16
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
01:40:56:19 – 01:41:06:17
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
The gospel, and the Torah already have wisdom. But in addition to the wisdom from these books, he’s given wisdom.
01:41:06:19 – 01:41:37:26
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And that’s the root of wisdom, the supreme wisdom. Now, the supreme wisdom. See, it’s designed to unlock what the power of the original people, the supreme wisdom. The minister said it unlocks the secrets. Look, look, look, look, look what God says here. Because the more someone preaches something that you are out of line with and don’t want to get in a line with, you know you’re an ordinance.
01:41:37:27 – 01:42:08:12
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
He increases your disbelief, increases, and pretty soon you don’t have no evidence. So you just say it’s a hate teacher. Look at Reverend violence. He’s arguing with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad back and forth in the early years in the Amsterdam News or the Pittsburgh Courier, and every scripture he brings up to attack the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, disputing him as a messenger, disputing the message, saying, is not from God.
01:42:08:14 – 01:42:41:13
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad would use his book right and show scriptures proving that he is the messenger and proving that he has the message. Finally, when Reverend Violence just decides, look, I don’t want to believe this. That’s a man growing in an ordinance, see? And disbelief in the face of truth. You know, the heart can harden toward things to a point that you don’t even allow your mind to see whether it’s true for not anymore.
01:42:41:16 – 01:43:08:15
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
You just against it. So Reverend violence, right? Elijah Muhammad didn’t even finish the fourth grade in school. Elijah Muhammad, so he ain’t even a better educated man. So the Honorable Elijah Muhammad responded to him. He said, it looks like our reverend friend is run out of material. He’s gone to taking cheap shots. Well, that’s what we end up doing.
01:43:08:16 – 01:43:40:29
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
We get reduced to cheap shots when you come up against something without knowledge. So the Koran says this. We can understand if you dispute about that which you have some knowledge. But how do you dispute with no knowledge. And we know we don’t have no knowledge when somebody didn’t allow us to do it. So a man that can unlock the power, the original people unlock these books, the hidden wisdom that is in them.
01:43:41:05 – 01:44:13:01
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
He ends our excuses and we are thankful to him. So the last two slides I wanted to show today, look at the Bible says, surely the Lord does nothing unless he reveals his secret to his servants. The prophets. So you’re not even supposed to let nobody dispute you and then not a prophet, are you following up?
01:44:13:03 – 01:44:45:04
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
If they got it from a prophet, then they should reference the prophet that they got it from. Especially if they’re in dispute about the explanation that has come. He only revealed that’s in Amos. That’s in the Bible. The Koran says it like this the knower of the unseen. So he makes his secrets known to none except a messenger whom he chooses except a messenger whom meet you.
01:44:45:05 – 01:45:19:07
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Not some messenger that made himself up. You know, we’re we’re we’re we’re a sucker for self-made leaders who just made themselves a leader. They don’t claim nobody that made them. They don’t claim nobody that sent them. They always came on their own. So Jesus even said that you would you like men to come in their own name? But when you come in the name of the father, when you come in the name of someone else, and don’t call yourself a leader, you call yourself a servant.
01:45:19:09 – 01:45:23:25
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
But everybody knows he spoke as one, having authority.
01:45:23:28 – 01:45:24:26
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
01:45:24:28 – 01:45:40:03
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
The authority comes from the word author. He this a man when he’s authorized to speak like that. And then he’s he’s endowed with power so that the word gives life.
01:45:40:05 – 01:45:42:05
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
That’s right.
01:45:42:07 – 01:45:43:17
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
By law’s permission.
01:45:43:17 – 01:45:45:03
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
01:45:45:05 – 01:45:54:22
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Causes the blind to see by a lost permission. No, the deaf to hear. The lame, the walk he cleanses the leper. Oh.
01:45:54:25 – 01:45:55:18
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Come on.
01:45:55:20 – 01:46:14:01
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
A black person with a white mind. He can heal that with his word. But all of that is by God’s permission. Why? Because that’s to show you, man, this man with an explanation. He’s coming with greater power than the prophets had.
01:46:14:04 – 01:46:14:24
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
01:46:14:26 – 01:46:16:18
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Louis? Come on.
01:46:16:20 – 01:46:32:04
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Another subject. But look at here. He. He makes what’s unseen, known to a messenger that he chooses for surely he makes a guard to go before him and after him.
01:46:32:06 – 01:46:33:10
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
That’s right.
01:46:33:12 – 01:46:36:05
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Man, somebody went before.
01:46:36:05 – 01:46:39:09
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
Him. That’s right.
01:46:39:12 – 01:46:45:16
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
See? I’m supposed to receive and obey,
01:46:45:18 – 01:46:49:14
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
That’s right, that’s right. So.
01:46:49:17 – 01:46:52:07
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
All orders. Right?
01:46:52:11 – 01:46:53:21
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
That’s right.
01:46:53:23 – 01:47:02:26
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
But if I receive an obey, then you pass on to the Sentinel who relieves you. Orders from the commanding officer.
01:47:02:29 – 01:47:03:19
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
That’s right.
01:47:03:22 – 01:47:34:18
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And whatever dispensation you in the officer of that day. Right? Yes, sir. This ain’t the day for the revelation of the Torah. This ain’t the day for the revelation of the gospel. It ain’t even the day for the revelation of the Holy Koran. This is the day for the explanation of everything that God has revealed. And the officer of the day is somebody you going to have to accept.
01:47:34:22 – 01:47:47:00
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan?
01:47:47:02 – 01:47:57:05
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
That he may know that they have truly delivered the messages of their Lord. He sends a guard from before him and from behind. Everybody under watch.
01:47:57:08 – 01:47:58:02
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
Yes, sir.
01:47:58:04 – 01:48:03:21
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
But the messenger can’t go out and give a message. The scientists are checking it.
01:48:03:21 – 01:48:06:22
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
01:48:06:24 – 01:48:07:29
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
They’re watching.
01:48:08:02 – 01:48:11:21
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
01:48:11:24 – 01:48:16:19
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
They gotta watch. Why? Because they didn’t come with him?
01:48:16:21 – 01:48:17:26
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
Yes, sir.
01:48:17:28 – 01:48:24:13
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
That means they didn’t know as much as he knew.
01:48:24:15 – 01:48:28:03
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
This one who came? He making it clear he came by himself.
01:48:28:06 – 01:48:30:11
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
Yes, sir. Yes, sir. That’s right.
01:48:30:13 – 01:48:53:00
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And what did we do after he came from the east, even unto the way we. We tried to go around his messenger and run to the east ourself and nobody else there. That can give you what he’s already gave you. You ain’t going to get no leader like you got the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. And the only reason you have him is because of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
01:48:53:03 – 01:48:53:19
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
01:48:53:22 – 01:49:12:24
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
You’re not going to get no leadership like that. No man tells you they put their life on the line. That’s not if I give you a word. That’s not true. You won’t have nobody preaching that will put their life on the line for what they’re preaching.
01:49:12:26 – 01:49:16:04
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Right, brother? Is.
01:49:16:06 – 01:49:48:05
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So they come from behind him. They want to know. That he that he, delivered the message. And look here, a log keeps an account of all things last but not least, so we understand this, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. Every aspect of American society is suffering at that. So you can’t even present him a world that defies what God has given him to preach from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
01:49:48:07 – 01:50:13:10
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Because everything you got is suffering right. Every aspect of American life is suffering. Her economy is faltering right? Her public schools are failing. Maintaining the health of the American people has proven too costly.
01:50:13:12 – 01:50:40:23
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Ozempic and all of that stuff is about $1,000 a month. Just to keep your weight down because you have no discipline, right? That’s not to make anybody feel bad. But you know, you have to learn from teaching. You get training, right? If I’m being taught something to believe in me, believe for count for nothing unless I carry it into practice.
01:50:40:26 – 01:51:16:13
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So I gotta you teach and you train. Look at that. So it’s too costly to maintain our health. I think they were paying $50. I know it wasn’t even $100 for insulin overseas in Europe, but here it started 700 and. They took a picture. I’m watching the documentary and they took a picture of the beaches in America in late 69, 70.
01:51:16:16 – 01:51:50:26
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And when you saw the people black, white, whatever, every one was of a a natural, comfortable weight. But when they went to 2016 and showed the beach people are overweight and everything, well, their point was these highly ultra processed foods, sugar and salt, that’s in the in our diet. And if you took it at the end of the year, it would just be a big plate of salt, a big plate of sugar piled up.
01:51:50:29 – 01:52:17:21
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And, you know, you just supposed to take that and eat that like that. But we’re eating foods that are charged up. So eating the natural foods that come from the explanation. We can begin to avoid some of that because the American people are see saying, see, it doesn’t cost us. You know, people think, well, they’re going to, ask you for some money.
01:52:17:24 – 01:52:37:04
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
You know, we ain’t got no money if some if you follow what the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, eat one meal every 24 hours. You’ve cut out two meals and snacks and, you know, animals run around, eat, eat all day till they get ready to lay down. They see something over there, they start eating on it and they eat on this, that and the other.
01:52:37:06 – 01:53:11:29
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
But, you eat one meal every 24 hours, you’ve cut off two meals. That’s 60 meals a month. If you just was paying $5 for a meal, which cost even more, now you’re coming up with money, right? That you didn’t even have. We low we lose money on foolishness, you know. Friday the eagle flies. That’s supposed to be our money flies out because, you know, once we off work off for the weekend, we start acting foolish.
01:53:12:02 – 01:53:39:06
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And then your money’s gone. Gambling and party and different things. When you’re not living like that, money starts showing up that you already had. So see, Islam don’t ask you for nothing. You shouldn’t even be struggling. The more you live like this, the more you coming up with something. You follow what I’m saying. It’s because people try to get in your ear and make you think God is cheating.
01:53:39:06 – 01:53:40:10
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
01:53:40:12 – 01:53:58:18
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
I’ve seen some of these things on YouTube and they pulling people away, and you thinking somebody else is taking something from you, somebody took something from you, went far and found you. You don’t even own your self right?
01:53:58:21 – 01:54:28:09
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
We’re in such bad shape that the messenger has more rights over us than we have over ourself. The Koran show. So if a man who’s been sent in the last days been given the Torah, the gospel, the book, and the wisdom, if he tells you you great, you don’t even have, you might exercise it, but you don’t have the right to tell him he’s wrong.
01:54:28:11 – 01:54:29:00
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
01:54:29:03 – 01:54:37:08
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
I’m not, I’m not have any worth of value. His his insight into you is greater than yours, into yourself.
01:54:37:11 – 01:54:40:10
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
Right? Right.
01:54:40:12 – 01:54:48:29
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And if you accept what he sees and start acting on it, you’re going to become greater in the land than you are right now.
01:54:49:01 – 01:54:52:29
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
You right?
01:54:53:01 – 01:55:17:03
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
The Karate Kid didn’t think he could win the tournament. Wax on, wax off saying this. Do that. So you somebody tells you drill, hole pose, take a newspaper, do some. I don’t see how this relates to liberation. I don’t see how this relates to something I’m doing. Karate kid couldn’t see it, but when it got time for him, they say, here come the devil.
01:55:17:03 – 01:55:19:06
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
He was ready,
01:55:19:09 – 01:55:19:25
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
There you go.
01:55:20:02 – 01:55:49:25
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Come on now, y’all help me out of here. I’m trying to look. Good schools. Faith. Crime is rampant. And look, they looking for a scapegoat, so they want to make like, the crime. The criminals are all coming from across the border. You know, the crooks started when they went and robbed, took us and kidnaped us and brought us here right?
01:55:49:27 – 01:56:05:11
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Yeah. You’re not talking about those criminals. Look at here. Her sense of morality seems to have been lost. And he’s being kind to them.
01:56:05:13 – 01:56:07:20
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
That’s right.
01:56:07:22 – 01:56:22:18
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And in general, the whole future of the country has become a big question mark. Now, I know Mr. Trump defies that. He said America is going to be great again. We didn’t that great in what?
01:56:22:20 – 01:56:24:10
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Come on the war.
01:56:24:12 – 01:56:32:00
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
If you’ve lost your morality and you not see the moral superior is going to win this war in the end.
01:56:32:02 – 01:56:32:25
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
01:56:32:28 – 01:57:09:25
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And the nature of the original people is righteousness. And we’re taught righteousness will sustain you in that day. But it’s hard to be righteous if you don’t know your own nature. You need someone to teach you into these things. And look, if everything that, we’re reading into scripture is yesterday and 100% of it is yesterday, and none of it applies to today, then the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, we need somebody to take us and give us insight into these recent events on our planet.
01:57:09:27 – 01:57:38:15
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Right? No, it’s because we’ve given an explanation. It is, a history written ahead of time that we have walked into that we live in right now, the Honorable Louis Farrakhan said America is on her deathbed. I want to get off of this ward. I don’t want to be on the terminal ward where I’m. Get me. Take me back to the emergency room and reevaluate.
01:57:38:15 – 01:58:02:21
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Be. Yeah. I’m not trying to die right now. And I don’t want your fate. You have earned doom from God, right? With the way you have done us, the way you have done other people of the planet Earth. And there’s no. You know, if I’m going to do anything around the death bed, I’m going to sit there and help you read your last rights.
01:58:02:23 – 01:58:24:19
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
As the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has helpers to go out into the vineyard to help him. We’re reading the last Rites of America. She’s on her deathbed. If they don’t accept the messenger and don’t accept the explanation that he has brought us. Thank you for listening. I salaam alaikum.
01:58:24:21 – 01:58:27:17
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
01:58:27:19 – 01:58:52:09
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And so, family, with the time that we have, we’re thankful for you being out. We’re so thankful. And we hope that you let, your family know. Your coworkers know. Friends and neighbors know they’re always welcome here at mosque number 12. We’re open on Sundays. We’re open. We’re we’re we’re actually here all week, but we hold meetings again on Wednesday night.
01:58:52:09 – 01:59:15:11
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And you have wonderful teachers in that, taking us into the science. That’s going to help us live better. You know, everybody should be working on becoming a better version of themselves. And we believe that this is this is the pathway for us to be able to achieve such a thing. If you are for your first time or second time or third time, let me just see your hands.
01:59:15:11 – 01:59:37:12
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
If you are only out for your first time or second time. Okay. Well, we thank you so much for you all that are out. If you feel that what you heard today is the truth and good for us as a people, this is an opportunity for you to take another step, to become a part of a process that takes us.
01:59:37:14 – 01:59:58:17
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
But believe me, what we talk about now, there are greater truths still that we are learning and coming into. But with your family here, you’re welcome here at mass number 12, and you’re welcome here to become a member, to help the Honorable Louis Farrakhan. They are. Those of us just hearing the message wasn’t enough. We wanted to take a step.
01:59:58:17 – 02:00:24:22
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
We wanted to do something that we can, be a helper to him, and we can see, our identity all on the pages of Scripture as we have taken that step to help the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, in such a time as this, so that, the hand stays extended to you and, it will be there until the day God shuts this world down.
02:00:24:24 – 02:00:47:09
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And believe me, we are near such a time. So, with that said, we just want to get into the last part of our meeting. Now, we have Dennis for sale downstairs. Lovely meals and, we hope you take part in them. And I don’t know if there were other things that were going on, brother Joseph.
02:00:47:12 – 02:00:50:10
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
02:00:50:13 – 02:00:51:05
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
02:00:51:07 – 02:01:17:24
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Did they have the thing yesterday? Boy, was it the CPR. Okay. I might let you do this. You know what’s going on? Because there’s a school going on the virtual right? Okay, great. Great. I’ll let him finish that and do the, public offering. If you have $100, if you have $50, we hope you can help us today.
02:01:17:26 – 02:01:36:15
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
You know, you can write a check. You can use your debit card or credit card. And, you know, some Sundays we need a heftier, giving than we do normally because sometimes we miss out, even though we try to set it up. You know, as the ministers say, even when you’re not here, your charity should be here.
02:01:36:17 – 02:01:51:16
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
You should be on record. And that’s what we get when we meet with Chicago. They’re always looking at the giving. You know, no farmer would put a seed out in the ground and just go somewhere and lay down right?
02:01:51:19 – 02:01:52:14
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
02:01:52:17 – 02:02:17:06
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Even though he knows he can’t grow it, he has a responsibility to protect it when it’s coming up. So he backs up his planting of a seed with his labor. So when we give, we don’t want people to give money and go away. No, come and be a part of this. Get behind what you given because you’re really planting a seed here.
02:02:17:06 – 02:02:44:24
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
You’re sowing a seed and we should get behind it with our labor. It’s called working out our own salvation. I mean, so when I started giving back in 1981, I joined. I got behind my money right. You understand? Spend in the cause of truth. We don’t say giving charity. It says spin. Because when you spin, you getting something else, you putting something across the counter.
02:02:44:24 – 02:02:55:27
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
But look, I hear something is coming back across the counter and. And what comes back is greater than what I put over there. That’s why I keep giving so may Allah bless you all.
02:02:57:04 – 02:03:12:28
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
As Brother Joseph comes up to take the public offering. Okay. Thank you again, family. And we hope you’ll be out with us next Sunday. We’re getting ready for savings day. Thanks, sister Linda. Thank brother Joseph for all their wonderful words that they gave us today. Salaam alaikum.
02:03:13:04 – 02:03:14:02
Student In The Ministry Linda Muhammad
This is.
02:03:14:05 – 02:03:37:20
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Let’s keep that round of applause going for our Delaware Valley student, Regional Minister Rodney Muhammad.