The Teachings @Mosque #12 (10/27/2024)
Sunday Lecture
This lecture focuses on the challenges faced by Black people in America, framing them within a spiritual and historical context. Minister Rodney Muhammad emphasizes the importance of recognizing the true nature of these challenges and embracing the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan as a path to liberation.
The lecture begins with a prayer and expressions of gratitude to Allah, Master Fard Muhammad, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.
The minister then introduces the concept of a “feast” representing a time of spiritual abundance made possible by the teachings of these leaders.
He draws parallels between the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s mission and Jesus’s call to reach out to the poor and rejected, highlighting the initial rejection of Islam by well-placed Black people.
Minister Rodney Muhammad stresses the transformative power of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s teachings, which uplifted Black people from the bottom of society and challenged the existing world order, as evidenced by the Esquire magazine illustration depicting world leaders acknowledging the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s influence.
He emphasizes the importance of accepting the “training” along with the “teaching,” comparing it to a train that must follow a predetermined track laid by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
Minister Rodney Muhammad then addresses the issue of violence in the Black community, suggesting that it stems from a rejection of truth and a lack of proper guidance.
He references a statement by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan: “Every day that you live outside of the nature of yourself, you’re living in a culture of death crafted by your own rejection of the truth”.
Shifting to a scriptural analysis, he quotes Ephesians :: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”.
He argues that focusing solely on individuals like Donald Trump ignores the larger systemic forces at play, emphasizing that the true struggle is against spiritual wickedness and the ideologies that perpetuate injustice.
00:00:01:15 – 00:00:12:15
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
I Salaam alaikum. Your family at this time, could we please stand for prayer?
00:00:12:17 – 00:00:33:21
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Surely I indeed turn to thee all alone. Strive in to be upright. To he who originated the heavens and the earth. And I am not of the polity, is surely my prayer, my sacrifice, my life, and my death are all for Allah, the Lord of the worlds. No associate has he in the same I commanded, and I am of those who submit.
00:00:33:23 – 00:00:56:11
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
O Allah, thou art the King. There is no God with the Lord, my Lord, and I am not served, and I have been greatly unjust to myself, and I confess to my faults. So grant me protection against all my faults, for doing grants, protection against faults with thee, and guide me into the best of morals for none can guide into the best of morals but thee, and turn away from me the evil and the indecent morals.Z
00:00:56:11 – 00:01:20:19
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
For none can turn from me the evil and the indecent morals, but the and all. Allah make Muhammad successful. Make the true followers of Muhammad successful. If thou didst make Abraham and the true followers of Abraham successful, for surely thou art praised and magnify, and O Allah, bless Muhammad and bless the true followers of Muhammad. Thou bless Abraham and the true followers of Abraham.
00:01:20:19 – 00:01:50:08
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
For surely thou art praised and magnified. I mean, may be seated, and in the name of Allah, the beneficent, the Most Merciful. We give him praise and thanks for his wonderful intervention into our affairs in the person of Master Farid Muhammad, and we want to be grateful to him for given to us his wise choice and the messenger of the Messiah, the exalted and living Christ, the most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
00:01:50:11 – 00:02:10:20
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
And so the two of them. If we lived a thousand years, we could never thank them enough for the man that is in our midst today. He is our champion. He is the Messiah. He is our illustrious leader, the honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. It is in their names. I greet you all once again with the greeting words of peace I Salaam alaikum.
00:02:10:22 – 00:02:45:20
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
And how are we? Just morning family. All praise is due to Allah. Thank you all for being here this morning. On time and in your seats. And, thank you for purchasing your, ticket of admittance and for to come in. The only ticket you needed was your beautiful black skin and a beautiful spirit. And that was the the only thing that you needed to have a seat in the house of Almighty God, Allah, where the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is being taught all over the country this morning, at the same time and in the same manner that we are experiencing it today.
00:02:45:23 – 00:03:04:10
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
I would like to thank you all for submitting to that check procedure, for it is very necessary today because today we search at the door, as we’ve always done, because we’re trying to go somewhere. And if you want to get to where you want to go, you got to make sure that everything is what we call in the military.
00:03:04:10 – 00:03:25:17
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
You got the extra you combat ready, everything that you need, your compass, you know, your weapon or whatever you in the military that you used to do in the devil’s military, you have to have it in your bag. Your bag has to be full of everything that you need because you want to get to where you want to go, and you don’t want to suffer too many, consequences because you were unprepared will come in and to this house.
00:03:25:23 – 00:03:53:01
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
We are prepared to hear the truth, and we preparing you to hear the truth. And we want you to do it unabated and feeling and have no feeling that anyone is going to do anything that is going to harm any of us, that we have a level playing field. Thank you for submitting to the check procedure. Dear family, we are in a very diverse time right now and everywhere we look we can see calamities manifesting.
00:03:53:03 – 00:04:04:20
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
As a matter of fact, today. Minister Ishmael is teaching part two of the Fall of America. Who of the presidential
00:04:04:20 – 00:04:21:06
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
candidates can save the lives of the people of America from the wrath of God? Part two. That’s a powerful question, you know, and that’s the thing that should follow. That is, are they able to do anything about it?
00:04:21:08 – 00:04:43:15
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Can they do it? Because the Honorable Elijah Muhammad told us that the answer to our problems, and really the world is not ours, isn’t political, it isn’t financial. But that is spiritual. Yes. And until we can approach it from that angle and really look at it objectively, the world is going to continue to go into this vortex spiraling further down into hell.
00:04:43:18 – 00:05:09:09
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Yes. Why? Because of rebellion. There’s a man on scene today. I mean, the scriptural scientists of this world know who he is our leader, our teacher, our guide, the honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. They know that, you know, he and his teacher and the founder master, far out Muhammad, God in person. They are the ones who this world should be looking at.
00:05:09:12 – 00:05:30:14
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
But the enemy is running interference, trying to keep the world from seeing their own destruction happening as they live or as we live. Y’all all right, so this is going to be a powerful lecture, but no of a surety. We’re going to have a powerful lecture coming from right here in this House that’s going to be connected to that vein, that very same question.
00:05:30:16 – 00:05:33:09
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Because in here we came to hear what the truth.
00:05:33:11 – 00:05:34:10
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
00:05:34:12 – 00:06:01:05
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
That’s all that we can give you in here. Why do we know that we will be giving you the truth? Because each one that comes up to this mic, to this rostrum, is only bearing witness to the three that I just mentioned. Now they brought. The truth is the unequivocal truth. There is no doubt about their truth, and we are just trying to represent it in the best way that we can to our brothers and our sisters.
00:06:01:07 – 00:06:32:12
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Y’all all right? Because let’s move on. You can truly say that the world is lost. Can I read something? This is from the book of Matthew. The 24th chapter and the sixth verse of the King James Version of the Bible. And it reads, and you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that ye be not troubled, for all these things must come to pass.
00:06:32:15 – 00:07:00:13
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
But the end is not yet. For nations shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes in divers places. You looked at word, that word divers. That means, a multiplicity of areas everywhere you look, earthquakes, all these things are going to be taking place. It’s not going to be an isolated area because it’s pointing to something.
00:07:00:15 – 00:07:32:08
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
The end of this world. Now, let me add some clarity, because a lot of our Christian brothers and sisters really believe and common folk believe that when it says the end of the world, they think it’s talking about the planet. Well, first of all, the planet that we live on is 196,940,000mi² of land and water with a diameter of 7926ft, oh six miles in circumference, and that in a circumference of 24,896 miles.
00:07:32:11 – 00:07:57:15
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
But as large as that is, and humongous that that may sound, the planet is obedient. It doesn’t disobey the law that Almighty God Allah put it under for 76 trillion years. As long as it’s been here, it is never deviated from the law. It is only those inhabitants on it that have deviated from the law. So when it says the end of the world, it’s not talking about the earth itself.
00:07:57:15 – 00:08:27:24
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
The planet itself is talking about the people who are in contravention or in disobedience to God’s law. Y’all. All right. So I mean, if you’re disobedient, then have a eventually the end is near for you. If you’re not in obedience to what God has set up, is the end for you and me. So as we look at that in this very particular, this verse right here, it says there shall be famines with the famine.
00:08:27:26 – 00:08:47:02
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Of course, we know where the physical famine is. That’s where you have the absence of food and water. And those things, pardon me, that we need to sustain life. Right. That’s a given. But there’s another kind of famine where people are spiritually starved. Yes, sir. And if we look around the planet, we look right here in this city.
00:08:47:07 – 00:09:06:24
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
You can see the spiritual starvation of everybody in the city of Philadelphia. Point in case I saw a brother this morning as I was coming in, I as I said, brother. So you got about 30 minutes. Would you like to come and spend some time with me? And he said, no, no, no. OG I’m okay, I’m fine, I’m good.
00:09:06:26 – 00:09:31:15
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
You know, every time I hear that, I feel like, man, I wonder if he really knows what good the definition of good is. And if we were to take that definition and lay it over, what he’s telling me now, does it really fit the description of himself and this dispensation of time? I was telling the brother, one that I said, I wonder if we could take the fight and find a way to get the definition of good and put it on the front of this building and big, bold letters covered in glass so it doesn’t fade.
00:09:31:21 – 00:09:51:00
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
And every time somebody walks by, you say your brother assisted. You got a minute? I’m good. Well, hello. Can you read that for a moment? Is that you? Are you sure you’re good? Because if you’re not good, come on in the house. Not only will you be good, you will be supreme. All praise is due to a lot.
00:09:51:02 – 00:10:16:22
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Some things are just things that are going on. So people are starved. Just as the Honorable Louis Farrakhan taught us. It is. Though a prophet of God has never walked among this earth. The way people are acting now, they’ve fallen from the God plane. They’ve fallen or we’ve fallen from the man plane. We are walking on the plane of the beast, and a beast is a creature that is fed by its appetite.
00:10:16:24 – 00:10:33:17
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
What do I mean by that? Well, you know, you have people out there if they’re hungry, they don’t have any means of getting it or trying to seek a means of getting it. Honestly, they don’t have a problem with beating down a woman, an elderly person, or even a child who might have gone to the store for their parents.
00:10:33:19 – 00:10:54:00
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
I’m hungry. I’m going to eat. I don’t care who I gotta take it from. That’s the thinking of a beast. But then on the other side of that, you know what? If a person has a sexual urge, they’re not married. They haven’t been in here because, you know, in here, the only justification for, sexual activity is that we’d be married, right?
00:10:54:02 – 00:11:21:18
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Otherwise, we are breaking the restrictive law. And I hate this. I hate to say it, but it’s actual fact. I mean, we family. That’s why a lot of people come in and go back out. It is not that somebody did something to them. It’s this, this the strong law that causes people not to state. And, you know, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that we will never be a strong people until we can learn to take the strong medicine and the strong we, the Nation of Islam, has a strong medicine.
00:11:21:22 – 00:11:37:29
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
That’s why we can look at brothers and sisters who come to the rostrum and they make their delivery, and they you love to hear from them. You love to look at them because, as I said, the signs of this world say that there are two things. Or the Honorable Louis Farrakhan says two things that people love to see.
00:11:38:02 – 00:11:58:23
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
They love to see, love, and they love to see discipline. No real talk, have you? We saw the Olympics right? You see everybody you love. When Simone Biles and all of them was doing their thing, they was hitting it and they were strong coming out injured and still winning their disposition. Right. That’s discipline. And we love to see that.
00:11:58:23 – 00:12:18:06
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
We love to see people who are disciplined and have that control over themselves. We love to see love, but if you see a brother and a sister walking down the street holding hands, and you know if it happened to be an older brother and sister and they with each other, and if you look and you watch them, you look at it because it seems uncommon, right?
00:12:18:08 – 00:12:35:21
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
That’s those are the things that we have. And that’s where when we see that, that let us know that we are, that doesn’t mean that we can’t get it. But there’s something that we should be striving for. So when we come into this house, it puts us, it realigns our compass and puts us back on this. The roots are almost taking the straight path to Almighty God a lot.
00:12:35:23 – 00:12:57:02
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
And then we start to act and become what we are. So dear family, that is what I’m going to say for right now. I’m going to hold it because there’s a brother getting ready to come here. Now, as I said at the very inception, he’s coming to impart the truth of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, the Honorable, Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Master Farad Muhammad.
00:12:57:05 – 00:13:05:26
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
We refer to him as our brother, the Delaware Valley Student Regional Minister, Rodney Muhammad. Let’s leave him with the prophet with applause. Some of you guys.
00:13:05:29 – 00:13:08:23
All right.
00:13:08:25 – 00:13:11:00
We’re going.
00:13:11:02 – 00:13:34:23
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And I’m like him. Are we doing family? In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful, the one God to whom praise is due, the Lord of the worlds. We thank Almighty God, the revealer of all truth, to sender of all prophets. We do thank him for Moses and the Torah, for Jesus and the gospel. We thank him for Muhammad and the revelation of the Holy Koran.
00:13:34:25 – 00:14:04:04
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
But as a student of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad life giving message, we’re most thankful to Allah for his own intervention in our affairs and a divine person of Master Fard Muhammad, to whom praise is due forever. We cannot thank him enough for finding one worthy, to be the vessel for the greatest revelation to to ever come to a human being.
00:14:04:06 – 00:14:39:13
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
He would have the hardest job of any but what he would have to work with is the greatest revelation. And that’s God revealing himself to him. Servant. We thank Almighty God for the most honorable Elijah Muhammad. This kind of meeting positions the student to grow into greater degrees of the teacher. And the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad started out a minister becomes a messenger, and now an exalted servant.
00:14:39:15 – 00:15:03:24
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
No one goes to school with the thought that they would remain at the same level that they started at. Right? Who goes to school for years and is still in the same grade? The expectation is to pass to another grade A, a higher degree.
00:15:03:27 – 00:15:05:06
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
That’s right.
00:15:05:08 – 00:15:39:16
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Building on where you started, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad started somewhere and continued to grow degree by degree, grade by grade. And now he is Allah’s exalted servant in a position to exercise power that he was only learning about when he started. We thankful to the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and to the God that came for this student, servant and apostle.
00:15:39:16 – 00:16:41:02
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Today, another student, who did not start where he is now, he started in the ranks of the FBI only now to be the quintessential FOB of our time. Today’s preacher of freedom, justice and equality. By last permission, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. So I greet you in your name. Salaam alaikum. We are so thankful to, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, first and foremost, for this rare and golden and historic opportunity, to represent him who is like the book of a great truth that when the book is open, the fast of humanity is over and the feast begins when you have a feast that just, is a symbolic picture to
00:16:41:02 – 00:17:12:06
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
us of, a great time where there all manners of food to partake of. Sometimes during holiday seasons, we look at feasting, we have a way of looking at it where, I remember people saying, well, it’s Thanksgiving, you know, I’m going over there ain’t roofs. I’m gonna hurt myself. Well, what do you get ready to do?
00:17:12:06 – 00:17:42:09
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
You’re getting ready to feast. You you’re looking for every kind of food to partake of, to put on. Well, when a man comes in the volume of the book, we are able, in the spiritual sense, to have a feast. Now, when you live through a period of time where you did not understand, and I did not understand Scripture, that what the soul yearned for was yet still hidden in the book.
00:17:42:11 – 00:18:12:11
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
It’s called a fast. We are fasting now. But Jesus talked about a feast coming. The problem with the feast was you start out looking for people. Who you think have the greater influence over, large, a larger volume of people. And when you do that, you say, well, if I can get this person, if I can get that person of note, well, surely everybody will pay attention to what I have to share.
00:18:12:14 – 00:18:51:18
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So Jesus said, so they went out to asked people they had an invitation list. And Jesus said, when the in the book of Matthew, when the when the responses to the invitation came back, everybody had something to do. Everybody was busy all the well place people. So he said, so since they won’t come, then go out into the highways and byways and get the poor and the rejected and those that are that are sitting out on the margins, and living, where they have scratching for living day and night, they’re the least among us.
00:18:51:18 – 00:19:17:28
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
But since the other ones wouldn’t come to the feast, then go get them. Isn’t it interesting that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad started out like that? Isn’t it interesting that he thought if I could go to the well, place black people, the most educated class of black people, surely we could do this overnight because they have the ability to see understand what I’m saying.
00:19:17:28 – 00:19:44:04
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
They have the ability with the skill sets that they have been provided with to set things up so we can get the black world up overnight. But when the invitation to Islam went out from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, well placed Negroes didn’t feel like they needed it, right? Right. Isn’t it interesting that today they are looking for an answer like Elijah was trying to give them in the 30s and the 40s?
00:19:44:07 – 00:20:21:02
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And the the the Honorable Elijah Muhammad realized that, the teaching can’t fail. A law’s message can’t die in the earth. So if the well placed black folks, the higher learn black folks are rejecting this, because they don’t feel they need it. They’ve grown proud with the schooling that they have. Then go to those who have been unschooled, go to the jails, go to those that are locked in its sub culture on the streets of America.
00:20:21:06 – 00:20:51:11
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And let’s take this message to them. And so with the unlearned masses, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was able to produce something that was the all of the known world. It actually shook kingdoms. And in 1964, one of the popular national magazines called Esquire magazine, in the United States of America that was even globally watched, had a page in there.
00:20:51:14 – 00:21:17:18
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And this page, I have the picture at home, is an animated picture of world leaders that are standing up on the stage. And at this time in 64, de Gaulle was the president of France, but the head of England and the other European nations were all in the ring. And it was like, people were gathered for fight and out in the audience.
00:21:17:20 – 00:21:44:25
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
They they drew a picture of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in the Esquire magazine, and it showed de Gaulle pointing to him out in the audience, saying, if it weren’t for this man, we would have a glorious future. So you you have to look. Now that, you know, too often we look at ourselves with less of value. We look at ourselves as insignificant.
00:21:44:27 – 00:22:09:19
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And once you look at yourself with less of value, less of worth and significance, you don’t give significance to those who come to reach for us. Nikki Giovanni had a poem one time, and in the poem she said, you know I ain’t nothing, and you must be less than that to care when a person feels like nothing, and when they feel worthless, they don’t.
00:22:09:21 – 00:22:43:03
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
They don’t see the people that come to reach for them, to take them out of a wretched condition in a greater light. They look at you in a dimmer light than the one that they are in sometime. And that’s the way the human fancy works. The mind works that way. So, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was able to take the man and woman that were at the bottom and bring them to the top, even as Jesus, represented the bottom rail would come to the top.
00:22:43:03 – 00:23:09:28
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And why would it be a rail? Because a rail is what trains run on. It’s a teaching and a training. A lot of black folks want the teaching, but they don’t want the training. You know what I mean? But the train, when you’re training something, the train has to run on a track. And the beauty about training is the train, having to run on a track, the track have to be laid before the train comes.
00:23:10:01 – 00:23:33:12
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
That means that the training already knows where it’s going to take you. We just don’t trust where it’s going to take us. So we’ve reduced the training, you know? And as heavy as the train is, it can’t travel on the dirt, right? If you take the locomotive off of the track and try to run it on the concrete or on the dirt, it’ll be stuck right there.
00:23:33:12 – 00:23:54:01
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
You know, the only place where training works is on the track that’s been laid out for the train. Are you following now? So because this track is a track laid by the honorable Elijah Muhammad, many people want to reject it, but they want the end result. They want to get to the destination point, but they don’t want the training.
00:23:54:01 – 00:24:19:23
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
I hope you all are following me today. And and and the only training that’s going to come right now. We’re desperate for peace in the black community. We want to stop the gun violence. But you don’t want to stop the man that’s bringing the guns in. Think about this now. You want to stop murder and you want to stop going to funerals, and you want to go to more graduations.
00:24:19:26 – 00:24:43:18
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
But the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, I heard him say, even if you don’t join us, you must get training from the Air Force. Why are you following them? Well, we don’t want to go to the US for why we are hiring for security, but we don’t want them to train us. But there’s no way to get to where we want to get to without this track that has been laid by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
00:24:43:20 – 00:25:07:02
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And they covet the track up in 1975. But the Honorable Louis Farrakhan’s work was to take all the debris off the track. So we have a clear way to see it again. And the training of the fly is back. The training of the MGT is back, and it ain’t never going away again. And the only time all praise is due to Allah.
00:25:07:04 – 00:25:57:20
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
The only time that, our people will see this in mass, unfortunately, is when a greater destruction comes in. Someone asked the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, what can we do to stop the violence in our community? And he said, unfortunately, the violence is going to continue and it’s going to grow, he said. And to a greater violence, see, and all of this violence, he said, is the result of the rejection of the truth.
00:25:57:22 – 00:26:18:15
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So that told me rejection of the truth. We say, take it or leave it alone. So some choose to say, I will leave it alone. You told me I could take it or leave it alone. Yeah, but letting it alone got a price tag on it. Yes.
00:26:18:15 – 00:26:20:09
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Oh, look at that, look at that.
00:26:20:12 – 00:26:56:12
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And the price tag is that grandmothers and grandfathers will have to bury their grandchildren, not their grandchildren. Bury in them. Right. The price tag is that children that we give birth to will actually turn on us. Look at that end of the terror that we used to live under, that the Ku Klux Klan would come into our communities only to, snatchers us for lynchings.
00:26:56:12 – 00:27:24:08
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And we have a 100 year history of that. The Klan can boast on internet now, right? Right. That they don’t need to come in to lynch us anymore. We’re doing their job for the thing that’s the price of the rejection of truth that, as we talked yesterday and I’m just going to talk over some notes. We had a beautiful meeting in Camden, new Jersey yesterday.
00:27:24:11 – 00:27:52:08
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And, they have a new meeting place. And, we were there gathered last night. So it was a wonderful time. And so we just going to talk a little about what we discussed there, but, we’re in a terrible condition now because one of the definitions that we brought up, in somebody is trying to kill you are are the different sides or the different killings.
00:27:52:10 – 00:28:21:18
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And, you know, one is homicide. And homicide, of course, is one of the ten deadly killers of black people annually. And any time black people are dying at the tune of 250 to 300,000 a year, which is the population of Birmingham, Alabama. We actually are dying in those kind of numbers annually. The only thing that will keep us on the planet is to keep having children.
00:28:21:20 – 00:28:51:07
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
But if the children are killing each other and then we’re dying from disease, many of these diseases are unavoidable. They are avoidable. Right? We can. We don’t have to walk this path of death. And I remember the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan said every day that you live outside of the nature of yourself, you’re living in a culture of death crafted by your own rejection of the truth.
00:28:51:10 – 00:29:29:03
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
In other words, you don’t have to go in front of a firing squad. You’re going to take care of the firing squads job yourself, because we all live without guidance. And so, there was a scripture. That I just want to raise today for the short time that we have together, where we look in the book of Ephesians yesterday, for we wrestle not against flesh and blood.
00:29:29:05 – 00:29:59:23
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
But against principalities. I have to stop as I’m going through this, because sometimes I think about it. We wrestle, not stop looking just at Donald Trump. Right? You see, you turn around and say Trump is going to implement project 2025. That may be so, but Trump didn’t write it right.
00:29:59:26 – 00:30:01:12
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:30:01:15 – 00:30:05:05
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
You keep thinking you fight in flesh and blood on.
00:30:05:07 – 00:30:08:12
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Come on for.
00:30:08:14 – 00:30:55:15
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
But the scripture says so Paul is preaching. He has to correct people so they know exactly what they’re fighting, right? Right. We have a lesson that answers a great question from God to his messenger about why isn’t the devil settled on the best part of the planet Earth? That’s a good question. And you start out looking graphically, materially in the material phenomena, and you look for real estate and geographic locations.
00:30:55:17 – 00:31:29:02
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Where is the best part of the planet Earth? Well, they say the best part is in Arabia, at the holy city Mecca. Why is it because of the location? It may have something to do with it, but the root of civilization at the holy city Mecca is where right. The wisdom and the knowledge of the original man first started when the planet was found.
00:31:29:05 – 00:31:45:06
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Walk with me for a minute now. Wisdom and knowledge don’t live in real estate. It can only live in the mind. So the best part of the planet Earth. Yeah, is the brain of man.
00:31:45:08 – 00:31:47:11
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Look at that. Come on.
00:31:47:14 – 00:32:27:21
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And the most developed brain, right, is the best part of the best. The best mind you have operating in our lifetime on this planet right now is Louis Farrakhan. Real talk? That’s the best part of the planet. Why? Because half original man Columbus, right? He’s half learned, right? And he’s half original. He’s half learned, right? The original man knows every square inch of his planet.
00:32:27:24 – 00:32:33:22
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Is that what it says? I hope you all to read Neil’s.
00:32:33:24 – 00:33:13:22
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And what happened after he sees that he has the knowledge of every square inch he has chosen for himself? The best part? That’s right. There’s a song we sang in the church saying, I’ve decided to make Jesus my choice. Come on. If you choose a man, that evidence shows God is working in him, and you choose that man for your teacher and your leader, you have chosen for yourself.
00:33:13:22 – 00:33:22:05
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
The best part? That’s why I’m saying there.
00:33:22:08 – 00:33:35:07
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities. The word principalities start with the word prince.
00:33:35:09 – 00:33:37:13
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Oh, yeah, that’s right.
00:33:37:15 – 00:34:34:28
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And the prince of the power of the air is Satan. The power of the air means that he can transmit information. He can use media platforms and provide us with the white man is calling it misinformation but the lessons call it lies. Right. I’ll read and they start making trouble among the righteous people telling lies. After the lie comes the accusation.
00:34:35:00 – 00:34:51:07
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And after the accusation comes the killing of one another. Just follow the pattern. These lesson plans that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad has provided us with.
00:34:51:09 – 00:35:25:02
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
It is said there, designed first to unlock the hidden wisdom right? The hidden knowledge and truth that’s locked up in the scriptures. So the Bible and the Holy Koran are made to lay bare. They’re open to us. Once we have studied our lessons.
00:35:25:05 – 00:35:56:02
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
There’s a scripture in the book of Luke that says, and so Jesus open up their minds so that they could understand the scriptures more. So you can’t just read Scripture. As the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan pointed out, wisdom get wisdom. Wisdom is the principle thing. But in all thy getting get understanding. Yes sir.
00:35:56:04 – 00:35:56:29
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:35:57:02 – 00:36:06:14
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Yes, sir. Sir. And apparently the people who had scripture.
00:36:06:17 – 00:36:17:21
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Didn’t understand it until Jesus opened up their minds. What it doesn’t tell us. How did he open their minds?
00:36:17:23 – 00:36:18:19
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Come on.
00:36:18:22 – 00:36:25:08
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
What formula did he use to open their minds?
00:36:25:10 – 00:36:41:04
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
We can see from our humble opinion that it seems that the minds were open by God’s coming. Jesus before God’s coming.
00:36:41:07 – 00:37:32:18
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
We have evidence that people gave us interpretation and explanation of the Scripture. Their volumes of books that didn’t come after July 4th and 1930. They were already here before he got here, right? But despite the volumes of books, did they give us the correct understanding of the Scripture? If the Scripture is the words of the prophet who were made to see these last days that we are in, if those explanations that had existed before July 4th, 1930 are correct, we shouldn’t be in the trouble that we in the 14th.
00:37:32:21 – 00:37:42:06
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Yes. So we can go after Donald Trump. But he didn’t write those books.
00:37:42:08 – 00:37:55:26
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Let’s get rid of Trump. But when you get rid of Trump, you won’t get rid of what you’re wrestling with because it’s not flesh and blood. That’s all I’m trying to say.
00:37:55:28 – 00:38:02:24
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
They have dumbed down the American citizen.
00:38:02:27 – 00:38:15:19
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And I even heard the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan say, there’s been a dumbing down of our own members in the nation for.
00:38:15:22 – 00:38:25:06
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And the only way I know to keep from being dumbed down is to keep feeding untruths and right guidance.
00:38:25:08 – 00:38:27:19
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:38:27:21 – 00:38:49:07
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
It got so bad in Paul’s day. He said, let this man be in you. Stop trusting your own mind. Right? God, he said, you know the problem I’m having? I’m going to Ephesians. I’m going back to the Thessalonians. Then I got to talk to the Galatians that I’m going to tell you something. Let this man be in you.
00:38:49:09 – 00:38:50:04
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
That’s right.
00:38:50:06 – 00:39:00:10
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
That’s what mine is that the one that was in Christ Jesus and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan say that man starts out in us like a seed.
00:39:00:12 – 00:39:02:18
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Right? Right, right.
00:39:02:21 – 00:39:22:06
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
He’s and as it starts out like a seed, even a mustard seed, the smallest of all of the family of seeds. And he said, a mustard seed. Unlike other seeds, it only needs sunlight to start growing.
00:39:22:09 – 00:39:24:17
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Within the light.
00:39:24:20 – 00:39:27:22
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So just the light coming.
00:39:27:24 – 00:39:29:11
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
From offspring.
00:39:29:13 – 00:39:57:08
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Will begin first to bring us up to speed. Why? Because when he declared our independence on July 4th, 1930, according to the astronomers, a ninth planet rolled out of the darkness right? The year before that, there were only eight planets in the solar system. Look at that. But a nice planet rolled out of the darkness. Why am I saying rolled up?
00:39:57:10 – 00:40:01:27
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Because they didn’t know it was there.
00:40:02:00 – 00:40:06:13
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
It was hidden from them.
00:40:06:15 – 00:40:29:19
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Its development started taking place, but they were unaware of it. Right? We know it’s a planet because it’s moving at 1037 and a third miles per hour. So it’s responding to the law of the light that Brother Noory talked about coming from the sun to.
00:40:29:21 – 00:40:35:24
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
19 and 30 was when we got Paul called out of the darkness.
00:40:35:26 – 00:40:36:29
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Brother Minister.
00:40:37:01 – 00:41:07:06
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
As soon as Pluto came out of the darkness, it was up to speed with the other eight planets all moving at 1037 at a third miles per hour. As soon as we made the Honorable Elijah Muhammad our choice, the best part of the planet Earth, we were up to speed with the religious communities all over the planet. We.
00:41:07:08 – 00:41:27:11
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And if we kept the seed in the mind, which can only grow, feeding on truth and right guidance, he said, when the seed grows up, it grows to be the mind of God in you and in me.
00:41:27:14 – 00:41:31:28
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
I’m yes.
00:41:32:00 – 00:42:11:17
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
It’s as simple as that. Whatever gets fed most is what’s going to live. If foolishness, rejection, folly, falsehood gets fed most in you, it’ll outgrow any truth that’s trying to live in you. Word is not a matter who’s the smartest, not a matter who’s the wisest. It’s a matter what we feed. Knowing you either eating the right food or the wrong food.
00:42:11:20 – 00:42:46:12
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
They wanted to know how come the uncle can’t talk his own language? Why is he living in fear? Because he ate the wrong food, right? Hey, food! When you put food in you, it starts metabolizing. And in that metabolizing, it’s supposed to be converting the food substance from its nutrients into energy for the form. When you’re eating the wrong food.
00:42:46:14 – 00:42:49:04
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
What are you metabolizing? Come on.
00:42:49:07 – 00:42:50:05
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Come on.
00:42:50:07 – 00:43:27:03
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
When you’re eating the wrong food. Now, you know, it’s taking you, it’s energizing things in you that are. And you’re missing the vital thing that can serve as a controlling agent over your own natural forces. Okay, since Satan doesn’t have a sovereignty over the man and woman that God created, he’s only allowed to whisper and give you suggestions.
00:43:27:05 – 00:43:55:03
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
A suggestion is not a command. So you don’t read no where in the Bible, the Holy Koran. Satan commands you to do evil. No, he just suggested a cigaret. And then we go for the suggestion. Evil suggestion. But it’s in a firm resolution. The Koran says. The wrong food metabolizing in is creating the wrong kind of energy.
00:43:55:05 – 00:44:07:25
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Mr. Yaqoob told his children. Now go amongst the original people, and in six months they turn our civilization upside down and.
00:44:07:27 – 00:44:20:19
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
When your anatomy is upside down, all of the upper extremities of the body are on the bottom. Yes, and all of the lower extremities are on the top.
00:44:20:21 – 00:44:22:02
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Think about that.
00:44:22:04 – 00:44:36:25
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Now, when you, eating the wrong food and metabolizing, it’s the lower nature that’s holding the higher priority.
00:44:36:27 – 00:44:42:18
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And the higher nature of us is buried.
00:44:42:20 – 00:44:52:09
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So feeding our flesh and all the things that the flesh desires when you upside down, that’s on top.
00:44:52:11 – 00:44:54:11
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
He told other.
00:44:54:14 – 00:45:02:10
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And to grow spiritually and to live a more disciplined life, they’re given low priority. They on the bottom.
00:45:02:12 – 00:45:05:22
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Think about that.
00:45:05:24 – 00:45:26:26
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
The Isley Brothers made a big hit out of your thing. They do what you want to do. Now, I know some of y’all are too young to remember that, sir. It’s your thing. Do what you want to do.
00:45:28:19 – 00:45:58:05
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Oh, it’s big hit. Now that they don’t sound like nothing to you. Now you got rapping everything. That was a big hit. Well done you, sir. And that’s why America’s called a wilderness. Wilderness starts with the word while, he. And when you live, a life of no restraint. There was another hit in the 60 car walk on the wild side.
00:45:58:07 – 00:46:10:05
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
I mean, you just live loose, so you have no restraint on how you live. And you can see that in the civilization we in right now. Yes, sir.
00:46:10:08 – 00:46:33:28
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
What the Caucasian has been able to do is he can cover, his sin with a festive, celebratory type of coloring. And then when you go to do what he did, he can color it as a crime.
00:46:34:00 – 00:46:37:23
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Think about that upside down.
00:46:37:26 – 00:47:11:18
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
P Diddy was holding sex parties. Well, that’s a crime. He, as a result of those party, he’s in jail. But before P did he there was Hugh Hefner. Come on with Playboy magazine. And he would get these white women to take their clothes off. That would be the center page. So every man that’s purchasing the book, they purchasing it, you know they talking about was some interesting articles in here.
00:47:11:20 – 00:47:38:15
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
But you got it for the center page. And he was known for having these party and every, every woman that wanted to be a part of the playmates of, of, the Playboy magazine and everything. They were attending these parties. Come on now. Same party, same activity, different parties, the same kind of party. Just different parties.
00:47:38:17 – 00:47:40:10
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Come on.
00:47:40:12 – 00:47:47:02
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And so I don’t take up for what brother may have done.
00:47:47:04 – 00:47:48:10
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
All right.
00:47:48:12 – 00:48:05:11
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And, and in his private life. But it’s just interesting how they want justice for when it comes to this. And then see, when they had Epstein, you know, he conveniently died in jail. Yeah.
00:48:05:14 – 00:48:07:19
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:48:07:21 – 00:48:41:00
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Not because of what he was doing trafficking those young girls and stuff. It’s because of his customer list of highly placed individuals in this world order. And that if, if, if Epstein ever gives up that list, these all lot of people come on are going to be in an embarrassing situation to say the least. So Mr. Epstein conveniently died in prison.
00:48:41:02 – 00:49:06:15
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And if you notice, P Diddy is saying for a while they they talking about he went on a starvation diet, he’s afraid they’re going to poison the food. Right, right. He don’t trust them, right. You locked up in a cell. You’re at the mercy of who. And whatever they bring you. And he knows he’s had a lot of people at these parties, right?
00:49:06:17 – 00:49:09:13
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Who said?
00:49:09:15 – 00:49:24:22
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So let’s finish this verse. We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and.
00:49:24:25 – 00:49:40:20
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
These, governments and things that are set up are part of what we wrestle with government sets up policies.
00:49:40:23 – 00:49:52:29
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
The policies are in institutional political expression of his hatred.
00:49:53:01 – 00:50:33:16
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So if you study the laws that have been in this land, you’ll see that the civil rights movement and even before that, with the work of Thurgood Marshall of the NAACP, they were fighting policies more. Right. The word policy is built up out of the word police. Yeah. So the way they want to police us is reflected in a document called policy.
00:50:33:18 – 00:51:05:26
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
You follow in the you know, how somebody really feels about you. Is documented. No matter what we say, the document is there, right, right, right. So as I had to tell him last night in World War one, it was a policy. Black men couldn’t go be in the army. It was a policy he couldn’t be in the Marines or the Navy or anything.
00:51:05:28 – 00:51:33:07
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So the NAACP and other organizations, they fought real hard to get us to have the right to be in the Army. So in World War One, when they had to let black men in, you see the documentary, all the black men were sent to a work camp right? Why? Because if they were put in the army with the rest of the whites that were in the army, they would have to be given a gun.
00:51:33:10 – 00:51:42:18
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And there was a policy in America, no black man could have a gun, right now. How the hell did we have all of these guns? Now that.
00:51:42:20 – 00:51:44:16
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:51:44:18 – 00:52:05:16
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And as we said last night, to stop this. Well, you know, he’s crazy. He’s selectively crazy. Come on. He’s crazy when it comes to killing black people. But he’s not going over there. Kill up a bunch of white folks. He knows who to kill, who he can kill, who he could be crazy around. But when it comes to white people, he act like he got some damn sense.
00:52:05:18 – 00:52:32:19
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So stop talking about he’s crazy. Put selective in front of there. He’s trained how to be crazy with his own. That’s right, Mr. Piggy. When the white woman, Harriet Beecher Stowe, when she wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Uncle Tom wasn’t a real villain. The real villain was a little black boy that was born on Peggy’s plantation called Sambo.
00:52:32:22 – 00:53:06:23
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And it was Black Sambo that was the real menace. They trained Black Sambo with a study diet. Wrong, full of self-hatred. Every black person they wanted to punish on the plantation they used Black Sambo to do it. Couldn’t hurt black people who beat black people, make black people subjected to hard labor. Let us use black people and force them to breed.
00:53:06:26 – 00:53:27:13
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
All this is in the slave code. Let’s use black people’s body for experimentation so we can further, self and medical science. All of this Black Sambo was the lieutenant. He was the overseer of it.
00:53:27:15 – 00:53:28:27
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Teach rather than.
00:53:29:00 – 00:53:34:06
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Give black people pain, even though he’s black.
00:53:34:08 – 00:53:36:10
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
They found that.
00:53:36:13 – 00:53:40:12
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
The sambo mentality is in the black community right now.
00:53:40:14 – 00:53:42:05
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Right? Yeah. So come on.
00:53:42:07 – 00:53:55:20
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
There’s some black people lived their entire life giving their own people pain and suffering and loss. But they ain’t touch white America, right?
00:53:55:20 – 00:53:57:06
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Right, right.
00:53:57:08 – 00:54:41:01
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
See, when you crazy, you kill any human being. But when you train, you know who to kill. And better still, you know who you better not kill. So, The principality of these governments, they set up palaces for us to live by. And doctor, King and others fought to get these policies neutralized. Figurin that if we can get rid of the policy, we can make the hatred go away.
00:54:41:03 – 00:54:51:24
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So. Doctor King was working to change laws. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad was working to change attitudes.
00:54:51:27 – 00:54:53:05
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
On the more.
00:54:53:07 – 00:54:58:06
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Why? Because it’s the attitude that produced the policy in the first place.
00:54:58:09 – 00:54:59:11
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:54:59:13 – 00:55:38:05
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And see, when you dehumanize a human being, it first have to happen in your own mind that they’re not worthy to be called a human being right now. In your mind, you have dehumanized them for when you write the article of a constitution and put them in as 3/5 of a man, you’re codifying, call codifying your own attitude right about another human being.
00:55:38:07 – 00:56:09:23
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So they fought to get policy. So by the time Doctor King comes to Chicago in 1966, he has a meeting with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. And the Messenger of Allah tells him, you know, you’re fighting to get my people out of the slums, but I’m working to get the slums out of my people, because once you internalize slum life.
00:56:09:26 – 00:56:10:22
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Come on.
00:56:10:24 – 00:56:42:14
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
You take it with you wherever you go, and you start out with a nice looking neighborhood, but it can always go down. You’ve been out of town before, and you know how you’re driving around town. You say, oh, I must be in the black section. And generally when you’re in the black section, you see deterioration, urban decay and things because we’ve grown accustomed to that kind of thing being associated with our living.
00:56:42:20 – 00:57:08:02
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Yes, sir. This is why the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is going in the opposite direction of us, trying to move away from the community to a nicer community. Say, make your own community. Okay? A safe and decent place to live.
00:57:08:05 – 00:57:14:19
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
4000 years ago.
00:57:14:21 – 00:57:43:21
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
A prophet by the name of Moses. They tell us, was God’s instrument to free, the children of Israel from 400 years of slavery. Now we know from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad that never happened. That was a prophetic picture of us right now. Yes, sir. We’re the only people in history that have been in slavery for 400 years.
00:57:43:23 – 00:58:07:09
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Jesus came and said, I come to fulfill the law of Moses by him coming to fulfill the law of Moses. He said, I’m connected to Moses. But Jesus never talked about Pharaoh. He never talked about, the children of Israel being in bondage for 400 years. Why is that? How can you be connected with the man that freed the people and never talk about the people that God freed?
00:58:07:12 – 00:58:33:08
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
These days? When Jesus talks of Moses in the Bible, he said, As Moses lifted the serpent of the wilderness, well, wait, that’s a different history. That’s a different people. That’s a hidden history that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad has made known to us. Now our own lessons. Open it up. The serpent of the wilderness was the Caucasian in the hillsides of Europe.
00:58:33:11 – 00:58:58:18
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
A cave man, he bears witness. That’s what his Natural History Museum show. That’s right. You don’t see no brothers living in the caves. There ain’t nobody got a fro in the caves. You don’t. You don’t see us like, living a cave life. At the same period we were building pyramids. We had great cities of learning. Are you following now?
00:58:58:20 – 00:59:23:06
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So, yeah. So he comes out of this cave like existence, and it was a harsh existence. So he’s adverse to nature. He’s he’s he ain’t trying to get in harmony with nature because he didn’t come from nature. Right? He came from an experiment. Take it or leave it alone.
00:59:23:09 – 00:59:25:27
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
You know.
00:59:25:29 – 00:59:29:11
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
00:59:29:13 – 00:59:42:08
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
The Hebrew expression. It’s a translated into English, but in Arabic it’s pronounced Yaqoob.
00:59:42:11 – 00:59:46:21
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Notice how.
00:59:46:24 – 00:59:51:19
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Rebecca. Is pregnant.
00:59:51:22 – 00:59:56:03
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:59:56:05 – 01:00:03:15
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
But if they’re twins, then they came from the same father.
01:00:03:17 – 01:00:04:21
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
You know, sometimes.
01:00:04:23 – 01:00:17:03
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
You can’t get pregnant twice at the same time, right? That’s a law. You can’t be pregnant and get pregnant again while you’re pregnant yet?
01:00:17:05 – 01:00:19:20
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
01:00:19:22 – 01:00:46:19
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
She’s pregnant. And there are two bodies in her. And they. We say there’s twins, but they’re not from the same father. Why? When she was pregnant, the distress in her womb. The Bible says she didn’t even go to her husband. Who got her pregnant. This. I like to walk through this stuff because I ain’t no sense sitting around watching The Young and the restless and everything.
01:00:46:19 – 01:01:17:16
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
This if you go to these scriptures, a lot of drama. And, She she bypass her husband. She goes to the Lord to find out what’s going on inside of her. What does the Lord tell her inside of your womb, our two nations. Now, how can you do that? How can you get pregnant with twins and have two completely different children inside your womb?
01:01:17:18 – 01:01:47:02
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So it’s not talking about a woman. Come on. It’s looking at a land and particularly a city. Rebecca. Because is Mecca right? The car is called that twice in the Koran, but it’s referring to Mecca. Rebecca, are you following now? Inside of you are two wombs. Out of out of out of. There came one from men. That’s right.
01:01:47:04 – 01:02:06:27
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
20 miles out of Mecca is where Yaqoob was born. Then the Holy One comes from Mount. You know, we both of these are coming out. But notice when she has these children. The first one, Esau comes out. The second one, Jacob or Yaqoob comes out holding the heel of the first child.
01:02:07:01 – 01:02:08:13
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
That’s right.
01:02:08:15 – 01:02:32:11
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Then he steals the blessing, doesn’t he? Yes, sir. Because Jacob now is it? His sight is failing him now and he’s the bless the child, and he think he’s blessing one, but the other one is blessed. And this, this, this Jacob or Yaqoob, he ends up building a world more contrary to the will of God. Take it or leave it alone.
01:02:32:11 – 01:02:42:23
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
But you see what we’re living in? It ain’t godly. So we gotta answer. Sir, how did we get in an ungodly condition? If God is running this thing?
01:02:42:25 – 01:02:45:01
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
01:02:45:03 – 01:03:00:23
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So. He builds a world and he has to build this world. He knows he’s in a world.
01:03:00:25 – 01:03:13:24
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
He’s in a creation, I’ll put it like that. That he didn’t create one. So in the book of James or the book of Genesis,
01:03:13:26 – 01:03:18:15
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
He asked for permission. Well, to make a man good.
01:03:18:20 – 01:03:19:25
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Come on, brother.
01:03:19:28 – 01:03:47:20
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Let us make man. That’s somebody ask him for permission. That’s a lower authority. Yes. Asking a higher authority for permission to make a man. If you go in the section called the Devil in Message to the Black Man, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, showing you the whole thing, he sat down with the government and asked for permission. I want to make a man, they said, you can make him here.
01:03:47:22 – 01:04:03:08
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Then give me enough money to last for 25 years, and we’ll go somewhere else and make him. We put him out in the worst part of the earth, kept the best power preserved for ourself ever since we made it right.
01:04:03:10 – 01:04:25:10
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So he goes and, cuts this deal he got. That’s a lot of money. Nuff money. Last you 25 years, people. Pensions is running out 25 years. I’m telling you, you got a lot of money. He didn’t tell him about the money, though.
01:04:25:13 – 01:04:50:20
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
But, Mister Mister Yaqoob, they don’t know what they dealing with. Why? Because that’s to teach you that the rest of the civilization is not really in on this secret information that’s going on. It took the angel to come. An angel is a word that’s interchangeable with the word scientists. It took one of the higher scientists to come. That’s right.
01:04:50:28 – 01:05:12:27
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
All they knew was that he had followers everywhere. They was in the streets. They was in the jails and everywhere. They wanted to get rid of this problem, and they didn’t know what they had until this angel comes and look what he does. You know who. Who was this man? When did this teaching star? Oh, well, you know, it’s been going on a few years.
01:05:12:27 – 01:05:39:08
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
You know, it’s growing and everything. And we locked him up. So when he goes, you know, they they got him locked up under the prison number. But when the angel gets there, he says I. Salaam alaikum. That’s Mr. Yaqoob. That’s why. Because he know this man was already written off in the history. He had to come and do his work.
01:05:39:10 – 01:06:04:07
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
You all are dealing with him the wrong way. You trying to give him time? We need to give him time out. And we need to make a deal with this man. So they make a deal with him and he takes, some black folks. Yes, sir. That and it’s 59,999 of them with him. Make 60,000 and something I want to talk about tomorrow night.
01:06:04:08 – 01:06:15:28
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
It said, you know, he had to make sure that he had healthy and strong breeders. Right?
01:06:16:00 – 01:06:39:18
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Healthy and strong breeders. Breeders. And if they weren’t healthy and strong, look what he did. He busted him and he said he sent them back. The message they took. That’s overboard. That’s right. So we don’t know how many got to the island, that we know how many left our civilization, but we don’t know how many got there because he had inspection.
01:06:39:22 – 01:07:03:28
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Yes, sir. And everybody that got caught wouldn’t fit. You didn’t pass inspection. You went over. This is a tough rule. And then he holds a meeting and he lies to him. The first meeting. He’s lying. Imagine that you come to hear the truth. He’s lying. He said, look how they kicked us out. They didn’t get kicked out. He left on his own.
01:07:04:00 – 01:07:05:22
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Come back.
01:07:05:25 – 01:07:31:29
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And he made a deal for some money. But he left that out. So he’s lying, right? And then he teaches them the lie. But he’s working with this crew, and he ends up making them the gods of their own world. You should know this truth. And you’re dealing with a god when you’re dealing with the Caucasian that’s in power.
01:07:32:01 – 01:07:33:09
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Right? That’s right.
01:07:33:12 – 01:08:06:08
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Stop looking at God as something invisible, floating around in space. God is the possessor of power and force. Now Satan builds his world on cosmic principles. The first one is force. At some point, if he can’t persuade you, he’ll use force to get what he wants from you right?
01:08:06:10 – 01:08:39:14
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Force is a necessary part of his Kingdom principles. The next thing is greed. Greedy people get along with greedy people. You don’t greedy just for money. You greedy for fame, you greedy for power. These people like to hang with each other. They are a small group on the planet now. They called the top 1% because they make more than the.
01:08:39:16 – 01:09:13:23
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
They make more than 60 something percent of the rest of the people on the planet. So if you take all our little income, what we scratchin for and put all our stuff together, the 1% make more than 60% of what we bring together as a thing. Think about it for a minute right now, we live in a country that’s only 5% of the earth’s population, but we consume over 65% of all the resources on the planet.
01:09:13:25 – 01:09:41:22
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So of all the people that’s on Earth, Americans are the most spoiled. I mean, we we’re spoiled like hell because we got just about everything you can think of that you would need. You can go get it right from a store. A lot of people don’t have that in their countries. Well, so a lot of things you think are in other countries, they don’t have that and they’ve learned to live without certain things, but we don’t live without nothing.
01:09:41:26 – 01:10:05:04
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
If you even go to Europe, you’ll see that the Europeans don’t even eat like the Americans. And as much as they’re trying to get things from America over among white Europeans, you find them holding fast to many of their traditions so they don’t eat like the Americans. Go look at the Europeans. You don’t see obesity like you see in America.
01:10:05:06 – 01:10:21:03
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
We we’re we’re we’re eating out of the basically the garbage can. A life fast food change the culture in this country.
01:10:21:05 – 01:10:59:01
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
There used to be between 5 and 10,000 food providers in America. Companies that work to provide food. You know how many it is today? 35. So 35 people can get in a room and determine what we going to eat, how they going to get the food to us. And that’s why most of the food when I came in the nation, we got a list from the Department of Chemicals to look for.
01:10:59:04 – 01:11:18:04
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
That’s right. And and you know, because I wasn’t married when I came in. So I’m around in the store. I never shopped like that. You know how the pig eats anything that comes in front of it? That’s the way we live when we don’t had knowledge with. Oh, I like that. Give me that. Yeah, I got to have some of this.
01:11:18:04 – 01:11:37:00
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Give me two of those. You know, you just grabbing things and everything. But when I got this list from the MGT and it was like, oh, mono and diglycerides, this emulsify was and I’m gone, I got to get in the science book and look up stuff. The sisters had me. I’m going, oh, oh, you can’t eat nothing here.
01:11:37:02 – 01:11:58:23
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
I need to go to the front. And you know, for years since I’ve been living here, I mean, I live from the farm. I go to these farmers bringing in chickens full range or, the vegetables grown. I eat as much as I can. Coming straight from the farm a local farm. Because if I’m eating foods, they had to travel a distance.
01:11:58:23 – 01:12:24:27
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
They’re putting things into food to try to preserve it. Right. To get to me. Because that’s the only way they can make their concern with money, man. They’re not concerned with our health. And so if you look at the health of the American, if I showed you what I showed them yesterday, what we’re dying from, we’re not only physically eating the wrong food, we’re feeding on the wrong information for life and guidance.
01:12:24:27 – 01:13:00:27
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So, we got to now we’re wrestling against powers. Oh, I didn’t finish on these cosmic principles. You got force greed. You also have selfish ambition. And you see, you can be ambitious in life, but to be selfishly ambitious means you’re willing to use people to get money. Rather than use money to help people who don’t. Doctor King said it before he die.
01:13:01:02 – 01:13:34:02
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Machines, profit motives and property rights have become more important than people. And when Eisenhower, who was a general, was going out, he said, this is new to America. What we’re doing that was in his farewell address. What was he talking about? A military industrial complex that was new. When John F Kennedy was coming into office in 1960, in America, we had never had that.
01:13:34:04 – 01:13:43:05
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
That’s where you got the weapons manufacturer, right? You got the military command, and you had a politician.
01:13:43:08 – 01:13:44:19
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
To take you to.
01:13:44:22 – 01:14:18:04
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
See. That’s a military industrial complex. The guy who makes weapons knows that the only way he can keep making profit is to make more weapons. Right. The military command knows that we can get the tax money from the American people to pay for the weapons, and for us to be strong, we need to have these weapons in stockpile.
01:14:18:06 – 01:14:33:01
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And we have to create a situation where we can go use these weapons. I don’t know of too many people that have a gun that don’t want to use it.
01:14:33:03 – 01:14:33:08
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
01:14:33:09 – 01:14:40:15
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Why when I had guns, I wanted to use them.
01:14:40:18 – 01:14:50:05
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
You know, that’s how crazy you can get in a subculture like.
01:14:50:07 – 01:15:08:09
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And the minister said that’s how power he is. You generally don’t come into power without wanting to use it. When,
01:15:08:11 – 01:15:50:14
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Well, anyway, it’s it’s it’s the concept of, you know, us wanting to use something, but we end up abusing it, ourselves. So with, even with, with, with, with that kind of thing, I can’t go as a military commander and just attack a country. I need the other part of the tripod. The politician. I need him to go to Congress and drum up the reason why we must attack this country, to keep America safe, and why we must go way over there.
01:15:50:17 – 01:16:03:14
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Come on in order to keep America safe. And once these rationales are put down and a policy is made because, see, only Congress can declare war.
01:16:03:17 – 01:16:44:22
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So they end up now saying, we got a situation and we’re going to need some bodies. This they wanted this during the Vietnam War. John F Kennedy wanted the Vietnamese to fight the war themselves. So as he’s running for reelection and it’s the campaign starts in 1963, his aim is when he gets back in is to start, getting American troops out of the Gulf and let the Vietnamese have to fight this war themselves.
01:16:44:24 – 01:17:21:00
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Well, if he does that, the weapons manufacturer won’t get more invoices, order sheets to get more weapons. Why? Because the military command won’t need as many. Because they’re not fighting. And so the politician, knowing what Kennedy planned to do, is getting with the military command, who’s getting with the weapons manufacturer. And next thing you know, John F Kennedy, conveniently is assassinated.
01:17:21:03 – 01:17:50:10
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
There were elements in this country that wanted Cuba back because Castro had won. And you have to remember, Cuba was 98% illiterate who when Castro came out of the mountains in that but under the rule of Fidel Castro, you have almost 100% of all Cubans can read and write. They have some of the best doctors on the planet.
01:17:50:17 – 01:17:52:00
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Yes, sir.
01:17:52:02 – 01:18:27:00
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So they still used propaganda before us about Cuba. This is why we have to be readers. And the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan said we have to be critical thinkers. You know, you can’t just read and gobble down everything that comes in front of you like that without investigation. So, this military industrial complex, it’s gotten so big, and you can tell the senators that are really behind, they call them the hawks in the government.
01:18:27:05 – 01:19:04:00
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
They’re really behind military intervention and all of this kind of thing, because the resources help them. And most of these weapon manufacturers are in their states. Needless to say, they get big kickbacks from the weapons manufacturers as long as they. So every $1 of tax money, 64 cent is taken out of that dollar for military intervention. Think about yet America is telling you and, she wants peace.
01:19:04:03 – 01:19:26:00
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So Doctor King, ultimately he had to clash with that kind of reality that he saw as he was growing. He was still evolving. He was only 39 years old when they killed him. These are powers that are in the earth that we’re wrestling with. And, you know, we we need help.
01:19:26:07 – 01:19:27:06
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
01:19:27:09 – 01:20:04:13
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
We don’t have a gun bigger than the ones that they have. We don’t manufacture guns. There’s not one black gun manufacturer on the planet. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said to defeat this man. You know, you’re going to need the forces of nature. You’re going to need the confusion of minds and thoughts that. Yes. And he says, the God that I represent to you, who said, it is his aim to give us the kingdom, if he’s going to give us the kingdom, then let’s take all the weapons off of us.
01:20:04:16 – 01:20:20:00
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
That way, we don’t even have to consider whether we want to use a gun or not. We won’t have one. So And we have a bigger gun in God coming down on our enemies against these powers right.
01:20:20:00 – 01:20:21:22
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Next to us, right.
01:20:21:24 – 01:20:32:23
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Look what else we’re wrestling against. We’re wrestling against the rulers of the darkness of this world because we.
01:20:32:25 – 01:20:34:06
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Come on, brother Minister.
01:20:34:08 – 01:21:21:11
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Now, what did it? Didn’t say. It didn’t say. He’s the ruler of this world. He’s only the ruler of darkness. And as long as you and I are in darkness, God is not our ruler, not the real God of heaven and earth. The God of this world is is our ruler. And like the spider that we saw from the Honorable Elijah Muhammad work in 1946, because in truth, he didn’t start building mosque until 1946 and beyond when he first got his assignment, he he was on the run for seven years.
01:21:21:14 – 01:21:48:22
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
He couldn’t stay anywhere beyond two weeks. They were trying to kill him, and he was up and down the East coast, Chester, Pennsylvania, where we were yesterday, Camden, new Jersey. He’d go down, into the northern part of new Jersey area, teaching in Masonic lodges. They would line up in the hotel after the lodge meeting because he said they said, we supposed to be in this, but they not teaching us what you teach in this.
01:21:48:24 – 01:22:06:11
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
They only got 33 degrees in the Masonic Lodge. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad is coming with 360 degrees of knowledge. If you draw a line in the circle of knowledge at 33 degrees, you still crawling?
01:22:06:16 – 01:22:07:18
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Yes, sir.
01:22:07:21 – 01:22:32:10
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
You still living like a beast? Because the beasts are crawling and they’re walking on all fours. So you’ll see that even the Jehovah’s Witnesses and others begin to say that the beast where these nations. And even as Daniel cried out when the Lord showed him different beast, he said, what are these beasts? He said, these beasts are the nations of the earth.
01:22:32:12 – 01:22:54:25
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
King raises so at the top of government is a beast. Your attitude, a predatory attitude. They prey on people and we’re the prey and we’re caught. Isaiah called us lawful prey because they use laws to get us.
01:22:54:27 – 01:22:57:16
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
To then the good teaching.
01:22:57:18 – 01:23:28:13
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
We’re wrestling against this. And from 1946, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad worked to 1975, and that phase of his work was over. The minister said that was a 29 year period and that 29 year period. The Koran said the chapter is called The Spider because the spider was that kind of creature that put a web out there. And every creature that gets caught in the web, what are they doing?
01:23:28:16 – 01:23:57:12
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
They’re wrestling. Yes, but they can’t beat the spider in the web because the spider is the master of his web. Sir, they want us in the web. Yes, sir. And the minister proved to them that the black man could be retrieved and that he could be redeemed. He called us, or rather still God called us through him to come to Washington, DC.
01:23:57:14 – 01:24:07:07
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And in 1995, 2 million of us answer the call for 1 million. We did that on our own. We didn’t get a government grant.
01:24:07:10 – 01:24:08:02
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
That’s right.
01:24:08:05 – 01:24:30:06
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
The government didn’t help us, but they were trying to interject themselves to interfere with us. But we went in our own pocket and brought ourselves to Washington, DC. They don’t care if you preach the greatest wisdom on earth. What they care about is. And when somebody is listening to what you’re preaching. And so they had every reason to fear.
01:24:30:08 – 01:24:53:20
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And so from 1995 to this year, where I stand before you, it’s 29 years and the spider is back, the web is back, and we’re getting ready to wrestle again, but not against flesh and blood. Come on. Lastly.
01:24:53:22 – 01:25:21:25
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Because the only way. To beat the ruler of the darkness of this world is to accept the light that takes you out of the darkness. And it exposes him from. Yes. Now we wrestle against spiritual wickedness in high places.
01:25:21:28 – 01:25:28:09
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said in message to the black man.
01:25:28:12 – 01:25:35:19
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
The white man’s final weapon against our Lord and his apostle would be religion.
01:25:35:26 – 01:25:37:19
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Oh that’s right.
01:25:37:21 – 01:25:55:14
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Did you hear what I said? The last trick in the in the bag of the science of trick nology. Trick nology. Which is, you know, the art of deception.
01:25:55:18 – 01:25:57:29
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Right, right, right.
01:25:58:02 – 01:26:16:17
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
That’s why in the book of Exodus, it doesn’t say so. Pharaoh summoned his cabinet. It says he summoned his magicians. That’s right. Because these government cabinets, they operate like magicians playing tricks.
01:26:16:19 – 01:26:18:19
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
With your.
01:26:18:22 – 01:26:27:07
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And, If you haven’t been tricked and I haven’t been tricked, have we? In the situation we in right now.
01:26:27:09 – 01:26:30:07
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
They found out that.
01:26:30:10 – 01:26:51:09
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
They’re even concerned with black men voting for Trump and not Kamala Harris and these black men that they use. And they they they express, frustrate nation over continuing to buy in to the promises of the Democratic Party and never getting it. They said we got tricked.
01:26:51:12 – 01:26:55:10
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And people telling them, don’t go over there because they’re going to trick you also.
01:26:55:12 – 01:26:56:11
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
01:26:56:13 – 01:27:21:07
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
But nevertheless, you know, if you’ve ever been to a magic show, they’ll put a woman in a box and take a saw and saw in hair and you say, well, I know they didn’t really saw her in half. I don’t know how they did it, but they tricked me, right? That’s right. That’s a magician. Yes, sir. He shows me the hat.
01:27:21:08 – 01:27:33:19
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Nothing’s in it. He reaches in it, see? Nothing is in it. He scoop his hand around in it. Nothing’s in it. Then all of a sudden he go in there and pull out a rabbit. I said, I know the rabbit wasn’t in there.
01:27:33:22 – 01:27:35:12
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
That’s for.
01:27:35:15 – 01:27:49:02
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
He tricked me. I just don’t know how he did it. It never. What we saying about the government? They. They got me. They really. If I’m honest, they tricked me. Come on. I just don’t know how they did it,
01:27:49:05 – 01:27:54:26
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
01:27:54:29 – 01:27:56:08
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Trick me.
01:27:56:10 – 01:28:02:22
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
01:28:02:24 – 01:28:25:07
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Spiritual. Some people say wickedness in high places. No spiritual wickedness in high places. Satan is going to weaponize religion. Yes, sir. To try to defeat the truth. Why do you think in the book of Genesis.
01:28:25:09 – 01:28:56:04
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
God says he describes the end of the world to the serpent and the woman, and he says, the woman, the seed of her, the serpent, the seed of it will settle the score on. And she shall bruise thy head while the head of the serpent, because that’s where the poison lives. The poison don’t live all through the snake.
01:28:56:07 – 01:29:19:10
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
It ain’t in its tail is in his head. That’s why he bites you with the head. Those fangs, bring poison to the bloodstream of the creature. That it that it that it bite. And did you know that the snake knows where the poison is? That’s why when he bites it, he don’t have to bite it and put the poison in and grab it at the same time so it won’t get away.
01:29:19:10 – 01:29:35:04
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
He know it’s not going to get away. So he he bites it and then he backs away. Yeah. And it could be one rat and 100 rats could be thrown in there. He won’t get confused. He know which one he bit.
01:29:35:06 – 01:29:36:11
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
01:29:36:13 – 01:29:38:17
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
He can smell his own poison through his tongue.
01:29:38:23 – 01:29:40:05
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
So that.
01:29:40:08 – 01:30:10:02
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
He know it’s working inside of the creature that he already bit for you. So God says the serpent and the woman are going him. The their seed is going to be fighting in the end. So the Messiah in the end is described symbolically as a woman. Come on. And I remember the minister saying when he dealt with the knowledge of God, until men see women properly, they can never see God, right?
01:30:10:02 – 01:30:21:09
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Right. Just think of that. So God takes the time to make a man look at a woman as he describes the.
01:30:21:09 – 01:30:23:19
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
01:30:23:21 – 01:30:46:17
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
He’s showing us something about the kind of love is going to take to get us out of what we’re in, I believe, number one. But this woman, of course, she got a crown on her head with with 12, jewels. But there’s stars. They call them. Right. But you have 12 major scientists now. They’re. They’re in a study group around the wisdom that’s in the head of the woman.
01:30:46:18 – 01:31:10:14
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
That’s right. It’s a circle again. Are you following me now? But this woman will bruise the head of the serpent. And the Honorable Elijah Muhammad says that this last man, he will defeat the high wise argument of the religious scientists of this day. The Honorable Louis Farrakhan is really set them all down.
01:31:10:14 – 01:31:12:13
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Yes, sir. That’s right.
01:31:12:16 – 01:31:33:15
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
They don’t have an argument from Scripture. Come on, an argument from God that they can bring and let his doorstep right. He’s he’s at a stage now where a question coming to him. God is formulating the answer in his brain before you finish the question.
01:31:33:20 – 01:31:34:14
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
That’s right.
01:31:34:16 – 01:31:56:13
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And he told us that not only will he give you the answer to the question, but he’s going to show you with the light that’s in him. Your motive for asking the question. Because everybody that question Jesus wasn’t really trying to learn, right? Right, right. Some people were asking questions because they wanted to try to trap him right.
01:31:56:15 – 01:32:04:28
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
But the kind of like this with him now, he can see behind our mess.
01:32:05:00 – 01:32:21:27
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Bruising the head. But watch what the what the serpent does as a result of the head being bruised. I say, you know what? We can’t do nothing with this man.
01:32:22:00 – 01:32:28:15
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Let’s go after the heal his followers.
01:32:28:18 – 01:32:31:03
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Come on.
01:32:31:06 – 01:32:42:01
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Surely they ain’t not as wise as him. We can get them. We can’t get him. But we can get them.
01:32:42:05 – 01:32:44:09
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Yes. So?
01:32:44:11 – 01:33:24:20
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So he comes after. Now the followers that perchance we’re not rooted in what he rooted us in. When he sold spiritual seed into our life. And what they like to do is weaponize religion to come after us. Now people have spilled blood over religion. One thing we found out about the human being in this 6000 year period of history, that corruption has entered the land, and to see is that people will not fight you over God.
01:33:24:23 – 01:33:27:17
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
01:33:27:19 – 01:33:56:24
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
They won’t. You know, you can go out and say ugly things about God and people say, you know, you should watch your mouth, you should be careful. But say something about somebody’s religion. They ready to fight. So it’s like the religion work by the hands of man. It has been given a higher priority than God. That’s why we’re weak in religion.
01:33:56:24 – 01:34:21:00
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
The minister said today, you have to teach a weak religion just to keep us in the House, because if religion was preached the way the gospel should really be preached, nobody would be comfortable preaching it. And nobody would be comfortable listening to it because the light is so great, it’s going to expose us before God. Are you following me?
01:34:21:03 – 01:34:29:18
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
You can go throughout America. I can’t tell you how many services took place today. Nobody is teaching on the judgment room.
01:34:29:21 – 01:34:29:29
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
01:34:30:03 – 01:34:52:22
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Why? Because most people will leave your house if you telling them about how God is unhappy with all of us and is really destroying. But guess what? You can leave if you want to. I can leave if I want to, but it ain’t stopped. God’s wrath is already started in the land. I saw two hurricanes come and look.
01:34:52:24 – 01:35:16:22
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
I’m watching the weather. They telling you when it’s coming and they don’t tell you. Israel knew when Iran was sending bombs. They had antiaircraft protection and they knew it was coming, and they knew how they were going to stop it. But I watch Milton come and Helene come. Malina and all these hurricanes were coming. But what I didn’t hear was we planned to stop.
01:35:16:22 – 01:35:18:26
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
It here today. Through here.
01:35:18:28 – 01:35:37:15
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
We’re going to see how are we going to do to see the Honorable Elijah Muhammad say Allah uses what is with you as a as his weapon for your own destruction. And these forces of nature have risen up in this country.
01:35:37:17 – 01:36:04:02
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And along with the storm that’s going on outside, you can see the storm that’s in the minds of people, because the messengers said, not only will it take the forces of nature, but it’s going to take the confusion of minds. And you can clearly see that no government under Satan’s world is showing us a clear path to a better way of life.
01:36:04:05 – 01:36:39:15
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
They’re promising it, but they can’t show it where we’re going to make life better for all Americans. Can you sit down and tell us how you’re going to do this? They can’t tell you because they don’t know you. You can’t have peace. The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan said. Unless you accept the way of peace, the way of life that that that they have given us, the only way out of this way of life is to follow a man who said, I am the way, I am, the truth and the life.
01:36:39:18 – 01:36:48:04
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Make Farrakhan your choice. Assalamualaikum.
01:36:48:07 – 01:37:14:15
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Thank you so much. I’m going to turn the meeting over. Brother Joseph is going to close us out. We, We invite you to join us. You know, we’re we’re we’re starting our real march toward, Saviors Day celebration. We we just completed, celebrating the anniversary of the Million Man March. And notice it’s the 29th anniversary, right?
01:37:14:18 – 01:37:48:27
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
That number 29 is right there in front of us. And, now that that has taken place, our next thing is our national convention. It was almost one year ago that we received a writing from the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan that the enemy did not want to see the Nation of Islam successful, that the enemy does not want to see black people successful, that his work is coming to an end.
01:37:48:29 – 01:38:01:11
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And if and when his work comes to an end, he said the absence of any messenger that God has used for people behind them is always a trial.
01:38:01:17 – 01:38:02:10
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
That’s right.
01:38:02:12 – 01:38:26:17
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
From what we know, this trial can be three years or three and a half years, which the lesson says 1260 days. I’d be reading if I were you, because, our only success is staying rooted in what we’ve been given. Brother Joseph, let’s give him a hand slowly.
01:38:26:20 – 01:38:46:09
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
You know. Oh, praise is due to all. I keep that round of applause going for, Delaware Valley Regional Manager Rodney Muhammad. Dear family, let us start with the first three question. How many first timers do we have out today? Anyone out for their first time? Second time? Don’t be ashamed. Raise your hand. Hey, our brothers there.
01:38:46:12 – 01:39:08:04
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Give them a round of applause. Let me just ask you, brothers, who invited y’all up back? We just came. Every time I go out of town. Stop it! Stop with the mine. Praise be to all. I want to give our brothers a round of applause for being here and coming out. My next question is, how many of us believe that what we heard today is true, and that is good for our people and all of fallen humanity, just by show of hands?
01:39:08:07 – 01:39:34:26
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Praise be to Allah. And my next question in this trilogy is if you believe that what you heard today and you believe that is good for you as a person, and you would like to take another step toward learning more about yourself and this teaching and how it applies to you. And our sojourn into the future. I can’t say come and join, but how would you be feel about accepting your own and being yourself?
01:39:34:28 – 01:39:51:28
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
So you’d like to do that anyway? Downstairs or upstairs? Okay, there’s a still in the house right now, but that’s okay. That means that your minds are working. Our praise is due to Allah. So what we will do. Dear family, again we thank our brothers for being out here as anyone downstairs. We thank you all for being here as well.
01:39:52:01 – 01:39:54:25
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
So what are we going to do now? We’re going to ask the Minister of Finance
01:39:54:25 – 01:39:59:12
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
And remember family when we give in, charity is never lost. We always get it back.
01:39:59:19 – 01:40:33:13
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
And the reason that you don’t lose it, it maybe it don’t come back to you in a monetary sense. Maybe it don’t come back like that. Maybe you see a family member, maybe one of your children, grandchildren, your mother, your father, or maybe even you are going through some kind of debilitating illness or some trial. And because you gave in charity to help the teachings and the calls of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan in our midst and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, our lost causes, that affliction that is on you or any of your family members to be lifted, all because you decided to reach into your pocket and all I reached into his spirit and
01:40:33:13 – 01:40:57:28
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
rewarded you as such. Y’all all right? Praise be to Allah. So with that, as the receptacle chair, receptacles are leaving the floor, we will go into our announcements and immediately thereafter, we will close with prayer. My first question is, before I go any further, I don’t want to be remiss in my duty and thanking you. If you wanted to give today, but you just didn’t have it.
01:40:58:00 – 01:41:12:27
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Continue to come out and hear the life giving teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, and Allah, in his own good time will cause you to have whatever it is that is on your heart to give. You will be able to give. But let me say this. Thank you for giving up the first act in charity. Because you did give.
01:41:13:04 – 01:41:38:11
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
You gave of your time. Thank you for coming to spend your time to hear this life giving teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. All praise is due to Allah. We’re going to go into our nice announcements and, just comb through them. First announcement is support the x lc. This is an mu I Muhammad University of Islam affiliate offering a virtual learning experience for the 2024 2025 school year.
01:41:38:14 – 01:41:59:13
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Please see Sister Kimberly. And she is here today sitting in the back where she did. Her hand is up, but she’s fading into the room. She will be back out. Anyone who is interested in getting their children, grandchildren, or maybe a niece or nephew into this wonderful, wonderful learning experience. See our sister. And before I go any further, all these, announcements that are being made.
01:41:59:13 – 01:42:17:15
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Now, if you are not on our mailing list, see, brother severe, he’s our student minister of information in the mosque, and he can give your information to him. And you can be abreast of all the announcement that come in the very near future. Number two, save the date. Check your emails for more details of everything that is being announced.
01:42:17:17 – 01:42:47:09
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Muhammad Mosque, number 35, Wilmington, Delaware, will be hosting a married couples date night celebration of Black Love Saturday, November the 2nd. Save the date beginning at 5:00 pm at Muhammad’s Mosque, number 35 and Wilmington, Delaware National Believers meeting, for Wednesday, November the 6th. If unavailable to attend in person, please make sure to petition to watch from home by 8 p.m. on Wednesday.
01:42:47:09 – 01:43:06:22
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
This is to ensure your request will be seen in a time for approval. And that’s probably directed at a lot of our sisters who want to come out, but they are unable to make it. I would suggest again, see Brother Severe, Stewart, Minister of Information, and he can take care of that for you. Also in celebration of our dear brother Michael Z.
01:43:06:22 – 01:43:32:20
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Muhammad. Saturday, November the 9th. The night of the cookers will be a birth anniversary celebration for our brother turning 75. All praise is due to Allah, although it will be held here at the mosque. Master may as well please RSVP at (267) 312-4189. And last but not least, on the list we have in our announcements today downstairs. Hoagies, this is Hoagie Sunday.
01:43:32:26 – 01:44:08:04
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
We have, drinks and desserts available, so if you want to feed your palate, your physical palate, your spiritual palate has been fed, please stop at the table downstairs and take something home with you of all hearts and minds, or at ease, let us close with prayer. Prayer time in a manner in which you are most comfortable. Follow along silently in the name of Allah, the beneficent, the Most Merciful, the one God whom all praises do, the Lord of the world, the beneficent, the Most Merciful, master of the Day of Judgment in which we now live.
01:44:08:06 – 01:44:30:10
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
The alone do we serve in the alone do we beseech for aid, O Allah, guide us on the straight path, the path of those upon whom thou has bestowed favors, and not the path of those upon whom thy wrath is brought down, nor of those who go astray, say he allies one Allah, as he upon whom we all depend, he neither beget, nor is he begotten, and there is none like him.
01:44:30:12 – 01:44:56:06
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
I bear witness that none deserves to be served a worship besides Allah, who appeared to us in the personage of master W Farad Muhammad. And we are truly grateful to him, for given to us is wise choice. And the messenger Messiah, the exalted, the risen and living Christ in the Most honorable Elijah Muhammad. And to the two of them we thank them for the brother who walks in our midst, our friend, champion the Messiah and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan.
01:44:56:13 – 01:45:10:21
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Send their names. We pray, I mean family, the meeting is dismissed. Go in peace and remember that we are never to be the aggressor. But if we are rest upon, we fight with those who fight with us. I solemnly.