Sunday Lecture 07-28-2024
Summary of Student in the Ministry Joseph Muhammad’s Lecture
The lecture emphasizes the importance of seeking assistance through patience and prayer, particularly in challenging times. It highlights a story from a young Muslim girl struggling with panic and anxiety, illustrating the universality of such experiences. Drawing from the teachings of the Honorable Louis Farrakhan, the lecture underscores that prayer is an act of faith that connects individuals to a higher power, providing strength and security.
The act of prayer is compared to a baby nursing from its mother, emphasizing the sense of contentment and peace it brings. The lecture encourages listeners to persevere in prayer, even when immediate results aren’t visible, as Allah tests individuals and provides blessings in due time.
The lecture stresses the importance of self-improvement and recognizing personal blemishes as opportunities for growth. It highlights the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Minister Farrakhan, advocating for continuous self-reflection and striving for spiritual and mental alignment.
The Nation of Islam’s Final Call newspaper is presented as a vital source of information, providing a counter-narrative to mainstream media. The lecture encourages attendees to engage with the publication to stay informed about local, national, and international events.
Summary of Student Minister Rodney Muhammad’s Lecture
The lecture centers around the concept of genocide as a calculated and systematic process targeting Black people. It refers to the United Nations Genocide Convention, highlighting its definitions of genocide, including causing serious bodily or mental harm to a group and deliberately inflicting conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction.
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad links historical injustices like slavery and Jim Crow to the ongoing genocide, arguing that these systems were designed to destroy Black people physically, mentally, and economically. He emphasizes the economic exploitation of Black people, from slavery to the present day, highlighting the disparity in wealth between Black and white households.
The lecture criticizes the concept of “diversity, equity, and inclusion,” arguing that it masks the systemic racism and white supremacy that continues to marginalize Black people. He argues that true liberation requires Black people to recognize their own worth and build their own institutions, rather than seeking inclusion in a system designed to oppress them.
Citing the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the lecture emphasizes the importance of self-knowledge, unity, and self-determination as crucial elements in combating genocide. It calls for Black people to reject the negative self-image imposed by white supremacy and embrace their own identity and potential.
The lecture concludes by highlighting the role of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan in raising awareness about the genocide against Black people and calling for action. It encourages listeners to actively participate in the struggle for Black liberation, drawing inspiration from the Million Man March and emphasizing the importance of collective action and self-reliance.
Study Review: Embracing Self-Reliance and Overcoming Challenges
Delivered by Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad. The speech explores several key themes, including:
1. Willpower and Connection to the Divine:
Question: What is the relationship between willpower and connection to the divine, as discussed by the speaker?
Answer: The speaker emphasizes that while willpower is essential for achieving goals and manifesting desires, it proves inadequate without a connection to a higher power. This connection can be fostered by aligning oneself with figures like Minister Louis Farrakhan and Elijah Muhammad, who act as conduits to Almighty God.
2. The Power of Prayer:
Question: How does the speaker use the analogy of a nursing baby to illustrate the significance of prayer?
Answer: The speaker draws a parallel between the satisfaction a baby experiences from nursing, both from nourishment and a chemical reaction in the brain, and the sense of security and fulfillment obtained through prayer. Just as nursing satisfies both the baby and the mother, prayer offers mutual benefit: it pleases Allah that his servants remember him, and it grants individuals the relief and guidance they seek, even if not always in a physical form.
3. Recognizing Divinity:
Question: Who does the speaker identify as embodying divinity?
Answer: The speaker points to both Elijah Muhammad and Minister Louis Farrakhan as individuals who embody divinity. He suggests that their teachings and actions provide a tangible link to the divine for those seeking guidance and understanding.
4. Confronting Social and Economic Injustices:
Question: How does the speaker characterize the challenges faced by Black people?
Answer: The speaker attributes the social and economic disadvantages experienced by Black people to a system intentionally designed to perpetuate harm. He highlights systemic issues like poverty, lack of opportunities, and high rates of violence as deliberate components of this oppressive structure, designed to maintain control and limit progress.
5. Embracing Self-Reliance:
Question: What is the speaker’s proposed solution to these challenges?
Answer: The speaker advocates for self-reliance and internal strength development as crucial steps towards empowerment. He challenges the notion of dependence on external systems, especially those designed to oppress. He stresses the importance of unity, self-determination, and taking control of one’s destiny. He uses the example of Minister Farrakhan, who built a strong foundation independent of external support, as a model for self-sufficiency.
6. Understanding Genocide:
Question: What is the speaker’s definition of genocide, and what examples does he provide?
Answer: The speaker defines genocide as a calculated and methodical attempt to eradicate a particular group of people. He cites historical instances like slavery and Jim Crow laws as stark examples of this ongoing genocide. He argues that contemporary issues disproportionately impacting Black communities, such as economic inequality, mass incarceration, and violence, represent a continuation of these efforts to dismantle and control.
7. Breaking Free from Mental Enslavement:
Question: What is the primary message the speaker wants his audience to take away?
Answer: The speaker urges his listeners to break free from mental and spiritual enslavement. He encourages them to recognize their intrinsic power and work towards forging a new reality for themselves. He highlights the Nation of Islam’s role in this process, presenting it as a source of truth and guidance for Black individuals striving to transcend the challenges they confront. He emphasizes that true liberation stems from embracing self-knowledge, connecting with one’s heritage, and rejecting the limiting beliefs imposed by an oppressive system
Here is a study review with questions and answers focused on Rodney Muhammad’s portion of the lecture,
Section 1: The Western Region’s 47-Day Challenge
Question: What was the inspiration behind the Western Region’s 47-day challenge, and what were some of its key outcomes?
Answer: The challenge was inspired by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan’s 47 years of dedicated service to the Nation of Islam. During the challenge, members of the Western Region committed to increased prayer and action, resulting in a significant rise in Final Call newspaper distribution, from 23,000 to almost 40,000 copies. This initiative also generated substantial financial contributions to the mosque.
Question: What did Minister Farrakhan mean when he referred to the West Coast as a “whooping board?”
Answer: Minister Farrakhan used this metaphor to illustrate that the Western Region’s accomplishments would serve as a motivating force for the rest of the Nation of Islam to elevate their efforts and strive for greater productivity.
Section 2: Genocide and Its Manifestations
Question: How does Rodney Muhammad connect Master Fard Muhammad’s arrival to the discovery of Pluto? What is the significance of this comparison?
Answer: He draws a parallel between the two events, highlighting that both Pluto and Master Fard Muhammad emerged from obscurity and began operating at the same “speed” as pre-existing entities. Just as Pluto, discovered in 1930, aligned with the other planets in the solar system, Master Fard Muhammad, who began his teachings in 1930, guided Black people towards aligning with the righteous. This comparison emphasizes the divine timing and profound impact of Master Fard Muhammad’s mission.
Question: What are the four ways the UN Genocide Convention defines genocide?○
Answer: The four ways are:1.
Killing members of a group.2.
Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of a group.3.
Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group.4.
Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
Question: According to Rodney Muhammad, how does the concept of “deliberately inflicting upon the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part” manifest in contemporary society?○
Answer: He points to systemic issues like the prevalence of guns within Black communities, economic disparities, and the welfare system as evidence of these calculated conditions. He argues that these factors, intentionally designed to create self-destructive patterns within the Black community, exemplify this aspect of genocide.
Section 3: White Supremacy and Economic Disparity
Question: What historical example does Rodney Muhammad use to illustrate the enduring impact of white supremacy?○
Answer: He references the Jim Crow era, particularly the minstrel show character “Jim Crow,” to highlight the historical roots of systemic racism. The character, portrayed by a white man in blackface, reinforced racist stereotypes and entertained white audiences. This example demonstrates the historical context for the development of Jim Crow laws, which perpetuated racial segregation and discrimination.
Question: How does Rodney Muhammad contrast the economic realities of Black and white Americans?○
Answer: He cites data from the Pew Charity Trust study, indicating that the average white household possesses a net worth of approximately $149,000, while the average Black household has a net worth of about $5,600. He attributes this stark disparity to historical and systemic factors that have disadvantaged Black Americans, limiting their access to wealth accumulation opportunities.
Section 4: The Importance of Self-Reliance
Question: How does Rodney Muhammad address the notion of seeking diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)?○
Answer: He challenges the idea that Black people should strive for DEI, arguing that fighting for inclusion within a system that inherently excludes them only validates their unwanted status. He emphasizes that true liberation requires Black people to create their own institutions and systems, achieving self-reliance rather than seeking acceptance from those who have historically oppressed them.
Section 5: Call to Action
Question: What is Rodney Muhammad’s concluding message to his listeners?○
Answer: He urges his listeners to heed the teachings of the Nation of Islam, stressing that their message offers a path to overcoming the challenges Black people face. He emphasizes the need for action, encouraging his audience to move beyond passive observation and actively participate in the fight for Black empowerment and self-determination.
00:00:03:04 – 00:00:13:26
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
I said, I’m related to your family at this time. People, please step the prayer.
00:00:13:28 – 00:00:36:25
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
In the name of Allah. But in the lost multitude, one God in all phrases to the Lord of the world to do not to goodbye the basement. Surely I am being eternity deeply allowing, striving to be upright. To he who originated the heavens. The letter. But I am not of the probably peace. Surely my prayer, my sacrifice, my light, and my death were all for a law of the Lord of the world.
00:00:36:27 – 00:00:57:16
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
No associate has he in this. I commanded the I’m a of Sibley. Oh Allah, thou art the King. There is no God with the guard, my Lord. And I must not have been greatly unjust to myself. And I confess my faults so greatly, protecting against all my fault, for not to touch him, against false, to deal and guide me to the best of all.
00:00:57:20 – 00:01:16:13
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
But none can guide into the dust of mold. But he turn away from me. The evil may be a decent wall, but none can turn for me. The evil may be in decent morals, but the in all Allah make Mohammad, which does make the true followers of Muhammad successor. God did make Abraham and the true followers of Abraham successful.
00:01:16:13 – 00:01:40:05
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Be sure, though I praised and magnify in all our blessed Muhammad and blessed the true followers of Mohammed. God bless Abraham and the true followers of Abraham. For surely, though I praised and magnified, I’m may be seated in the name of Allah, the beneficent, the Most merciful God. Yes, praise and thanks to Allah, but it’s coming and appeared to us in the person.
00:01:40:05 – 00:02:07:16
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
This ambassador, Father Mohammed, we thank him for coming and finding growth worthy of his coming to seek and save us, because we were and are still long as a whole and other people, we thank him for being among us three years and four months and in that time, truly a man, that he might be able to the part that is very mind into and that mind that man with stay the course would not leave his post because his love was equal to that of his teaching.
00:02:07:19 – 00:02:29:09
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
God and first. And the man that I speak of, that Georgia born giant born Elijah Pool. Because of the wonderful and that was the work that he was and is doing among the he became known that the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. We thank Allah for Him and His presence at his time among. However, as with the first two, they didn’t stay among.
00:02:29:12 – 00:02:55:11
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
But again, another man was chosen to carry the torch to go into the battlefield for you and I, to show us how to get out of the darkness that we were in, and that darkness was death itself. And is that this soul and the man they showed, or that this young boy, Elijah Muhammad told, told him that he has no ego, that he is the one that he’s going to use to get all of his teeth.
00:02:55:14 – 00:03:21:24
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
And he has been doing a work that no human being on the planet is doing or can’t do. The way he dug it, he works tirelessly and effortlessly. It won’t be you, and I will show the love that he has for and the man that I speak of, and he walks among us. He is the most famous Muslim on the planet and is loved by everyone on the planet, except in the country where he lives.
00:03:21:27 – 00:03:38:02
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
And there are a few other detractors. We don’t have to get into that right now. But he is love wherever his name is. Mission people stop, you know? They want to know what he’s say. We recognize divinity when we see it. And the man that I speak of, that hold that divine source within his heart and in his mind.
00:03:38:02 – 00:04:02:00
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
But you and I, he is our illustrious leader, teacher, guide, friend, and confidant. The honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan all praises due to Allah for that wonderful, wonderful human being. And those three be a family that is not to ourselves under the book for you and it is whatever they are we are being made into. All we got to do is to stay the course and stay in the club.
00:04:02:02 – 00:04:29:20
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
But let me say, before I go any further with any other comments, let me just say to you, thank you for being here on time. Thank you for being in your seat. And thank you for your first act of charity today, and that you are sharing your time to come in here, like given seasons of the honorable revival, as represented by the honorable Minister, who is all that in itself is a giant because right now there are people sitting on the park, just kind of like looking at the girl in the black suit.
00:04:29:20 – 00:04:54:28
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
There’s white among them, but their minds are so distracted and distorted with the, vicissitudes of life issues. All those ups and downs, the ebb and flow, the trial that every one of us are going through right now. Some don’t have enough within their mind to rise above that and move on and get stuck by with you. We’ve seen that even with those who come into the Nation of Islam as believers.
00:04:55:00 – 00:05:16:29
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Amen. As believers. But because they got stuck in what was called a time war is not a moment and we all have to be in a position where we are transcending and transitioning by the grace of Allah, following the man that is left in our midst. Oh, as an example, must be honorable news. And these are so. Thank you again for being here and sharing of your time.
00:05:17:01 – 00:05:35:20
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Thank you for submitting to our check procedure. The check procedure is, of course, you know, very necessary. I mean, there are some time we’ve had company at our house. I how you know, you want to check them at the door. You make sure they restrict. You know, you just can’t let nobody fool you nowadays. I mean, really, you can’t.
00:05:35:22 – 00:06:00:00
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
And, because everybody, is suffering because as the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, you can be turned quickly. You never know. So we let no man to see this as the 2000 years ago, it was relating to his disciples and really to us. You don’t let no one to see this procedure is necessary. Let me just thank you for submitting, because that is the only admitting she needed to get into the.
00:06:00:00 – 00:06:27:01
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
How did you get so visited and all you needed was spirit. And that was so. You pray that Allah will give you something in the tissues today that will elevate your consciousness, your spirit and your mind to another level that you didn’t have to go to. I’m going to move on to one thing about, number one to this is the this is the baddest newspaper on the planet.
00:06:27:03 – 00:06:45:13
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
I don’t know how clarity this this call this. I don’t care how you or whatever they tell you in the media, you can dismiss that. But if you want to prove it and find out what they left out, you know how it is. We used to have to call them up since problems you have part of a sin dinner.
00:06:45:13 – 00:07:14:00
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
The line you had to go to the next one meeting and people will word it. Another line you have to fill in the blanks. Well, when the media tells us something, this is the filler for what they’re leaving out for Final Call newspaper because it has local, national and international. So everything that’s going on on the planet right now, this house, the final home, you don’t have one which you take one home and learn about our heaven.
00:07:14:02 – 00:07:40:25
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Planet Earth is all right. Family yogurt praise mother. I mean, about a study group equals to the three of you beautiful. Listen, we have we’re closing our study guide, and it’s about building our will. you know, we’ve all heard the saying it with there’s no will.
00:07:40:28 – 00:07:59:29
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Not real talk. I mean, I just hope you from the who it from the neighborhood stuff. You know, the basics. I listen to you. I see hear a lot. When I was in the church where there’s no will, there’s no way. So, in other words, you got to have willpower to bring into existence those things that we won’t have in our life.
00:07:59:29 – 00:08:20:07
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
They give us comfort and joy. Right? But we can’t just will it without having a connection to the source that gives us these things that we do. How do we connect to the source? Well, first of all, what is the source? The source is Almighty God alone himself. And there is a simple and adapter that we can connect ourselves to.
00:08:20:07 – 00:08:43:18
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Before we get to him, call the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. So we adapt ourselves to them, plug into the number one source, and then we get the juice we need to go after the things that we say that we would make sense, be okay. When the study guide on Friday. You know, we’ve been talking about prayer for like the last six weeks.
00:08:43:20 – 00:09:13:03
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
You talk about it all the time and how beneficial prayer is. I would like to do this from the Holy Koran. What’s next for you, sir? for two. yeah. 153 where it says seek assistance, patience and career. Now, if you’re asking for assistance, that means that we’ve embarked on something that we can’t do alone. We just had a realization.
00:09:13:04 – 00:09:37:18
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
I can’t do it by myself. So we have to seek assistance through patience and prayer. First of all, the prayer we make to the supreme, sovereign Lord, Almighty God, our love and the patience have to be there because the love I mean, it may be in some instances it yes, that we may see something coming around, but under normal circumstances, Allah tries us.
00:09:37:21 – 00:10:10:26
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
You give us what we ask for, but there may be some time involved before we get it. So we have to be patient. I want to, pull this up just very quickly. well, let me put it this way. I’ll go this is all right.
00:10:10:29 – 00:10:15:25
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Where these.
00:10:15:27 – 00:10:37:13
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
This is a piece that was from a little sister. She was going through something very, Similar to what? I just want to read what she said, and then we’ll pick it up. Do. It starts like this. She says this is what we go about, seeking assistance and patience and prayer. She says, I salaam elegant. I am a 15 year old Muslim girl.
00:10:37:15 – 00:11:03:27
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
I am currently in a huge dilemma because I have been going through mental health issues, and lately they’ve been at the worst point they’ve ever been. I have been diagnosed with severe social anxiety and I am taking anti-depressants and medication for the anxiety. I also see a therapist. However, nothing seems to work. My anxiety just isn’t getting better.
00:11:03:29 – 00:11:32:16
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
People at school mock me for it. The anxiety is so bad I get made fun of and have almost no friends. I have been engaging in program behavior like self-harm to cope. I know it’s bad, but I just despise myself so much. I feel like a joke in this world and that I don’t deserve to live. Everybody hates me and Allah must really hate me.
00:11:32:19 – 00:11:57:22
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
The panic is so bad I have no idea what to do. Please know that’s a person. It’s revealed now. We may not be at that level of where she is, but we go through some. But we. That’s why we have to come out. You know, it’s a study because we do ourselves a disservice because there are answers in this study to listen to this.
00:11:57:22 – 00:12:26:07
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
This is the Honorable Louis Farrakhan, he said. The Holy Koran tells us that everything is an illusion. That is, it will ultimately pass away except a lot. He is the real power behind all that. You see. The will is the power behind your being, but your will is unseen. To deny the existence of what we cannot see is to deprive ourselves of access to the true power behind the universe.
00:12:26:09 – 00:12:55:12
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
The physical things we see are mere variations in forms of manifestation of that power. The things come and go, but the power that produces them is eternal. Listen to this the belief in Allah. God must be supported by three. It is only through actually going to the source and attempting to draw the spiritual milk of the word, that we can obtain the security and satisfaction it brings.
00:12:55:15 – 00:13:18:17
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
The prayer is an act of faith, as the baby’s act of nursing is demonstrated. If no action is taken, no notice, the change isn’t that beautiful. So could you imagine that this young sister had access to this? Because evidently she’s not in the Nation of Islam, but she’s a believer and we don’t. Because you in another community. That don’t mean that we’re not concerned of what you go into.
00:13:18:20 – 00:13:33:12
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
But there were hundreds of thousands and millions of our people going through some of the exact same thing. And here we are in a position that if we come across them, we can say, well, oh, you got on that black guard. I ain’t sayin you got a beard. I can’t talk to you because you don’t believe like me.
00:13:33:12 – 00:13:54:01
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
No, that’s not what all that tells us to do if he’s put white in our hands. Well, as the Honorable Louis Farrakhan says, he says that when we see darkness or when a person is absent of a requisite understanding or a comprehensive understanding, that is a teaching moment for us. If we have what we say, we no right.
00:13:54:03 – 00:14:21:24
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Praise be to Allah. Well, let me go on this it it is when the baby nurses from the mother’s breast. There is satisfaction for the child, not only in the stomach but in the mind. As the baby is physically fed, the act of nursing produces a chemical reaction in the brain of the child. Results in contentment. This manifested in the peaceful continence you see on the nursing child as it drinks.
00:14:21:27 – 00:14:50:02
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
There are also. There’s also a chemical reaction in the mother’s brain and satisfy action for her, as she obtained both relief and pleasure, as the milk that fills her breast is drawn out to look at it. So the counteraction to that is when we pray to Allah, he’s satisfied that as his servant we are remembering him, and we are satisfied because he gives us the thing that we’re looking for.
00:14:50:05 – 00:15:13:22
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Maybe it’s nothing physical, maybe it’s just relief in our minds and in our hearts from the dilemma that we are in at that very time. Y’all are free. Well, let me read this from the Honorable Louis Farrakhan, and I want to put some emphasis on this. It says this is so that you can try to use the words of the minister directly to do in the study.
00:15:13:25 – 00:15:39:13
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
He says, I desire that every one of you renew your commitment to this study. Get rid of fear. Only the fear of God is necessary. All other fear can and should be conquered. Get rid of guilt. I’m that right. Do. Don’t we beat ourselves up something? I didn’t do this, I didn’t. I didn’t make and make all my prayers.
00:15:39:15 – 00:16:07:09
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
It. I didn’t know what class did. I mean, we didn’t want to make it. Make it an excuse. But sometimes reasons come up with. Sometimes you just can’t do something. So the ministers, it goes on and say our knew what we were before he chose us. Stop right there is. You hear that? He chose us. So if you’re in the seats right now and whether you’re registered or not, you were chosen by Allah.
00:16:07:12 – 00:16:31:17
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
That’s why he came. That shows you that he did choose it because he said he didn’t come to get the 144,000 that the 24 scientists, and that’s all that we’ll be able to you’ll be able to get. He said. No, I can get all of them. So all that’s all us. We have a role in this. All we have to do is just hold on that handle every it won’t break.
00:16:31:19 – 00:17:11:22
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
That’s Almighty God, I love and how the Honorable Louis Farrakhan represents this teaching to us. He goes on. His aim is to save us from our sins and present us to the world spotless. And your announcements so if you discover a spot within yourself for blemish, do not retreat. Look at it with joy as though you have found precious gold or a precious stone, where every time we find a spot of blemish and apply a spot remover, smile, we are a step closer.
00:17:11:25 – 00:17:38:14
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
And to manifest truth that Allah has intervened in our life. Anybody got any spots? Anybody got any blemishes? You don’t have to raise your hands, all right? But you know what I’m talking about. It’s something that’s going on with that that we need to straighten up. That’s why we go to self-improvement, the basis of community development. I remember doctor named Akbar had written a book back in the 70.
00:17:38:17 – 00:18:00:03
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
It was entitled The Community of Self, meaning we are a community. You’re the circulatory, respiratory, you know, although the the muscular, the collective, those systems have to work together in order for the body to be in it at ease because of either one of those systems are the place of the known that we possess the body is the DNA.
00:18:00:10 – 00:18:22:23
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
This is state. So we look to have our body in order and in alignment with the way things should work. we got a wonderful, physical sciences in here that brother Michael, if you could bear witness to that, you know, the muscles and the tendons and everything else got to work, right? The cardio, the cardio, everything has got to work right.
00:18:22:25 – 00:18:56:12
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
If the body has to function properly and without having to be of a anything else to keep it going. So family again, how do we maintain the spiritual and the psychological to our freedoms. And you know, a lot of it is word not, prayers a lot with even careful. I think that how important is the prayer that if we sing our prayer that causes the God to recognize us because this is a this is a very, very large universe.
00:18:56:14 – 00:19:18:06
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
And if you look at it, there is 76 quintillion miles and it’s still expanding. So in it, you and I are like nothing. But if we want to be recognized by the one God, we have got to acknowledge him. And the only way to acknowledge him you can’t get was you get in trouble, say, oh God, no, don’t work like that.
00:19:18:08 – 00:19:40:05
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
We got to be falling down, even in good times and praying to him. Why? Because sometimes the good things that we’re getting in our lives, each while, it’s just to see if we are really what we say. You know, God, try anybody and try out a new I have, I’m under one now, but look at the beauty of it.
00:19:40:07 – 00:20:00:05
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
I’m standing here. I’m not showing that I’m under the trial, but this trial is on. And why is that? I, in the Koran? If you all have heard this, or maybe you’ve read it in the Koran, it says that first Allah gives us a trial, then he gives us a purification, then he gives us rest. And the trial, he equated it to the blacksmith.
00:20:00:08 – 00:20:18:15
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Again. I know some of you have heard this before. He said that when a black priest takes a piece of iron, the first thing he. That’s the trouble. Then he puts it on an anvil and he beats it. That’s the purification. Then at the end of that, he takes it and puts it into the water, and he’s. That’s the blessing.
00:20:18:18 – 00:20:47:18
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
So it’s trial, purification, blessing, trial, purification, greater blessing. And the more we do that, the stronger we become. And our concern is the closer to Almighty God, Allah, and the more we become more than just a believer, we become a knower. That he is who and what he says, because he’s showing us through the acts, by relieving us of the stress of the trials and the purification, by giving us a blessing.
00:20:47:20 – 00:21:07:06
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
You couldn’t have did it without me. And then the minute we only time we get in trouble is when we come into something and we don’t acknowledge, well, what about the other side of it? What about those who receive more difficult? They’re sick, they’re in the hospital. They’re going in some kind of utilitarian, evil illness. Right now.
00:21:07:09 – 00:21:30:08
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
You see, the little happy even with little children. You see those children walking, in chest pain. You know, the hair is falling out very young. And you look at and say, do that because it’s. I don’t mean the child did anything. Then the scripture says that, Jesus asked. Someone asked Jesus, why was this man born blind?
00:21:30:10 – 00:21:55:25
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Is that his mother Jerusalem? Did his father do something? Is there? No. It’s that the works of Almighty God can be manifested through him. So we to study, you know, some of us are going to be an example for others to study medicine. Free as we move on. Family again, the Honorable Louis Farrakhan. He gives us so much for Ephraim.
00:21:55:27 – 00:22:20:04
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
He says, I’m going to read this part right here. It says the constancy of nursing that produces a bond between mother and child is replicated in the bond produced between creator and believer, who cast it for you. Since Allah has no fears or weaknesses, we can only draw strength and security from our sins. So your prayers to him.
00:22:20:06 – 00:22:38:09
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
So if you, you know, a little scary, you throw him a little weak and go to the prayer. I mean, you don’t think of Joseph. We’re just gonna read it from here. No quiz. You take it, go put it to you. And if you want, come back next week and say, brother, I tried to and it. Okay, fine.
00:22:38:09 – 00:23:05:25
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
No. Hold up. No, no, hold my feature foreign. If it don’t happen right away, the things that you’re trying to get out of or just things that you trying to get, I’m just saying try it and see how we start to grow internally, spiritually and mentally towards Almighty God alone. He’s known as a al-Amin right, meaning he causes the thing to attain stage after stage until he reaches invisible perfection.
00:23:05:28 – 00:23:23:05
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
I know I’m not in any profession yet, and I know that, I’m not, because I it seems like every time I think I get to a level where something is going to work out, something else comes up, you know, I mean, right now it’s, I don’t know how many folks in here know about in student loans.
00:23:23:07 – 00:23:38:26
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
I’ll just throw it out there for the student. And then there’s another one that talks about the parent plus. Oh, it’s awesome. It’s like one of the one of them devils we need to kill when the computer system fails. Or was that a week ago or so? I was hoping the whole thing would collapse when I could.
00:23:38:28 – 00:24:03:24
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Free of all that. Praise be to Allah. But it didn’t happen that way. But, I believe that Allah got me and I know he got us. So all we got to do is continue to turn to him. You’re not prayer and listen to his man. And I’m. He’s the Messiah, the trumpet, the divine reminder. The honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, you will get the side of the river on his shoulders and he will say, look what I have done.
00:24:03:29 – 00:24:22:27
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
You say you go, So, dear family, thank you for the time you’ve given me. Let’s at this time bring to this microphone, brother student, the regional minister, Rodney Muhammad, with a rousing round of applause. I salaam alaikum.
00:24:23:00 – 00:24:28:06
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
As can, In the name of Allah, the the Memphis of the merciful. The one God to.
00:24:28:06 – 00:24:28:28
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Whom praises.
00:24:28:28 – 00:24:30:03
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
To the Lord of the world.
00:24:30:03 – 00:24:33:07
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
We always thankful to Almighty God, who.
00:24:33:07 – 00:24:37:19
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Is the revealer of all truth, and the sender of all prophets whom we.
00:24:37:19 – 00:24:43:08
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Make no distinction.
00:24:43:10 – 00:24:48:18
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
we thank Almighty God for,
00:24:48:21 – 00:24:51:25
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Moses and the Torah, for Jesus in the gospel.
00:24:51:28 – 00:24:59:14
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
For Muhammad, in the revelation of the Holy, for the UN. Peace be upon all the worthy servants of God who have come.
00:24:59:14 – 00:25:04:11
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And done their work. But as students of the Most Honorable.
00:25:04:11 – 00:25:04:22
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:25:04:22 – 00:25:09:22
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Muhammad life giving message, we are most thankful to Allah for his own coming and.
00:25:09:22 – 00:25:10:21
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Intervening in our.
00:25:10:21 – 00:25:42:05
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Affairs in the person of Master Fard Muhammad, to whom praises do forever. We cannot thank him enough for his coming, and finding one among the pile. We call it the junk pile. that we have been used up by those who have caused us great suffering and affliction for over 400 years, as it was prophesied. but he comes by himself.
00:25:42:12 – 00:26:12:28
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And so if he’s going to have workers, if he’s going to have helpers, they will have to come from the junk pile. we are thankful that he found one among that pile. And from what we understand now, God always chooses the one whose heart is more prepared for what, kind of work God would have to lay on that human being.
00:26:12:28 – 00:26:18:12
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And so one was amongst us, the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
00:26:18:14 – 00:26:18:21
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:26:18:21 – 00:26:33:26
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Is his exalted servant now, and it is because of his years of labor, in in that labor there was great pain and suffering, that he withstood and that he suffered.
00:26:33:28 – 00:26:35:22
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
and much.
00:26:35:22 – 00:27:10:14
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Of it came from his own people, because of our state of ignorance, we had no way of really understanding, what kind of value we have, which we should have seen in him. So we thankful to the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad for his unfailing commission. And, one of the greatest things that he has done for us, was to give us a spiritual offspring of this message.
00:27:10:14 – 00:27:10:28
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And you.
00:27:10:28 – 00:27:11:23
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:27:11:26 – 00:27:34:10
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Of his own meeting with God and that, offspring and, that valuable human being is with us now, in their student, apostle and servant. But he’s a leader, teacher, and guide for us and humanity today in the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan. So it is in their names that I, offer you again.
00:27:34:13 – 00:27:34:17
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:27:34:17 – 00:27:42:23
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Nation of Islam, salutation of peace in the language and tongue of our fathers of Salaam alaikum.
00:27:42:25 – 00:27:44:28
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:27:45:00 – 00:28:16:21
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
We are thankful. And, as we offered Wednesday night, prayers for all of the believers that, were traveling to our national, training. and we pray for their safe arrival there. Of course. and certainly their safe return, home. many are probably at our flagship mosque today in Mosque Mariam, we are, thankful that, we had another successful training in.
00:28:16:23 – 00:28:27:20
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Many of us were on yesterday and some lengthy meetings and the wonderful, wonderful things that the FBI and MGT are doing on the West Coast. we are so thankful.
00:28:27:20 – 00:28:29:09
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:28:29:12 – 00:28:54:28
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Western Region and that community, which was described yesterday is only, about 13 to 14 months. And or study groups, the combination of which, it shows the great power of this word and message, to see how, just being in agreement, in this work and labor.
00:28:55:00 – 00:28:55:07
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:28:55:07 – 00:29:19:16
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Great turnout has taken place, in a 14 day, seven challenge that they have laid upon themselves. And so we will hear more about it as it rolls out nationally, because even Chicago looked at it and said, we need to adopt what they have done in the Western region all over the nation. and it’s not anything new.
00:29:19:18 – 00:29:28:27
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
It’s just something that those who are sincere about this deep inside, we know we should have been doing all the time. and.
00:29:28:29 – 00:29:29:26
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:29:29:29 – 00:29:39:16
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan notwithstanding, has proven that just the word has.
00:29:39:18 – 00:29:40:13
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:29:40:15 – 00:30:09:09
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Millions of dollars in. I’m seen over the years. He literally has spent tens of millions of dollars trying to bring our people up out of the mental grave. Yes, he has made millions himself, deservedly so, because he didn’t make anything, until he invested what little he had, which was everything. to see us up and see us in a better condition.
00:30:09:12 – 00:30:18:01
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
no amount of money, has changed him from his course. And so when the brother.
00:30:18:03 – 00:30:18:24
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:30:18:27 – 00:30:34:02
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
student Minister Malik Saeed said, you know, he stood up in Los Angeles and we should know that, because I was reading again this morning that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
00:30:34:04 – 00:30:34:18
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:30:34:18 – 00:30:40:05
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
That his first time speaking in New York City was in 19 and 58.
00:30:40:07 – 00:30:40:25
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
And he.
00:30:40:25 – 00:31:11:00
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Was on his second visit to New York and study in black people all over America. He said, here in Harlem, we have more black people that want to have their own than anywhere in America. and so New York, he said, becomes a very important city because he said, if we can get the black people in Harlem, up and going, they will inspire the entire world of black people.
00:31:11:02 – 00:31:38:11
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
we can get the whole nation. So naturally, the, the, the place that he was using, to get Harlem up and going was our temple number seven. And, of course, before there was a temple number seven, there was a temple number two, because Master Fard Mohammed had already gone to Chicago and chosen that city for his servant Elijah Muhammad.
00:31:38:13 – 00:31:41:19
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
And so, the,
00:31:41:21 – 00:31:43:20
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
The Malcolm.
00:31:43:22 – 00:31:46:14
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
became, the.
00:31:46:19 – 00:31:59:21
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Chief spokesperson for the Honorable Elijah Muhammad during that period at temple number seven, of course, Harlem was explosive. It reached so many people, and it ended.
00:31:59:21 – 00:32:00:11
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:32:00:13 – 00:32:08:19
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Bringing excitement to the entire black world, at least here in these United States of America. But even African nations.
00:32:08:21 – 00:32:09:09
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
but then.
00:32:09:09 – 00:32:25:02
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Once Malcolm was gone and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan came and began to work for the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, there are Harlem grew even stronger. But the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, brother, number seven.
00:32:25:05 – 00:32:26:01
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:32:26:04 – 00:33:00:29
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Is the heart of the nation. And Chicago temple number two is its brain. And what we must do, brother, is bring the brain and the heart together. I want you to line your mind up with mine. You know, I want our minds to be as one. And after this, you know, our nation fell. But then, as the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, it would rise again.
00:33:01:02 – 00:33:36:07
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
What we didn’t know is that it would rise in Los Angeles. And when the minister stood up in Los Angeles, that was temple number 27. The two and the seven were brought together. So we looked at that. That was in the year of our Lord, 1977. So, Brother Minister Malik said, from 2024 going back to 1977, that’s 47 years.
00:33:36:09 – 00:33:46:09
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And so we counted, the days and it came to something like 70 over 17,500.
00:33:46:09 – 00:33:48:03
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Days that.
00:33:48:03 – 00:33:55:15
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
The Honorable Louis Farrakhan has stayed committed. So he said, if a man could stay committed 47.
00:33:55:15 – 00:33:56:29
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:33:57:01 – 00:34:25:20
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And we supposed to be his helpers, can’t we commit ourselves to 47 days? So the West Coast region, the four and the MGT went on a 47 day challenge to themselves. And, so it’s just been magnificent what they could do. he said, we’re going to atone. We’re going to pray to our God and everybody that labor going to agree to keep.
00:34:25:20 – 00:34:29:03
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Up the prayers first.
00:34:29:05 – 00:34:46:10
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And then we going to go into some action. And so they have gone from 23,000 final call papers to 38,000, almost 40. The sisters are doing 2100 a week.
00:34:46:12 – 00:34:46:19
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:34:46:19 – 00:34:59:02
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Final calls. They have accounts, they’re not in the street, but they get the accounts and the brothers and service in them. So it’s just magnificent because it has brought a tremendous amount of gifts to the mosque.
00:34:59:04 – 00:34:59:10
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:34:59:10 – 00:35:13:02
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Everything. And so the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, he said, call it about the fifth week they were into this and said, brother, the West Coast is going to be a whooping board to bring the rest of the nation up to par.
00:35:13:04 – 00:35:13:19
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
What we.
00:35:13:19 – 00:35:45:00
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Really need to be doing. So we’re we’re super excited about it because greater productivity only brings greater fruit for the nation. and we grow stronger. And we didn’t come here to do nothing. we came here for something to happen. And so we’re real. We’re thankful to alof that he put it in our brother and put it in those that belong there in the Western region to cooperate with him as he does his best to cooperate with our God.
00:35:45:00 – 00:36:21:22
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And you could see that the hand of God is behind him. So, we’re going to hear more and more about it. But at the training, they, they have spoken to us and I can see that this will do nothing but be explosive, for this country, because we’re nearing the end of some. Yes. we started Wednesday night talking about, genocide and the kingdom of God.
00:36:21:24 – 00:36:28:06
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
You know, the.
00:36:28:08 – 00:36:36:15
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
The honorable Elijah Muhammad showed us that,
00:36:36:17 – 00:37:08:13
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
In 1929, the scientists of this world acknowledged eight planets. But by 1930, a ninth planet rolled out of the darkness. And that planet was named Pluto. this planet Pluto.
00:37:08:16 – 00:37:22:07
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Is moving at the same speed as the other eight planets, 1037 and a third miles per hour. Now, as.
00:37:22:07 – 00:37:23:20
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:37:23:22 – 00:37:37:05
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
As those planets have been out there moving at that terrific speed, a planet comes right out of the darkness and is right in step.
00:37:37:07 – 00:37:37:14
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:37:37:14 – 00:38:18:26
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
The other planets, drawing its light and energy from the sun. It’s a member of the solar Psalm Master Fard Muhammad, we understand, had been coming in and out of the country for 20 years, and according to what we learn, he did not make himself known to us. Neither did he begin to teach us until July 4th, 1930. Just like Pluto.
00:38:18:29 – 00:38:19:18
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:38:19:18 – 00:38:22:21
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
In 1930, in the light.
00:38:22:24 – 00:38:24:22
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:38:24:24 – 00:39:13:24
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Was moving at the same speed as every planet that had preceded it. So Master Fraud Muhammad began to call out of darkness a people who had been lost from themselves for over 400 years, and despite the condition that he found us in just a little exposure to the light of the teaching that he was bringing in the Detroit area, we started moving at the speed of the righteous on this planet that have had the scriptures and a better understanding of the scriptures, and prophecies for thousands of years.
00:39:13:27 – 00:39:17:00
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
00:39:17:03 – 00:39:20:00
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:39:20:02 – 00:39:30:21
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
According to the problem book, is 67,000 miles in diameter.
00:39:30:24 – 00:39:42:08
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So the 67 sura of the Holy Koran is called the Kingdom.
00:39:42:10 – 00:40:24:22
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Before you can build something in the same space where something already exists, you have to have what’s called demolition work. You can’t build something right there in the same space where something exists to you, destroy what exists and make way for the new thing that you want to build. So if this man’s coming, this for the purpose of a new world being set up, then what’s going to happen to the world that we already in?
00:40:24:24 – 00:41:04:25
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Like any construction site, there has to be a demolition of the world that we are presently in. Which means if the world that we are in has us completely dependent on it, then everything that we depend on is going down right? And if we stay in dependance of it, then we go down with it. Ignorance. In physics is like darkness.
00:41:04:27 – 00:41:40:00
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Darkness can exist as long as there’s no light, and anyone that’s in darkness doesn’t have a permanent position. Because once light is present, wherever light comes, the darkness will be dispelled. Are you following now? So when people preach darkness, when people who, by way of darkness, every time light shows up, their darkness is dispelled, which means they’re exposed.
00:41:40:02 – 00:42:04:04
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
I give you an example. A dark teaching was that Adam and Eve, the original people, were white. Now we don’t found out. That’s not true. And I saw Megan Kelly, who, had a job with NBC and had to get let go because.
00:42:04:06 – 00:42:04:16
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:42:04:23 – 00:42:15:13
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Her comments about black and everything. she’s really racist in character when you hear her talk, but she said.
00:42:15:15 – 00:42:15:22
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:42:15:22 – 00:42:47:09
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Know, that Jesus was white and Adam and Eve were white. Didn’t everybody know that she said this on national television? Even white people corrected her. A black person didn’t even get on the show to correct her about the first people on this planet. Now what happened? Darkness had prevailed until light came. Our ignorance. Our ignorance prevailed until knowledge came to.
00:42:47:11 – 00:43:12:10
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
In the movie Malcolm X, you see him in the prison and the chaplain is talking to him and Malcolm gets up to ask the question, what color were the people over there where Jesus was? And he said, well, I don’t know that we’ve been told. He says he’s questioning now, why don’t we know what color these people were?
00:43:12:15 – 00:43:42:10
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So the man ends up saying, wait a minute, wait a minute. God is white. Isn’t that obvious? Malcolm said. That’s obvious. But the Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches us that the people there were people of color right now. He didn’t say they weren’t. Light had shown up and the darkness is being dispelled. So when you’re in ignorance and I’m in ignorance, and light comes to take me out of my ignorance, they.
00:43:42:13 – 00:44:12:14
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
But I fight against the light. I reject the light. Then I’m scheduled to remain in ignorance. But if ignorance is part of what’s going to be destroyed in the demolition work, and I stay in ignorance, then hell, I’m going down with my enemies. Are you following now? The Honorable Elijah Muhammad warned us what’s coming will destroy the present rulership.
00:44:12:16 – 00:44:27:03
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
But if you and I want to remain with the present rulers, then God is not going to spare us. So we’re in the valley of decision.
00:44:27:06 – 00:44:36:29
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And that’s what we want to talk about today. Look at the scripture here.
00:44:37:02 – 00:44:40:12
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
He’s working.
00:44:40:14 – 00:44:42:26
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So, Brother Calvin, I don’t think it’s working.
00:44:42:28 – 00:44:44:22
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Okay, there you go.
00:44:44:25 – 00:45:13:03
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Look at here in the holy Koran, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad pointed this verse out. And when your Lord said to the angels, I’m going to place a ruler in the earth. And they said, they said, wilt thou place in it such as make mischief in it, and shed blood? And we celebrate thy praise and extoll thy holiness?
00:45:13:05 – 00:45:37:27
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And he said, surely I know what you know. Not now. One of the major definitions of this passage of the Holy Koran is Mr. Yaqoob and his work. You’ll see in the eighth chapter of John when he’s talking to some folk. And they said, we’re the seed of Abraham. He said, if you had been Abraham’s seed, you would have been found doing the works of Abraham.
00:45:38:00 – 00:46:02:07
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Yeah, but you are doing the work of your father. Now, remember earlier in the Scripture when the disciples said, teach us how to pray. He said, pray on this wise our father who art in heaven. But now he’s talking to another people, and he’s not talking about the same father. He said, you are of your father, the devil.
00:46:02:10 – 00:46:16:11
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Look what he’s saying now. The lust of your father you will do. And your father was a liar and a murderer from the beginning.
00:46:16:13 – 00:46:40:08
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
When Yakubu started killing, there were no white people. The first people he killed, he wasn’t white. And the first people he killed. The 600 years that it took to make the Caucasian hadn’t even started.
00:46:40:11 – 00:47:16:01
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
The first people that he killed were original people that did not obey him. Go read the lessons. Everybody that didn’t obey him. Death was. They sentence. Everybody that didn’t pass inspection got thrown overboard. People say, well, 60,000 people went to the island. That’s not true. 60,000 people left our civilization to rebel. But the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said he inspected them on the ship.
00:47:16:03 – 00:47:51:18
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And he was looking for those who were strong in reproduction. But people who couldn’t reproduce themselves, they got thrown overboard. He makes no count of how many didn’t pass inspection. are you following me now? There’s a whole reason a history like that is being given to us. But here the angels are expressing, bloodshed coming as a result of mischief making on the planet.
00:47:51:20 – 00:48:22:11
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So let’s let’s unpack that because, you know, they’re working to kill the mind. The mind is born out of the brain, and the mind is not the brain, but it’s born out of the brain, and the mind, is known because it manifest thought. So we have to we have to think about, you know, somebody that’s ruling. People say, well, you know, white folks are just smarter than us.
00:48:22:14 – 00:48:55:03
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Anybody smarter than you when you sleep and they awake, Yeah, they they look grand as long as they’re awake. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said. I’m a wide awake man. And if you stick with me, I’ll have the man that had you sleep, wrapped around your little finger. And you won’t even know that he’s there. And the minister said, that’s to show us that the white man is a very small part of our problem.
00:48:55:03 – 00:49:25:28
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Our biggest problem is ourselves. This message is not here to try to overcome white people. This message is here to wake us up and we have to accept it. We’re not still holding meetings because the white man’s in power. We’re still holding meetings because we’re not accepting the message. The messengers say, if if black people as a whole just accepted this message, they would be set in heaven at once.
00:49:26:01 – 00:49:26:17
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
He said.
00:49:26:17 – 00:49:31:26
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Nothing about you had to be no super faithful person. He said, if they just submit.
00:49:31:29 – 00:49:32:26
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
I mean.
00:49:32:29 – 00:49:49:00
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Look at he didn’t even say if they just believe. If they just submit. Everybody that left with Moses when he left Egypt didn’t believe. But they submitted.
00:49:49:03 – 00:49:49:22
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:49:49:25 – 00:50:14:19
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And so they were able to leave with those that believe they would be tried later in the wilderness. For sure. There’s a scripture in the Koran that says, and they came to Muhammad and they said, we believe. He said, don’t say you believe. Just say you submit. I’m already looking at you. I can tell you don’t believe, but just say, I’ve submitted.
00:50:14:21 – 00:50:44:06
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
You know, I’m wearing the uniform. I got a haircut. You know, I got my handkerchief in my. I’m. I’m in submission. But. But belief ain’t there to faith into the heart. Are you are you with me now? You’re not going to be left alone. Just saying you believe and not be tried. Trial. Is there. To purify and make way for belief.
00:50:44:08 – 00:51:19:20
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So the work of genocide. Is to kill the mind of the black man and woman is to harden our our mind or our heart against unity. Harden our heart against separation. Harden our heart against self-determination. And it makes us lazy.
00:51:19:22 – 00:51:24:13
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And laziness will get us killed.
00:51:24:15 – 00:51:27:00
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:51:27:02 – 00:51:52:27
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
It’ll get us killed. Lazy is. I don’t want to do my work to build my own world. But look how we get up every day to keep his world going. And right out of our mouth, we talk about black power. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said we suffer from a speech impediment. And the minister said the lesson he taught me.
00:51:52:27 – 00:52:17:21
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Mr. Muhammad said, in order to speak grammatically correct, you have to have subject verb agreement. You can’t talk like a free person and act like a slave. That’s that’s the speech impediment you need. You need speech therapy. In other words, you know, in the hood we say, yeah, you talk the talk, but you don’t walk the.
00:52:17:21 – 00:52:18:23
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:52:18:25 – 00:52:57:02
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Right? Yeah. So Mr. Muhammad said that that means, a speech impediment has said in and we’ll protest, you see. But when it comes to, what we do after our protest, we go back to acting like a slave. You can’t ask or demand that a slave master set you free. It’s not in his interest. And even if you try to apply pressure, what you think is freedom is another dress.
00:52:57:02 – 00:52:59:06
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
The form of enslavement.
00:52:59:09 – 00:53:00:10
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:53:00:12 – 00:53:24:26
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And he dresses it up so he can quiet us down. It’s called a pacifier. And the baby? Keep crying, you say? I wish they would be quiet. No, I fed him. Let me just get this little thing so they sell a little thing. It looks like the end of the bottle. And you stick it in the child’s mouth, and then they start and they quiet right down.
00:53:25:03 – 00:53:49:01
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Now their mouth is moving, but they get no sustenance. Well, they’ve given us a pacifier. And a pacifier means that, you know, everything is looking like we’re getting something out of democracy, man. But look at our condition and look at other folks condition.
00:53:49:03 – 00:54:21:16
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So, Saviors day, because we we sitting up under a murderer. Saviors day, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan brought up a book. we charged genocide. Wright said Malcolm gave him this book when he when he, came into nation. so this book’s been out a while. And it deals with the United Nations having a convention called the.
00:54:21:19 – 00:55:00:20
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
It was a genocide convention. And they came up with some definitions. Now, Gino deals with the with the gene and side means killing. So the killing of the gene, when you kill members of a group. This is one of the forms that was defined in the United Nations as genocide. When you cause serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group, that’s mental and that’s physical genocide.
00:55:00:22 – 00:55:42:08
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
When you impose measures intended to prevent births within the group. Genocide. So when you sterilize women so they not only won’t have that baby, will never have one again. So when you go and look at the number of hysterectomies that have taken place and the sterilization, project, this the figure, it’s up in the millions. So the numbers are chilling.
00:55:42:10 – 00:56:03:10
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And what happened? They offer a lifestyle to women that almost make them don’t want to have no children. Then once that takes place, what God has to do, he has to overstep a generation and the babies have to start having babies.
00:56:03:13 – 00:56:34:02
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Oh, there was articles out about it. Why would the babies start having babies? I’m talking about in large numbers. And because they they did not really marry, they have policy set up. The word policy comes from the word police. This is how we’re going to police them. We make sure we cut them off from any avenue of gainful employment.
00:56:34:04 – 00:56:51:27
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
You see, they already got a term called the working poor people. You you’re working, but you don’t make enough to pay the rent that they have. The average black person is playing more than one third of their check is going for rent or mortgage.
00:56:51:29 – 00:56:53:18
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:56:53:21 – 00:57:01:12
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Where the rent is so high, the mortgage is so high it ain’t that they so high. The pay is so little.
00:57:01:14 – 00:57:04:17
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
You know.
00:57:04:20 – 00:57:08:10
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
You get a check, you say, oh, that’s gross.
00:57:08:12 – 00:57:09:18
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:57:09:20 – 00:57:13:22
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Then you start asking question who is Frank?
00:57:13:25 – 00:57:15:07
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:57:15:09 – 00:57:16:03
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Who is.
00:57:16:05 – 00:57:18:00
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:57:18:03 – 00:57:28:09
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Yes. With hell with hell. No. That’s gross. Over there. Look way over to the other end. That’s what. You take it home. It’s called Nick.
00:57:28:12 – 00:57:31:25
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
You know.
00:57:31:27 – 00:57:32:22
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
He didn’t even ask.
00:57:32:22 – 00:57:33:29
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
You this, right?
00:57:34:06 – 00:57:58:22
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And we were so glad to get the job. We don’t even know if the company is stable enough to pay us. And even today, you can Google the company to find out what what its earning picture looks like. We don’t care. We think they got it. So, oh.
00:57:58:24 – 00:57:59:28
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
00:58:00:00 – 00:58:30:16
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Now you go across the water. If a man and woman are poor and they are married in England or the United Kingdom, they can still get on a public assistance program. It’s time to give them time to get on their feet, to get going, because they can’t afford to have people. That’s a drag on society. You need everybody working and doing something.
00:58:30:21 – 00:59:07:21
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Imagine you in the house and it’s morning time. Everybody’s drinking their little coffee and getting out to work, and some grown people just sitting around in your house. Clicking on Maury Povich and stuff. Now you be honest with me. How do you feel you at work and somebody is grown sitting up watching Jerry Springer. And as the world turns and they ain’t turn out of the bed to get up to do something.
00:59:07:25 – 00:59:38:10
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So imagine you take that on a societal level and you just got groups of people who sit around all day doing nothing. And it it doesn’t even make the person feel good. But that’s living like that deep inside. They, they, they don’t want to live like that. See. So they’re policing us a certain way. So cross there, they say no, give them a system check.
00:59:38:10 – 01:00:05:26
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Even though they married, it helps them. They both together. They got their family together. they got a greater chance at coming out of that situation. But over here. You ain’t allowed to have a man in the house, right? You know, we don’t want you having nobody else. So the government is saying, particularly to the female, I’ll be your man.
01:00:05:28 – 01:00:17:08
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Imma send you a check every month. You understand? Based on the number of children you have and live living situation. But see, it’s a trap.
01:00:17:10 – 01:00:51:21
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And by the time you get on it, rather than it really giving you a leg up, unless you are real self-determined human, be. Like the mother of our leader and teacher, she had two sons and she was using assistance for a while, he said. And he and his brother Alvin, she she would go doing sewing and other little work to make enough money to give his brother piano lessons and him violin lessons.
01:00:51:23 – 01:01:19:06
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Right. So and then once she got to a point where they were getting, older and stronger to do something, the minister said his mother took him by the head and had a welfare check in her. Hey, and took him with her to get that check back. And she said, I thank you for helping me, but I can make it from here.
01:01:19:09 – 01:01:22:20
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Are you following now?
01:01:22:22 – 01:01:26:00
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
That’s why we got the kind of leadership.
01:01:26:03 – 01:01:26:21
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
That you.
01:01:26:25 – 01:01:46:25
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
That don’t say welfare, but fare well to welfare because it’s not a leg up. It’ll cripple you.
01:01:46:27 – 01:02:00:11
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So when you impose measures that are intended to prevent births from, you say, well, no, they they fight, they, they stop in abortions and stuff. They don’t want white women have an.
01:02:00:11 – 01:02:04:07
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Abortion, right?
01:02:04:09 – 01:02:08:22
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
If they cared about your child, they wouldn’t be dying in the streets. Right.
01:02:08:25 – 01:02:11:26
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
01:02:11:28 – 01:02:22:13
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
A whale attacked a boat out right out here in Jersey somewhere. And they got a whole program saving whales. But you can’t save your children.
01:02:22:16 – 01:02:27:06
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
You a.
01:02:27:09 – 01:02:39:09
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Forcibly transferring children to a group. Let me put it up there so you can see it.
01:02:39:11 – 01:02:40:01
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
01:02:40:03 – 01:03:19:20
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. That’s DHS. Well, somebody turned you in and see, sister, you know, without guidance, we making all the wrong choices in men. And so when you got men that are tied up in things and it ends up reflecting on you, the system can use that against you and say you’re not a fit mother for your own child, and it don’t have nothing to do with anything you’ve done or didn’t do.
01:03:19:20 – 01:03:33:09
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
It’s the kind of man you got tied up with. And I have worn women that have come to me to say, can you help me get out of this? I say, well, the first thing you gotta do is get that guy out of your life.
01:03:33:11 – 01:03:40:08
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
You gotta get him out. That’s not. It’s one thing to have a good man.
01:03:40:11 – 01:04:07:24
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
But when you when people take you in an unnatural situation and condition you in a over a protracted period, pretty soon your heart gets hardened to what’s really right for you and your. Your mind, starts leaning toward what is not good for you. That’s why in the lesson they say, easily led in the wrong direction. Hard to lead in the right direction.
01:04:07:27 – 01:04:16:02
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Why is it hard to go right? Because our hearts have been hardened.
01:04:16:04 – 01:04:55:03
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So? But the main one is the third one deliberately inflicting upon the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part. That means I can set up a way of life for you that will ensure me that the way when you live it as a participant in it, you’ll be a culprit in your own self-destruction.
01:04:55:06 – 01:05:23:18
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
First thing I have to do is download my own hatred for you so it’ll live inside of you. Now you just walking in self-hatred. Next thing I have to do. Since I’m a man of fire, is get you a firearm. Now your mind is unloaded.
01:05:23:21 – 01:05:24:27
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
And your.
01:05:24:27 – 01:06:09:28
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Mental chamber is empty. But you got a loaded gun. It’s real easy for you to kill somebody that looks like you already in 2024. A hundred, 100 of the of the people that have been killed are between the ages of 15 and 18. So? So the younger the younger group now, they, they’re being, what you call radical lies for self-destruction and all they need by the time they get through conditioning their mind because God knows every other game, you blowing things up and shooting folks and everything.
01:06:10:04 – 01:06:41:19
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And when you go down the street, you say, you know, children used to be out everywhere playing in the 50s and 60. You don’t hardly see them. Now they own a device and and, you know, you get called because there’s very little real human interaction. And then all it takes is a beat, right. And some little argument. And then somebody says, well, I don’t care about the 200 people that’s in the street, the children and everything playing.
01:06:41:19 – 01:07:08:27
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And, having a block party. I’m coming back for revenge. So I don’t care nothing about the other life that’s out there. I’m just going to fire the bullet. And whosoever will, they just get hit. Tell me that’s not happening in Philadelphia. Not happening in Chicago. It’s happening all over the country. So? So we have a life that’s been calculate.
01:07:08:29 – 01:07:46:20
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
That if I just keep enough guns and enough bullets into the community like that, I can be assured that every single day there’s going to be some human carnage. So I don’t care what city I’m in. When I watch the news in the morning, I’m watching how the black community and we are we are involved. And in this act of self destruction, one that I had taken away with the message, you know, because since 1977.
01:07:46:22 – 01:07:47:09
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
The Honorable.
01:07:47:09 – 01:08:08:12
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Minister Louis Farrakhan, he was a lone voice in this country about what we were doing to each other. How dare you write me or ask me, what are the brothers doing? We’ve been in the street and we never came off the street.
01:08:08:15 – 01:08:10:03
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
01:08:10:05 – 01:08:33:19
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And we had a leader that had stopped the killing rallies in every city in the United States of America. We had a million man March, million family March, millions more movement. Just this is all else. And you sitting up one inclusion with a murderer.
01:08:33:21 – 01:08:34:14
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
A ruler.
01:08:34:14 – 01:08:48:19
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
In the earth. And the scientists of the angels have already asked. Are you going to put somebody in the earth that will cause mischief and the shedding of blood? This whole thing ain’t nothing but mischief.
01:08:48:21 – 01:08:52:11
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
I never got.
01:08:52:13 – 01:09:03:06
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
What we’re doing is not by accident. It’s by design.
01:09:03:08 – 01:09:16:18
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
I had a note down here. How can a black man prove his worth without a job? But how can he get a job if he’s seen as worthless?
01:09:16:20 – 01:09:26:29
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And whatever job we have can always be taken from us.
01:09:27:01 – 01:10:00:29
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
They want it in this country so that nothing that a black man has, would be his own to the degree that, no one could come and take it from him. They would love to be able to say, Farrakhan, you either be quiet with this teaching of Elijah Muhammad. You either do that or else we’re going to take this from you or that from you.
01:10:01:01 – 01:10:32:24
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Do you know they can’t take nothing from him? You know, his his bank, his bank. They can’t cut it all because it’s the heart of people. And only God touches the hearts of people. When a man touches it, it’s by God’s permission. And when our hearts open up, our checkbooks, open up our wallets, open up our pockets, open up.
01:10:32:27 – 01:10:46:29
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And they have been open since Farrakhan started preaching and ain’t never going to shut down. Oh, you just think it over.
01:10:47:01 – 01:10:53:03
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
You know. The scripture calls us dead.
01:10:53:05 – 01:10:56:07
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Can you give me a napkin? Pick our curtains.
01:10:56:10 – 01:10:58:06
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
But anyway.
01:10:58:08 – 01:11:01:23
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
01:11:01:25 – 01:11:31:28
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
The minister brought up once about our loved ones who said, you know, as much as you love those close to you, when they die, you don’t keep their bodies laying around the house. Right. And anything that’s dead, no matter how much you valued it while it was living, once it’s dead, you tend to bury it and you don’t keep it around.
01:11:32:01 – 01:11:51:27
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
What does society do with a people who are dead? Mentally dead. Spiritually and morally dead? You tend to want to get rid of them.
01:11:51:29 – 01:12:04:19
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So a program or plot to annihilate us has already been afoot. Years ago.
01:12:04:22 – 01:12:15:22
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And this ruler in the earth who can’t rule us successfully anymore, needs us to get off the planet.
01:12:15:24 – 01:12:47:03
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
The job is really too big for him, because for every one of them, there’s 11 of us on the planet according to our own lessons. Right? So what God did. Because no matter what he does and what he plans are lost. The best the planners a lost his hand against the womb of his woman. According to Pat Buchanan, they’re below zero birth rate.
01:12:47:06 – 01:13:00:24
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
They can’t even produce enough people to stay on the planet. If you could live the next couple of hundred years, you’ll find very few of them will still be here.
01:13:00:26 – 01:13:41:03
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
We didn’t do that. A gun didn’t do that. A bigger bomb than the bombs. He didn’t do that. Our God did that. See? And this is why the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said we don’t need to carry no carnal weapons. Not for this fight. And we’re already winning on this fight. So what Satan has to do is try to discourage us that our efforts to do right, be right, and build something that’s right for ourselves is futile.
01:13:41:06 – 01:14:10:08
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
You know that it won’t work for us. So if we want it in this country, then why are we fighting for die? You know what that is? Diversity, equity and inclusion, if you’re fighting for that, is because they don’t want you in people. They want you in, don’t cause you to have to set up a movement to fight for diversity.
01:14:10:08 – 01:14:41:18
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Equity and inclusion means okay, this is X, Y, Z Corporation. Black people bias products or purchase IT services. How come no black people on the board because they don’t want none on their rights? We buy all of this product or that product. How come no black people in the management because they don’t want you there. And if you have to fight to get there, you’re bearing witness that you’re unwanted.
01:14:41:20 – 01:14:56:17
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Why are we unwanted? Well, they don’t want us because we black. They don’t want you because your mind is dead and your mind is dead because it’s been killed.
01:14:56:20 – 01:15:16:10
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
When you don’t have the knowledge of your cells, the knowledge of your God, the knowledge of your people and its history, you don’t have the necessary ingredients that in livens the mind.
01:15:16:12 – 01:15:32:01
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And so we call that dead. Allah never gives the oppressor the same condition that the oppressed, the.
01:15:32:03 – 01:15:42:00
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
See, if the oppressed got as much money as the oppressor. They don’t feel oppressed, do they?
01:15:42:03 – 01:16:23:08
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
The minister said it would be easy for us to part ways with somebody who’s weak economically and poor because of the people that’s ruling us is poor. And we say, let’s separate, man. We’ve hurry up and get away from them. But they’re the opposite. They got a lot of money and they have a lot of wealth. And with it they can exercise power and authority over us to make us do things that we normally wouldn’t do, because we doing it for the money.
01:16:23:11 – 01:16:25:16
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
01:16:25:18 – 01:16:57:12
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
According to the Pew Charity trust study, the average white household, the average white household. Thank you. The average white household has a net worth of over 100 and something like 49,000. No. Net worth means we take we considering everything you own and we considering everything you owe. We’re going to take what you owe and subtracted from what you own and see what you got.
01:16:57:12 – 01:17:15:16
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Live. And so when they do that in the average white household, it’s about 149,000. When they do it in a black household, it comes to about 5600. You’re just a transmission. Going out in a car could wipe that.
01:17:15:16 – 01:17:18:03
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
01:17:18:05 – 01:17:46:10
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So so they don’t don’t look at no. 5000. And the other thing, they want you to think small because as long as you think small, you don’t think you getting robbed. But you have no idea what the kind of wealth we have made for these folks. And the other thing we don’t realize is America never got rich paying you a comparable wage, giving you health benefits, pension and everything.
01:17:46:14 – 01:18:19:13
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
She got wealthy because we were slaves and she didn’t have to give us nothing. But scraps to live on. And for 310 years, we worked in this country. It’s only two. What is it? What was the last birthday of America? 248 years. So we were already slaves before she became a nation. And then 100 years after chattel slavery, we lived under what was called Jim Crow.
01:18:19:16 – 01:18:50:16
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
A white man named Daddy Rice painted his face, went out and did a, a, a little, comedy show on, in 1832, I think he started in Cincinnati, but he went around, but he painted his face black. And the story was he wanted to play a cripple black man. And he said, even though that nigger was cripple, he still could dance.
01:18:50:18 – 01:19:03:06
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So he painted his face black. And every time he would leap in the air, the white audience with, you know, Jim Crow. Little did we know, Jim Crow would become a system that would cripple all our.
01:19:03:06 – 01:19:04:18
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
01:19:04:21 – 01:19:32:13
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
After slavery. First thing was, in reconstruction. We never got the 40 acres and a mule. But look up the Homestead Act, all of the illiterate whites that were brought into the country after the Civil War, because it the Civil War cost cost them a large part of the white population here. So the whites that they brought in from Europe basically were illiterate.
01:19:32:15 – 01:19:42:01
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And the only way to get them to read and write on a large scale was to set up. They had a new idea called public schools. There were no public schools until that.
01:19:42:01 – 01:19:43:19
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
You see.
01:19:43:21 – 01:20:07:18
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
But the Homestead Act means each one of these white families received 250 acres of land, and the land banks were set up to make sure that they not only got the land, but they got what they needed to get started. So when you look at the leg up, that white families had gotten, then you have World War One, but only 400,000 black men fought in that right.
01:20:07:21 – 01:20:29:16
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And the 400,000 in World War One. They, they they didn’t get to go to the front line with rifles because it was taboo. A black man wasn’t supposed to have a gun. So they put all of them in labor camps in the army. So you, you, you got a country that knew how to make sure we didn’t have a gun.
01:20:29:19 – 01:20:58:05
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And in the same country, it’s almost like they making sure we got guns now. And we don’t have a black neighborhood that don’t have guns. I’m only trying to show you this ain’t by accident. It’s by design. it’s a life deliberately designed to calculate. That we would begin the process of wiping each other out.
01:20:58:07 – 01:21:06:03
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
We call it genocide. white supremacy.
01:21:06:06 – 01:21:17:14
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Has a pathological need. What does that mean? It’s a sick need to be on top.
01:21:17:16 – 01:21:25:04
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Almost down to even the nicest white person.
01:21:25:07 – 01:21:52:23
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Will still insist somehow, that they be on top. Now, the individual may not mean any harm, but this is the way we’ve been socialized. And if they got a black man that they can target, all. He’s going to make us some money. Because, see, we don’t have oil.
01:21:52:23 – 01:21:54:01
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
01:21:54:03 – 01:22:15:27
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So we’re not blessed. Like the Arabs. The Arabs were standing on a wealth, so they were desert dwellers, too. The revelation of the Koran. Once Prophet Muhammad had died and the generations had passed, they realized they were standing on the rivers that flew from beneath. It was the oil under the ground. So they didn’t have to go to Europe to get their wealth.
01:22:15:27 – 01:22:51:09
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
They didn’t have to go anywhere. It was right under their feet. You following me? We don’t have, access to the oil, the rights to the oil and the gold and things that are under our feet. So our entertainers and our athletes, their they represent our gold mines and our oil wells. Beyonce and Jay-Z have generated. We ain’t talking about what they made, because whatever they were allowed to make, the person that allowed them to make it made far more than what they have made.
01:22:51:09 – 01:23:22:09
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Are you following every athlete that’s getting these $200 million contract is crumbs next to what the owners of these teams are making and things like this. So so our own individual talented, male and female members of our social group, they represent our gold mine and, but we don’t manage them. Right. Somebody else manages them. And so they’re getting that out, from them.
01:23:22:11 – 01:23:44:28
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And this pathological need to be on top. Why? Because that was the assignment of Mr. Yaku. Look at the scripture. he made man. How are we going to make him in our image?
01:23:45:01 – 01:24:25:26
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And after our likeness. But what’s not there? We’re not making him in our essence. So the grafting process denied them the essence of God. It’s just a fact. That’s why the man in the first chapter of G. Nose’s the G. Does not have the essence of God. And look what the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said of the originator. He created himself, and then he continued himself in his own people, which means the essence of him was put in his own people.
01:24:25:26 – 01:24:37:26
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So the Koran says, surely man was created from a single essence, not something floating around in space. Single means you. It’s got form.
01:24:38:00 – 01:24:38:16
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Yes, sir.
01:24:38:18 – 01:24:41:21
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
But people say you all got.
01:24:41:22 – 01:24:43:17
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
01:24:43:19 – 01:25:00:12
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Fard Muhammad. We worship the originator. The originator was a man. No. He wasn’t. Nothing invisible. Floating around in space. Yeah, I do look, I don’t feel bad about saying I want to be upright to him.
01:25:00:14 – 01:25:01:22
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
That’s right.
01:25:01:24 – 01:25:04:05
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Who originated the heavens and the earth?
01:25:04:08 – 01:25:05:02
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Yes, sir.
01:25:05:04 – 01:25:11:29
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Him is third person, not third spook. Not something invisible.
01:25:12:02 – 01:25:13:05
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
So it’s a.
01:25:13:05 – 01:25:23:24
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Pronoun. It takes the place of a noun. The noun is fard Muhammad, who has perfected the one who came before him.
01:25:23:26 – 01:25:30:15
Right from that time.
01:25:30:17 – 01:25:39:25
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
All praises due to Allah.
01:25:39:27 – 01:26:15:27
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
His purpose was to have dominion. The scripture said you to have dominion over everything. Once God have assigned you a purpose. If you’re no longer in that post and that position, your mind is messed up. And so now you got to fight to try to get this ground back. You could see in the campaigns that are in front of us, white America is desperate to get this ground back.
01:26:15:27 – 01:26:37:06
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And the minister warned him years ago that the population profile of America was changing. It can’t change if the white woman is outpacing everybody having children, it’s because she’s not having them that everybody else is outpacing her. So her own.
01:26:37:06 – 01:26:39:03
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
01:26:39:06 – 01:27:04:07
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Is saying to her, we getting ready, shut down the abortion clinics? Well, what if I’m right? You still got had a baby. What if it’s incest? You still gotta had a baby. What if my life is threatened? You still gotta had a baby. Well, what will happen if to save my life or to refuse to have the baby of the rapist?
01:27:04:10 – 01:27:39:09
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Or the one who preyed on me as a girl? In an act of incest. Well, then you go to jail. Think that over. Look how desperate he is now. Because, see, what they’re not saying is their. Their numbers are going down. And it’s fewer and fewer of them on the planet. And what does that mean? How will we effectively rule everybody?
01:27:39:11 – 01:28:00:02
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Well, why you gotta rule everybody? Because that was my assignment, right? That’s my purpose for being in existence, to have dominion over everyone. I’m a ruler in the earth. And when I can no longer rule. You have taken away my purpose.
01:28:00:04 – 01:28:33:04
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
It was only supposed to last a certain period of time. The 6000 years is up, The only hold up is not him. The hold up is us. We’ve been hardened into his way of life. We could be a help to white America if we would wake up. But you can’t help him. I can’t help him if I’m trying to be more like him than being myself.
01:28:33:07 – 01:28:33:29
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
01:28:34:02 – 01:28:57:16
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Something. I could never be until God came to show me who I am. Everybody else has been confused about it. Can you imagine you walking down the street? You hit your head and amnesia sets in and everybody that’s coming up and down the street they stop to help you. Are you all right, sir? And that? And you can’t even remember who you are.
01:28:57:18 – 01:29:25:10
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
First thing come out of your mouth. All these people centered around. Do you know who I am? So we in a strange land amongst the strange people. We asked in the wrong people who we really are. They have lied to us for over 400 years now. And only person telling you the truth is Farrakhan. And they’re trying to discredit him, and they’re trying to make him something that you don’t want to see or listen to.
01:29:25:13 – 01:29:43:07
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And even those that are trying to walk with him, they trying to put a question mark in your head, put. Well, anyway. The white image is an assault on the black world.
01:29:43:10 – 01:30:26:27
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
When Thurgood Marshall was fighting the discrimination case, the NAACP, people didn’t know that he had been fighting this for 20 years. 1954. He was able now Thurgood Marshall was a very skilled lawyer. The whites hated him so much that there had been occasions where he had to sleep in three different places in one night, so they were trying to find him, to kill him before he got to the courtroom, because in the courtroom, they couldn’t beat him.
01:30:27:00 – 01:30:57:16
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So he was so skillful. He knew how to take a case and deliberately lose the case at the lower court level so he could go to the appellate court. And if he could get the appellate court to stand with the lower court’s decision, that means he could file with the Supreme Court. Why? Because he wanted to be able to win a case at the Supreme Court level so that it would affect the entire country.
01:30:57:18 – 01:31:37:25
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
This is a skilled man. And, so fighting this, Brown versus, Topeka, Kansas, this case ended up going to the Supreme Court. Now, this is a man that took maybe 30 cases to the Supreme Court. He won 27 of them. And so he wins this case, 1954. but people don’t know how he ended up convincing these nine justices that this discriminatory practice was unconstitutional.
01:31:37:28 – 01:32:11:18
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So what he had to do, he remembered Doctor Kenneth and Mamie Clark, who had done an experiment in 1942. And with that, with that experiment in that courtroom, it proved to them that the life, a segregated life, was damaging to the mind and to the image of black people. What was that experiment? They took black girls to come down, and they set up black dolls and white dolls, and they asked all the black girls, which doll would you choose?
01:32:11:20 – 01:32:33:20
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And all the black girls took the white doll. This is 1954, and so when the when the when it was asked to the black girls, why would you take just the white Dallas? Why would you reject the black dolls? They said the black dolls were evil. This is what the little black girls said. And so Thurgood Marshall was able to make his case.
01:32:33:20 – 01:33:04:16
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
These are the scars of segregated living, see, because, And so he wins the case. And the rest is history. Because the South was on fire with this ruling, which made Rosa Parks have the courage to sit down and get arrested because the girl who got arrested was pregnant, right. And she was pregnant out of wedlock. And Doctor King and them were worried that that would not be the right poster child for this.
01:33:04:19 – 01:33:40:11
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Montgomery bus boycott. You got to remember, the boycott had already worked in New York City with Adam Adam, Clayton Powell, Abyssinian Baptist Church, and they had a boycott there in the 40s. And it worked effectively. And so they took it down to Montgomery, Alabama, to use it just a little bit of history to know. And and the thing is, not only did it work, but as Adam Clayton Powell was working in the Congress, they had to find some way to destroy his image among black people.
01:33:40:11 – 01:34:17:02
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Right. And, people didn’t know that the associate ministers that he had one of them, a young associate minister, left Abyssinian, came to Philadelphia, and that was Doctor Leon Sullivan. But he started out with Adam Clayton Powell. He was one of the associate pastors there at Abyssinian. So, you know, these histories of our time, but they all tie back into the Genocide Convention, which is trying to describe all the ways that you can destroy as a targeted social group of people.
01:34:17:02 – 01:35:00:19
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
And that’s what the minister wanted us to see, Saviors Day when he brought this up. So we close this out with, with The Honorable Elijah Muhammad reminded us, the messenger said, according to the American Slave Code of Law by William Goodell on page 301, under the above title, he said the Negroes may be used as breeders, prostitutes, concubines, pimps, testers, attendance at the gambling table and as subjects of medical and surgical experiments for the benefit of science.
01:35:00:21 – 01:35:36:15
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
This is in the slave codes. Now. So, so under under this ruler. This is what we were being used at the physical level, the mental level, every level of our existence was being used and we were being destroyed. So the messenger said the evil and worst part of it all is the fact that the devils, white people destroyed the Negroes love for self and turned the Negroes love for self toward his enemies.
01:35:36:17 – 01:36:02:24
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So this, this, what we’re living under is a design, and everybody that’s reacting and resisting it. Can you imagine people don’t want to be bothered with something with Farrakhan name on it. And it’ll help you save your children.
01:36:02:27 – 01:36:20:17
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So what are you left to when you reject Farrakhan? You could see that black people all over the country, even in Philadelphia, have gone back to the drawing board trying to find a way to stop these murders.
01:36:20:19 – 01:36:57:23
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
I’m a part of and have been appointed one of the commissioners for the, Office of Muslim Engagement. There was a time that Muslims never had to worry about this. See, and as some brother said, the FBI told, someone, that belongs, in the nation said the FBI said they’re not worried about us no more because we don’t turn into a church.
01:36:57:26 – 01:37:06:29
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So can you imagine that, but it does show you they watching everybody.
01:37:07:02 – 01:37:08:12
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
01:37:08:14 – 01:37:20:06
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Do you think nobody’s paying attention to you? But they’re paying attention. They on what you’re doing? They’re paying attention. What you’re not doing.
01:37:20:08 – 01:37:25:28
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
We’ve turned in on each other, and now you got shootouts, right at.
01:37:25:29 – 01:37:27:15
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
01:37:27:18 – 01:37:32:04
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
it’s celebration. Now, the white.
01:37:32:04 – 01:37:33:19
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
01:37:33:21 – 01:37:58:07
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Has engaged in its celebration. The white House has engaged in if terms. And we can’t even have one without folks getting shot. And so is news all over the country. And then we received phone calls. What’s going on in Philadelphia? They shooting at the it. And you know, by the time a story travels, it’s bigger than them than what it is.
01:37:58:09 – 01:38:18:18
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
But, you know, armed guards were around. And at the same time, now here’s somebody asking me where the brothers, the brothers were security for two years larger than those. And we don’t have any weapons. And both of those things went without even.
01:38:18:21 – 01:38:52:19
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
You know, it’s like a loss punishing us. For our outright rejection of a truth that could that could save us. And the Minister said, Allah used me to call the Million Man March. I never said, I never said I was over. You. We came to the march. He asked everybody to go back and join a church, join an organization, join something, do something to help your people, but stops sitting in the bleachers when your people are suffering.
01:38:52:21 – 01:39:20:18
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Stop being a spectator when you’re when your people are suffering, right? He didn’t ask you to join the mass or join the nation. He didn’t say you had to be a FOIA or MGT, but but don’t sit this out. And there were men who wanted to sit it out that day. And the only thing that made them come to Washington was black women.
01:39:20:21 – 01:39:43:06
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Trying to sit at home, still laying in bed late, she said, how come you not up, honey? I’m making you a baloney sandwich. What do you want? Mustard. Ketchup? I’m. You know, I put you some potato chips in there. I think the minister going to be talking about this morning. You got to get down there. You got on.
01:39:43:06 – 01:39:44:27
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Got to go to God,
01:39:44:29 – 01:39:45:20
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
That’s right.
01:39:45:22 – 01:40:00:19
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Oh, come on. Some of the men, they they begrudging Colonel I. And if you didn’t go to Washington, you had to stay out of the house long enough to make it look like you went.
01:40:00:21 – 01:40:24:26
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Because black women hurt for our country. He said, sister, you done carried us this first time for us to stand up like men on our own. That’s music to a woman’s ears. My man is standing up, When we were crawling like little babies the first time we stood up, the only reason we felt we had never felt the whole weight.
01:40:24:28 – 01:40:27:18
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Of our body.
01:40:27:20 – 01:40:49:27
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
But once we got our balance, we was able to carry the weight of our body. When a people got to stand up, that means they carry the weight of their own existence. If we need a house, we’ll build it. If our children need education, we’ll set up our own school. If we gotta eat, damn it, we’ll get a farm or set up a garden and grow us something to eat.
01:40:49:29 – 01:41:06:22
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Raise our livestock, feed ourselves. Thank you for listening. Nice. Salaam alaikum.
01:41:06:24 – 01:41:09:06
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Man, the minister’s jammin.
01:41:09:06 – 01:41:16:22
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Who needs in here? I don’t know, this thing doesn’t work. I think about it. You know they’re gone.
01:41:16:25 – 01:41:27:03
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Look what the minister said. Man can rise to master the laws of nature and absolutely control his destiny.
01:41:27:05 – 01:41:36:15
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
A man can take one reality and change it and bring in another one.
01:41:36:17 – 01:42:05:23
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Man is not made to succumb to some other reality. We should throw the reality that the white man gave us back in his face. Man was made to challenge the reality that he does not like and make a new reality. And then he said, you got what it takes to defeat reality and make a new.
01:42:05:26 – 01:42:40:18
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
That ought to become the black man’s credo. To live. Look at how much money we could make. If $1.3 trillion was just circulating amongst us. So far, it’s going out to everybody else. We so mixed up. We want reparations, and without separation. See, God was smart. He starts out, Moses, don’t go tell Pharaoh. Give us some money. Pay us back for slavery.
01:42:40:20 – 01:43:10:17
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
No, you go tell Pharaoh. I said, let my people go right? Then once they start going, he said, well, before you leave, the book of Exodus said, go and require of the Egyptians. They gold and silver. God didn’t bring up money until it was time to go, because he know if you get your money and you stay with your oppressor, you ain’t gonna have that money for long.
01:43:10:20 – 01:43:14:12
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
01:43:14:15 – 01:43:34:27
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
I think everybody, or at least get $100,000, the man said. That ain’t going to never make Cadillac the number one dealer in America. Black man get $100,000, everybody. We bumping into each other down there. Well, wait a minute. I want to give me the purple one.
01:43:35:00 – 01:43:40:04
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
We ain’t got no sense.
01:43:40:06 – 01:44:09:27
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
So, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, he may talk to, them this weekend, but I’m not sure, about that. I’m the trainer, but let us put our mind and heart set it to help. Help him and Brother Joseph get ready to close us out. Okay. Thank you again. And listen, I want to see every believer next Sunday, every registered believer that belongs to this mass next Sunday.
01:44:09:29 – 01:44:16:16
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Please be out. I’m sending a letter out. Thank you.
01:44:16:19 – 01:44:20:01
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
All praise due to all our dear family. Let’s give him another round of applause.
01:44:20:04 – 01:44:25:05
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Delaware Valley Regional Minister Rodney Muhammad, as our brother was,
01:44:25:07 – 01:44:45:08
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Teaching today. Voice of sovereignty. But before I go there, how many, offer their first time? They’ve got me first timers. Never been here before. We have two right here. Praise be to Allah. Give them a round of applause, my sisters. Who invited y’all out for you, grandma? Oh, praise be. So was was my sister. They give her a round of applause.
01:44:45:11 – 01:44:49:25
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Both of y’all.
01:44:49:27 – 01:44:50:26
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Brother Djibril.
01:44:50:26 – 01:44:51:23
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
Okay, pray.
01:44:51:26 – 01:45:09:15
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
We have two in here. But nevertheless, we get both of a round of applause. Praise. Thank you for being here, dear sister. Both of you. And, my next question is, how many of us believe that what we heard today is true? That is good for our people. This is my show of hands. So praise be to Allah.
01:45:09:17 – 01:45:28:16
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Well, my next question it is, is that I can’t ask you, do you want to join the Nation of Islam? You’re already a member. But what I would like to ask you is this question. Would you be willing to come forward, accept your own, and be yourself, and to learn more about yourself? You heard our brother and part of it.
01:45:28:18 – 01:45:45:15
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Our sisters do the same thing that our brother was doing. We got sister ministers too, and they dropped. So would you be willing to come forward today? There’s no compulsion, but if you would like, I would just like to bring the mic down, get a fist pump. You have to shake my hand. But on behalf of our Delaware Valley.
01:45:45:22 – 01:45:49:15
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Regional Minister and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, I just like to.
01:45:49:15 – 01:46:17:20
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Shake your hand on their behalf. Get your name and shout it on the mountaintop. This. What was your name? I’m around. There we go. What’s the name? Sister India. Sister India. Great. There she is. Give her a round of applause. My sister, you don’t have to get up. What’s your name? So my sister Somaya. Somaya S.A.C. Somaya, thank you for being here.
01:46:17:20 – 01:46:20:12
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Both of you. All praises do so again. If you’d like to talk.
01:46:20:12 – 01:46:20:22
Student Minister Rodney Muhammad
To Sister.
01:46:20:23 – 01:46:33:12
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Arlene in private, talk to her and she will tell you about the sisters lessons that we have just for our women. Thank you, dear family. So as we move on.
01:46:33:15 – 01:46:52:24
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Y’all. Sorry. That was a righteous hug, right? I have witnesses, so if Brother Joseph get in trouble, all y’all come to the witness stand for me. All right, praise this. You all are but dear family. And let us move on with the rest of our meeting. And, immediately after the closing prayer, we’re going to move to our chairwoman seasons of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
01:46:53:01 – 01:47:09:23
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
And then Allah of all good time, who will allow you to be able to give whatever it is and whatever amount you would love to give. But let me not be remiss in my duty and not thanking you for the first act of charity that was given today, and that is of your time. Thank you for coming and spending time with us to hear.
01:47:09:25 – 01:47:35:11
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
The life giving teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is represented by the Amen Minister, Louis Farrakhan. Yes, sir. The all you. Oh. Together a conglomerate. Everett consolidated Everett, $45. I’m going to give a round of applause. Praise be to Allah. And with that being said, the family again, thank you for your time. just a few short announcements and we’ll close with prayer right after this.
01:47:35:13 – 01:47:57:18
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
announcements are, number one. And save the date August 3rd for sisters only sisters line dancing in Willingboro, new Jersey. See flier. I don’t have the flier with me, but if not, check your emails. And if you’re not on our mailing list, see one of the those from the, Student Ministry of Information. Brother severe. And he can put you in, and you can stay abreast of all of our announcements that come forth.
01:47:57:20 – 01:48:23:25
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
number two, we have national business meeting Wednesday, August the 7th. And, you know, that week has that monumental event that, accompanies the, business meeting the following day on Thursday, the National fast again. So if you haven’t been a part of the National fast chatter, we all should try it for there’s a benefit. And if you want to reset your immune system, do the national fast.
01:48:23:27 – 01:48:26:16
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Y’all. All right. We’ll get into that. That’s a subject right there.
01:48:26:16 – 01:48:27:13
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
And I don’t want to get it because I.
01:48:27:13 – 01:48:57:25
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
Said that we’re going to go through the announcements the Covid prayer, but come back out. We will be teaching on the benefits of that fast. number for August 10th. Summer singles. Summer Singles Socials is a $25 donation is from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., and you must complete a survey to participate. And I’ll say that again, it is a summer singles event, so it’s for those who aren’t married yet and you’re looking to look for a partner when you’re trying to want to, mingle with those who are in the same boat that you are in.
01:48:57:25 – 01:49:22:29
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
And maybe something, lucrative can build as a relationship down the road. Come to the event, but there’s a donation of $25 and also support the LCC. Education is a key. it’s a learning center. And my affiliate offering this year, 2024 to 25, a virtual learning experience. So there’ll be online classes that you can sign your children, grandchildren up for.
01:49:23:01 – 01:49:39:09
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
what we have to do is check your email again. If you’re not on the email, go downstairs and see, Brother Severe or someone at the secretary’s table who would be willing to give you something. Yes, ma’am. Sister Arlene.
01:49:39:12 – 01:50:04:05
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
The singles? no. For single believers. Yes, ma’am. It’s a single believers. Yes, ma’am. I thought I suggested. I’m going to say it again. All y’all married folks stay away from them. Is that clear? No. So it’s for singles. So anyone who’s, Yes, it’s for the singles. Anybody else there? Anything else on that? Okay. Praise be to Allah and the education.
01:50:04:12 – 01:50:25:05
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
the key to learning center, online classes. check out the second story table on the way out. And also on the way out there near the secretary’s table, we have hoagies on sale. Drinks and desserts are available. So your family. That concludes our announcements for today. all hearts and minds at ease. Praise be to Allah.
01:50:25:06 – 01:50:30:15
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
And at this time, let us stand for prayer.
01:50:30:17 – 01:51:06:22
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
In a manner in which you are most comfortable. Follow along. Silent in the name of Allah to beneficent the Most Merciful one God, to whom all praises do. The Lord of the worlds, the beneficent, the Most Merciful, master of the Day of Judgment, in which we now live, the alone, the we serve, and the alone we beseech. For in all Allah guide us on the street path, the path of those upon whom thou has bestowed the favors, and not the path of those upon whom by wrath is born death, and nor those who go straight after hearing that Jesus c he one Allah, is he upon whom we all depend, and due to be get
01:51:06:24 – 01:51:24:21
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
nor God, and there’s none like him. I bear witness that none deserves to be served the words of the side of the law, who appear to us in the person of Nestor W, father of Muhammad, who eternally grateful to him for given to us his wise choice, and the messenger Messiah, the exalted, the risen, the living Christ in the most honorable Elijah Muhammad.
01:51:24:23 – 01:51:42:12
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
And so the two of them we thank them for the gift that they given to us in the messianic figure that walks among us and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, we send their names, we pray. I mean, dear family, the meeting is to Smith. Go in peace. But remember, we are never to be the aggressor, but we fight with those who fight with us.
01:51:42:14 – 01:51:43:08
Student In The Ministry Joseph Muhammad
I Salaam alaikum.